Extra Judicial Killing

Chapter 31: Chapter 1.

"Son of a dog, get out of our town.".

"She is mentally craze individual. She should be banished from our town.".

"Crazy whore.".

Such malevolent speech did resonated on a nearby house. The Saddest thing is that it all comes out from the mouth of a young child. Then what comes next are laughters, laughter for the person whom they are trying to emphasise as crazy one. Then a loud rumbling of stone did appear on such house. It was thrown by the little kids. Then at that moment, a neighbour beyond contempt did played his radio. "He is still alive. Get your stones and throw it on that house.". Then what comes next are jesting from the radio station. "That Dog should be dead by now. What did he say? Mercy?. He is looking for mercy. Let us all laugh, together. Hahahahaha.". At that moment, kids did start to laugh and they all are throwing fit to the old poor house. Unknown to them a hideous being is just silently watching them. He then did said to himself. "So the governor is on the move again. So the government is on their job again." He then did start to laugh and he said, "it's killing time.". He looked at the poor old lady, trying to compose herself from such torment. She is inside the house trying to compose herself from such toxic environment. With an old wrinkled forehead, and a sad expression on her eyes. It could clearly show how fatigue she is.

The torture is just too much for him to bare so so he starts to move in silence. It needs time, and time could clearly see how he do it like a man. Sunset did start to fall, and night time did start to arise. With his presence alone anyone should be terrified. However, it seems to me that they don't even know his existence.

"Thus on that night, one man did start to slaughter them all."

It took him, 6 hours, before he silently killed every one on that town.

Children with broken heads, twisted beyond contempt. Mothers and daughters sleeping together with dislocated head. Face were shown backwards and spines are twisted beyond redempt. In contrary, not even the spare of winds were shared nor a glimpse of noise was heard. The lurking shadow then

did start to move hideously unto the radio station and there he saw things. Their conversation goes like this.

"Look at her, she is clearly fatigue and the government is doing their best to kill them.".

"I pity them, we are just doing our job.".

Then at that moment, one man did appear out in the shadows and he said " Thats right, you all are just doing your job.". Then he starts to kill them with his own hand. Silently, and viscously, he killed them with his own hands. Not even a shred of blood was spilled, not even a loud gunshot, not even a mist of drench red blood.

The villain then did start to talk and he said

"They treated her family like dogs. I myself, suffer eternal hell because of those person sitting on their thrones. Thus In reward to your great tenacity, I myself shall send this town to hell.".

The villain then did start to give a great bow and he start to vanish in the shadows. The villain did encountered hell too, merciless and hard way. Not even a kindness were shared to him. Thus in response, he paid no heart to the town whom he just saw. The drama begun with him lurking on a shadow, finding a safe place for his haven. When all of a sudden, he saw a terrible news. Accidentally with his phone, then he realized what's going on. So with his own feet he lurks on the shadows and did start to observe. "Have you heard of a family being shamed and tortured by the government.". "Yes, it is a poor family of three.". "So in the end, the government consider them as dogs.". "Yes, what a poor being. Shall we join the fray?.". "Sure, why not, let us all join together and vanished that family.". Unbeknown to them, one man is lurking on the shade, watching their very own moves. Then he start to enter the house target then he said. "So a person, like me. Their eyes, are being watched by the government. Their very movement are being tracked by the government. What a poor being.". So the rampage starts. Hidden with in the shadows and he smirked. "You don't event know, how it feels to feel the pain chilling down to your very bones. You don't even know how it feels to feel the pain and numbness on your bones. I, myself, knows it well. However. As a quick and painless reward, tonight, I myself shall send you to the heavens gate.". He did so, and the whole town was forever filled with silence.

The next day, on his new house, the great villain is on his day. "So the government did not even change. They all are still using the old, intels, person with eyes connected to the government. I pity their old ones crying to the young ones criticism. Scattered In all of every regions, scattered to check things out.".

He starts to visualize how authority are able to track their family agenda, business and lifestyle. He start to visualize how the hell is someone watching his own eyes. He start to remember their family line, and he starts to laugh.

"Oh i forgot, that's the reason why, there's a mayhem inside and out of our family line. My Condolence to my own family. This government of fool, has no sympathy to those who were the victim.".

He did start to visualize his past.

"Of course they all will trick them saying they all are lunatics. ". Then he visualize fhe poor old lady and he start to remember the laughing young ones and he said. "My Condolence to the town that I have killed. ". He stood up and he start the rest of his day.

End of chapter 1.

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