Extra Judicial Killing

Chapter 50: Chapter 1

On a small town, there lies a carnage. Rich killing poor, oppression is present. Those who are not worthy to live are played and toyed. They called it a rule of the jungle, however one man arrived. He knows what the eyes and ears are and on his footsteps there lies something and he said "Small things, could really kill. Small silly things could kill.". He roam on such place and he start to remember the faces of the dead. Then he says "Those who are dead are left untold. They cry and beg for mercy yet they were played like toys. Those who are rich won't even realize such things, for they all are rich among rich. I saw some of them cry, and I mostly know all of them. How pitiful, for they all were left unheard. Should i myself talk to them.". And he did so. On a not so far away place, he saw a familiar guy and with a recorder on his hands and a paper with pen he start to talk to them. "Kindly indulge me for one second. Can you still remember this face?. Have you forgotten or have you forgotten of such place?.". Said by him and the person he tries to ask for did suddenly panic, as if he wants to escape. However the villain remained compose and he said "Its fine, im the same too. I got vanished on such place.". The person remained calm and the whole interview thing starts.

"Whos term is it, that your family is sent to ruins?.".

"It was at the year 2016. Rumors, and rumors killed us, until we were mentally deprived. I started to rummage my things and start to act like lunatics. Until such time, where persons and persons are mocking us. What could I do?".

"I heard it, i once walked on that village you are at the front of ruaya residence isn't it?.".

"Thats right.".

"It was 4 pm, and i was going to the vacant lot of my dead uncle. I heard you rummaging things, acting like a crazy folk. Never would I realize that I myself will suffer same thing too.".

"I dont know who did it, but someone inside my head is mocking me.".

"I saw you, infront of our house, just at the front of the residence of a woman. You act like a lunatic, how could I know such things.".

"Why are you here?.".

"I am here to look for witnesses, witnesses of the oppress. Can you sign it here, the petitions.".

The guy then did hurriedly signed the paper and he start to narrate things.

The other day appear and the villain himself is interviewing another men. This time, it was a family whom he knows well. He was once a nursery pastor, he thought kids what is right and wrong. Like wise, the villain asked for something and on his paper he start to wrote things. "Why were you sent out of that town?.". "I was warned of something. I know you, we asked for help, and we went to sell our old motorcycle, just to escape that town. You were there.".

"Thats me" said by the villain.

The other day, the villain went to another house, a place whom he knows well.

"How does it feel, that you were linked to Yaranon and you were marked as crazy one.".

"I'm still alive. Who said that?.".

"Rumors, whispers, afterall, small things could kill". Said by the villain.

"How does It feel cousin, that your wife is being sold to another man?.".

"Who said that?".

"Rumors". Said by the villain.

Then on a certain municipality court in Tandag, one man did filed a case. On his hands are the affidavit of the victims. He knows it well, and he did filed it on the trial court. Now it is time for the victim to stood their grounds. "Well, here I am, playing the verdict. There was once a saying "Bodhi lies on your roots. Those who are naturally born evil will have to answer for their crimes. Those who are naturally born righteous will arise. Unfortunately my privacy and my parents private life is jeopardise. You called as dogs. I called you humans. Humans with ill bodhi fate. Now you will have to pay for the this families last names, cutamora, boiler, sanquina, Lamigo, salvaleon, damiar, tan, plaza, hipulan, gumanoy. Its just sad, that I can no longer see any hope to them. Now lets be a witness and see how the jury will act. " Its time for warrant of arrest. Oh he is overseas. So its time for an updated Warrant of Arrest".

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