Extra Judicial Killing

Chapter 27: Chapter 11. Ruined the tomb

Sitting on a wooden chair he raised his head and he watched the bluish sky of the afternoon. The hot and scorching sun is leaking In and out of his body and on his face says that he is tired. "You all, did ruin my peaceful life.", he then did start to wipe out the sweat that makes him wet and he says "This peaceful mind that I have, was shattered like a glass. All of your voices did start to make my life, miserable.". Then he look at the burial grounds right on his front. "The voices that comes from my head, did made me bleed a lot.". He then did start to look up to the sky again and he said "My eyes, I don't know but you are watching my life." He then did said "I tasted blood, and it tasted good.". Then he saw a memory inside his head " a memory of him, brutally killing those persons behind him. In just one night, he killed them all, professionally. Those family of him, who did made him experience what treachery is. For on their eyes are the so called hundreds of lies. Inside them is a blood of hatred that he never knew. He saw a great fire that kill all of the villagers on a small town. "I only want a peaceful life, and you did break it". Then he look on his front, and he saw set of head barbecues on a log post. Those are the heads of his family, who treated him like a fool. He saw hundreds and hundreds of barrels near him and he added "all i need is to leave a peaceful life with my family. Yet you disturbed it.". Then he closed his eyes and there he saw hundreds of glib tongue that was slained by his own hand. "I dont want to die, please save me.". "Spare me and ill serve you for my entire life.". "I am not his family, I am not one of them. I never did joined them". "Please cousin, do not listen to them.". The great devil then did gave out a devilish laugh and he said "Cousins?, relatives?, Neighbor?, they all are filled with madness, traitors, murderers and thieves. They send me to hell, and I did enjoyed it so much". He look above him and there he saw the innocence of those white clouds, pure hovering and moving on one straight and slow motion, he saw birds hovering mid air, enjoying their flight, then he said "My father, never did I realized that he already suffered for more than 3 decades. In your hands, you tortured him, made him hungry, made him bleed, made him lunatic because of this brain thing. This voices speaking right inside of our head." He paused for awhile and he added "My mother, torture because of it. Crying when I am still young, crying for help, crying on the street, trying to look for work. Even to the latter years, when we were able to stand somehow, never would I imagine their suffering because of this thing. Their cries, their pain. I finally recognize such things". Then he look at the long dead body of such family. Then he stood up from his sit and he then moved unto them. He took them one by one with his own hand. Treat it like a ball, and he throws them unto their own opened tomb. It took him minutes before he keep everything neat and clean. Then he said "You made me suffer for several years. Then I guess it is just fine for me to humiliate your resting place with this. I'll play with you again whenever I like it. Unfortunately, there's no rest in peace for you maggots". He then did went in on his old Nissan and car and he start to drove it back to his hidden and wooden house. On his eyes he saw his next victim. Such eyes says that he is up for another kill.

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