Extra Judicial Killing

Chapter 59: The sad reality of a whore

An old aged woman, clearly torture in life acting like a normal one. She preservere for a very long time. On her eyes is his son, about to die. Her only beloved son, who suffered same syndrome as her. Unable to hold, died in vain. She once dream of a good life. Yet reality hits her that much. She become a whore to the public, and they all were playing tricks on her head. She suffered more than enough from the hands of her husband, she went well and look for a way to make their life better. In the end, all that is with in her were taken into ruins. Her beloved faith to the god is what all that is left. How bad the situation is when even the crowd would jeer unto her, for they all are against of her existence. Now what comes next is the death of her only beloved son. She looked unto the heavens and cried for help, for not even the humans nor living around her are forgiving. But they all are filled with malice and hate. On her eyes where the vision of her childhood. On her hands were documents and papers of the old office of 1990s. She worked hard but because of love and family was sent into custody taking care of his beloved son. The crowd are merciless and in the end, she became a housewife. Then an image or her doing business while being a lunatic on a metro manila appear, and all that are around her are like actors and actresses. She cried and cried several times for the syndrome she did not even knows. Those that are related to her husband are maniac and lunatics. 2000 and a vision of her on the province did appear, not a modern but old, ancient of old. Those that are around are unforgiving, even those that are young. They mistreated her as a whore, her naked body were seen by those that are dogs. Her son, as he was getting old are clueless even her husband. But the whispers are real. Her kind heart, care for her mother in law. She gave care unto her, despite of her family being trampled into dust. The crowd are unforgiving towards them. Her husband finally did gave same syndrome and were sent into ruins, yet none of those that are close to them did helped them, instead send them into dust. Yet theg strive and live, despite of the eyes and the voices inside their head. The witness their son, only son did not forget of the things. So he wrote and wrote things that are not fiction, not of a tale, but a reality. In then end he too, did suffer the same. On his deaths bed, he wrote things, wrote and wrote more things, which is not of a fiction but of a tale to make those that are around them aware. The woman, old and wrinkled hands touched his sons face, as a tear drops on her face. For the reality is as harsh as ever, and the life of their family were sent into ruins once again. "You are not alone, my friend. This place is as horrible and horrible as you know.". A hand did touched the shoulder of a woman, yet unknown to them, a prayer , a prayer of old were crying on the woman's heart. For She believe in heavens and gods. Her prayer will be heard, not too long but after her son died.

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