Extra Judicial Killing

Chapter 23: Chapter 7. The devil's lounge

An old and wrinkly hand of a woman did appear on such dream. Such woman did made someone's life suffer hell. A young guy pure saw love within but hatred deep in it. It took him a decades to learn such hatred. An old wrinkly hand of a man directly related to him was tortured with in. For three decade, I wonder how deep would a man's pride be shattered into pieces. A man who did travel the world, a man who provided the need of his family, a man who is treathen like a slave by the woman. He saw how his father started to rampage and break things on its own. He saw his father being overcome with fatigue. He saw how his so called oldest sisters trampled him. He saw how his father started to act like a lunatic. Yet in response, a young boy is taking care of him with lots of cares. Then he saw a tragic scene. He opened up his eyes and he woke up like usual. On his side there lies a still drugged woman. He then did checked his hands and he saw lots of sweats on it. He smiled and he said "Well they all are dead. There's still one of them left. One from overseas. Unfortunately.". He stood up and he started to tidy himself. Then he went on his laboratory and he checked the whereabouts of the hovering mosquitoes. On the screen it says "34 km left.". He then did said "2 more days to go, and another politician will eventually experience hell.". He then did went out of his house and he go for a breather. What welcomes him is forest Place. Green towering trees, lots of tall grasses, a rocky road and fresh air. He started to drag his foot and he goes for the nearby wood. While the great villain is doing his job, in overseas, someone is watching him. Someone who is watching his existence from the very time. Someone who is afraid of death, someone who is afraid of the devil's existence. He saw how the devil himself did started to kill, everyone on their family lineage. It all started with one push, and the devil did started a brutal murder. Blood was spilled unto the ground, and he saw how the devil did tasted each and everyone of them. He saw how murderous he is, he still remember some one from their family had his head hanged unto the street. Only the head was left. He saw how everything happens. It all started with the guy breaking his peace of mind, his peaceful life and his privacy. It all started with one push, and blood was spilled. He stood up and he started to check his computer. "That guy is a lunatic.". Unknown to him, with the devil's brain, something on his neck is already attached and the great devil gave mercy unto him. Back to where the main villain is, he is hacking a wood with an axe, and on his eyes there lies a great image of a beast.

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