Extra Judicial Killing

Chapter 40: Chapter 10. Dogs eating a man

The great villain then did appear on a nearby forest and there he starts to listen to the voices coming to his head. He then did waved his head and he said "This land, this land is terrible. Its the same, same to the town which previously killed. I could hear the sentiments of the victims. I could hear their cry.". Then he starts to walk like a normal human and he start to mingle with the crowd. "Men killing men, just so they could arise. They have to kill a man, so they could feel they are better in life. They have to push someone unto the ground just so they could feel superior than anyone. They, all are unjust.". So he starts to look at his hands and he start to think. "What a ridiculous place. I saw an old man being wrecked, his hardship are like nothing to those who do not even own a single thing. He is a captain of a ship and was treated like a slum. I cannot wait to kill them, and cleanse this place from their sin. I cannot wait to see them crawl even more. Never did I saw a captain of a ship turning into a beggar.". So he mingled with the crowd and there he start to wait for the night. He sat on a simple grocery store waiting for hours and hours. "Patient, patient, try to be calm. Patient, midnight will arrive. Patient. I cannot wait for this place to become mad.". He knows it, he knows it well, for he have used it for several times. "The cry of the just is much more important compared to the life of those who are unjust. I would sacrifice the life of the many than to kill the life of one who is innocent.". He listened unto his head and there he knew how dirty the place is. "When that old man die, his land will belong unto us. He is even more blind. We are using his land, growing cows and flocks, he is a useless man. Just abandon him and ignore let him suffer to death.". "He is a foolish guy, look at him how he beg to us. How ugly is it.". "He is the sacrifice to this place, look at how poor he is.". "Take his property,laugh at him all you want. Torture him until he die.". Then the villain could only sit on a nearby grocery store listening to the voices coming in and out of his head. Then he said "Like what I say, I would rather kill the many than the life of the few who are just.". He saw the clock exactly at 6 o'clock. "What a waste, I still have to wait for more than 6 hours. After that, this place will be dead.". He saw a man trying to buy something on his hands and what he could hear is this. "I cannot wait to fuck my girl this evening". Then he said "Good for you.".

Finally the midnight come and here comes the footstep of simple veteran murderer. "I would only need to release toxin, and they will all die. Rest in peace in silence.". That night, a massive number of death will be recorded In the citys police district. Death by an unknown reason, for the great villain have released toxins, enough to kill a certain town. He smiled and he smiled and he said. "For six hours, I stayed on this place, enough to kill you with a poisonous gas. Congratulations, take it as my own way of mercy killing. May you all rest in peace in paradise, sweet dreams.". Then he laughed like a lunatic and he said "May you all, go to paradise. Dogs.".

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