Extra Judicial Killing

Chapter 34: Chapter 4


"Whole place got brutally killed in just a couple of days."

At that moment, a villain sitting comfy on a chair is silently drinking his coffee ordered on a cafeteria. It was at that moment when the news flashes on the TV screen.

"For some unknown reason, a cctv footage appear and on it is a monster killing the radio broadcaster on their office. The police district of the nearby state have already posted a warrant of arrest and a bounty for the monster."

At that moment, one man did gave out a smirk. He smiled so devilishly and he said to himself. "Its a prosecution and a sentence to your lifetime harassment and abusive cases, with lots of Homicide records. You can take it and lick it criminal government.". Then he took a little zip on his coffee. He then remember how powerless he is before that he was abused to the core. It took him decades before he realized things. Slander and mayhem inside the family.

"The region 4 have states an immediate extermination for the guy caught on cctv.".

At that moment a face of different man did appear. As soon as the villain saw the face, he just smiled unto it and he start to enjoy his day.

"Same old, same old. The issue now adays are not worthy of broadcasting live.".

A beautiful waitress then did appear and she gave him his order. A simple pancake of you like.

" here is your order sire.".

"Thank you American pie.".

The waitress did gave out a bow and she went for her daily routine.

Meanwhile the villain is watching the live telecast and there he saw the pile of death. Mountain could be describe and it could immediately be called as the mountain of corpse. Their body are unshaped, broken into bits, strangled by some of a monster. The local government unit decided it to be burnt, not burried to the ground. The villain did just laugh and he casually ate his serve of pancake.

"The governor who have died have already face several cases of human trafficking and multiply murder. There are lots of records revealed unto the public, one survivor have witnessed such case. Here is the recorded video of the interview.".

"The old woman." Said by the villain. Then he smiled.

"Good bye, bye miss American pie. Though I share it to the living but the living is dry.".

So the sfx continued to play.

"And you old boy that drinking whiskey and wine. Saying listen to the day that I die.".

The song is from an old American genre called "American Pie".

The great villain know what the government is. He is just casually roaming around hideous in the shades and as soon as he heard the interview he stood up and he left his table untouched.

"The eyes, the voices, the authority, the media, the government. Same old, same old.". Said by the guy as he Strood his feet and he starts to roam on the city.

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