Extra Judicial Killing

Chapter 37: Chapter 7 Departure

"I never understand, why do you let them go, when they poisoned your father."

"It took me years before I understand the situation. Around 30 years."

"If I were you, I will myself kill them.".

"In my younger age, my father and mother went nuts. They mistook us as a terrorist. Not anyone around us are willing to help us. Do you still remember the guy.".

"Yeah, he went to the principal and do his best to get her recognition and together with the superintendent to graduate the basic education of elementary. What an awkward person, he needed to get the recognition of the head to graduate 1 plus 1."

The poisoned one got serious and he said.

"He died, stomped by a huge metal. Like his father, pummel and pulverised. He is a devil, like me he is poisoned but he, he took a revenge and killed half of our family line. So at that moment, I realized one thing. Not to do the same thing. People would often throw garbage on his tomb. A sign that he is not a good one. Things that tells me, he did brutally tormented lots of people.".

"I wish no one would remember me. I killed them all." Said by the villain.

"I never blame anyone for my poison, instead I took it as a blessing. Though I am hallucinating sometimes but I did never blame anyone for it.".

"Allow me to do work for you as a friend. I myself will hunt them to the very core.". Said by the villain.

"Up to you" said by the poisoned one.

"I remember my father talking to himself like crazy, I thought it was me whom he is cursing, but it's not. Later I did realized his regret, however I cannot fathom to do that. Its up to you, if you will kill them. After all past is past.". Said by the poisoned one.

"I will still have to travel for awhile, its good to see that a member of xmen is still alive. I'll visit you again sometime, thank you for having me here my friend.". Said by the villain.

"Feel free to visit me anytime." Said by the poisoned one.

So the great villain did stood up and he went out of the house. Now that he is rest assured he is now up for another vengeance. Another set of murder thing. He look up above him and he saw blue sky, then he look at the simple guy who is suffering under the effect of poison and all he could see is a strong man. "A hallucination is basic, what a strong guy.". He sparked his engine and he start to wave his good bye to his friend. Then a loud sound of an old Nissan car starts to run on wheels headed for another story. Story of vengeance and murder. "See you my friend, I hope to see you again. I just hope you won't get blind. That poison, that poison in your veins is a terrible thing." Said by himself.

"I am an xmen afterall. I can survive." Said by the poisoned one with out using telepathy. Then at that moment, a beautiful lady with child appear and she start to hug the poisoned one. It's a happy family after all.

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