Extra Judicial Killing

Chapter 48: Chapter 18 Massacre

He stood up and he went outside and he start to pile up guns on the patrol car. "Do they have enough patrol cars at all?. Maybe they have 2 or three.". Then he sat on the car start to wait for another back up. He checked the guns and he start to check If there's still enough bullet on it. Then at that moment, patrol car arrive. On a distance he start to fire with guns and it stops for the driver on it were instantly killed. The great villain then did start to lay on the patrols car and Mike a veteran snipe he starts to kill them in a sec. The police officer did talked on the walkie talkie trying to give report, however, bullets welcomed them. "I too am a veteran in terms of firepower.". Then he start kill them with a gun. "YOU REALLY LOVE FRED AND HIS FAMILY.". Then he start to fire guns once more and just like that 5 officers were killed. "Snipe are you on position".said by the officer and at that moment he said "Loud and clear.". One bullet then did flew on the villains chest. However its too late for them, he is no longer of a human. Such bullet did not even penetrate on his flesh. "This community loves fugitive, I am jealous of you Fred calang, unfortunately you are dead.". The officer who saw such thing start to feel fear, and chills starts to appear on his bones. The villain stood up and he walk with his own feet. Civilians who heard gunshots then did start to show up and the villain said "Party time.". Bit by bit, he killed them with his gun. A brutal massacre arrise and the whole town start to be coloured in blood. "I remember my parents smile. Now look at you laying dead unto the ground. This community networks that you have is a disease, no wonder you don't pay any heart to the victims. They died, in mystery, and you just laugh at them. 40 were dead, 12 officers died. One man heading to the nearby hill were the sniper is present is walking on his feet. He saw a huge hill where the municipality lies. However as he walk unto the town, dead folks are starting to appear, laying unto the ground dyed in red blood. Cold and dead, he look at them and he start to remember memories, there he Start to send empathy to them. He walk like a king and he start to remember those who are dead. "The eyes and the ears are gone. No, not yet, there are still a lot of them. I have to clean this place." Said by the villain as he head to where the police station lies. "Man, old, woman, gay, young, all of them, you paid no mercy to them. Person, family, community you choose no one. Tan, sanquina, tubia, cuyno, jubane, cabeltes, all of you must answer to their death. Ah. I forgot, because we need to die and you need to survive.". Said by the king as he start to walk unto his death, the police.

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