Chapter 11: Chapter 11
"I can't believe you thought I'm a ghost!" Mavis pouted at Natsu and Laki.
'But you are a ghost.' Natsu and Laki sweatdrop as the first master of Fairy Tail stomp her feet like a child.
"I was, I was so scared I thought there is a ghost somewhere here." Mavis sobbed, looking around the dungeon.
'But you are a ghost.' Thought both Natsu and Laki.
"Thankfully, it's just a false alarm." Mavis sighed in relief, "It's great that my guild isn't haunted,"
'But it is!'
"Well, now that the mystery has been solved, I guess I should introduce myself." Said Mavis as she smiled at the two, "I am Mavis Vermillion, the founder and first master of Fairy Tail. It's a pleasure to meet you two."
"Is she going to curse us?" Whispered Natsu to Laki.
The lavender haired girl shivered in fear at that though.
"Hey!" Mavis pouted, swinging her arms, "I told you, I'm not a ghost! Now, who are you two?"
"L-Laki Olietta?" She elbowed Natsu, signaling him to go next.
"N-Natsu Dragneel." Said Natsu.
Mavis eyes slightly widened at that, "Dragneel?"
"It's …nothing." Mavis shook her head, throwing away that memory she can't forget to the back of her mind, "I actually wanted to tell you about what happened to Tenrou."
"Tenrou?" Laki's eyes widened, "Do you know what happened to them first master?"
"They are still alive," said Mavis, giving them a gentle smile, "Before Acnologia unleashed that terrifying breath attack, I managed to cast Fairy Sphere and protected."
"R-Really?!" Laki smiled brightly at that information.
"Then where are they?!" Natsu also seems to have regained his spirit as he stared at Mavis in excitement, "We tried searching for them for an entire week, but couldn't find anything!"
Mavis shook her head, "It's unfortunate, but my Fairy Sphere put them in a stasis. They won't be able to wake up for around seven years or so. Time has stopped for them. And right now, they are fast asleep, protected by Fairy Sphere."
"Seven years?" Natsu narrowed his eyes, before sighing and just gave a relieved smile, "Well, at least they're alive right? We just have to keep the guild running until they returned."
"R-Right!" Laki nodded, "But we need to select a new guild master first, we can't do anything if the council forced us to disband."
Natsu turned towards Mavis, "First, can you meet up with the other members and explain the situation to them? If it's not too much trouble, maybe you can help us choose a new master."
Mavis smiled at him, "I don't know about choosing a new master, but I can indeed explain the situation to them. So, shall we go?"
Natsu nodded as he led the way, with Laki following him and Mavis just floating above them.
The guild seemingly shook from the loud exclamations of the members after they have learned the exact details about Tenrou from the 'ghost' of their first master.
Even Natsu felt his eardrums were about to burst, but even so, he did not lash out, understanding their reaction.
"That's what the first said," said Natsu.
Mavis nodded, "They are still under my spell, on a stasis and will continue to do so until around seven years later, where my spell would lose its effects and bring Tenrou back to the surface."
"Well, that's good to hear." Said Wakaba, grinning slightly as he raised a mug of beer, "This calls for celebration!"
"Our guild still needs a master," Macao smacked Wakaba on the head, "We can celebrate later."
"How about we ask Porlyusica?" Asked Max Alors, the social butterfly of Fairy Tail and a mage who uses sand magic.
"Right," Alzack nodded, "Isn't she part of Master Makarov's team in the past?"
"Should we visit her?" Asked Bisca.
The two gunslingers then thought of the time they visited the old woman in the woods and shivered.
Yeah, they won't be coming back.
"I told you not to come back to my house."
An old female voice sounded as the guild doors opened, and Porlyusica can be seen walking inside.
"Granny," Natsu grinned at the Fairy Tail's resident Medicinal Advisor, "It's good that you're here, now can you help us choose the next master? As the oldest member currently available, I think you have this rights."
"Don't call me granny you brat!" Porlyusica exclaimed, glaring at Natsu, "and besides, if it's about seniority then there's someone more suited than me."
She turned towards Mavis, who was still smiling at everything that is going on. Though, upon hearing Porlyusica, she couldn't help but chuckle and say; "Well, I already retired, I don't think it's suitable for me to interfere with the new generation."
Porlyusica stared at him for a few seconds before nodding. She then took out a letter from her cloak and showed it to them, "This is the letter left behind by Makarov in the worst case scenario that he …passed away."
"They're not dead." Natsu frowned.
"Calm down brat, I know." Porlyusica glared at him, "Anyways, as I was saying, this letter contains all candidates that we deem worthy to inherit the position in case of something like this happening."
"Ah! No wonder we couldn't find any will or something in the guild, so it's in your hands." Said Macao.
Porlyusica opened the letter and began reading it, "In the event that I am unable to continue my duties as the Guild Master of Fairy Tail, I hereby declare my successor to be…Gildarts Clive."
"But Gildarts is in Tenrou," said Max, looking disappointed, "How do we choose our master now?"
"Maybe there's more," said Laki, "Master shouldn't just have one candidate in mind."
Natsu nodded, "Is there something more granny?"
"I told you stop calling me that!" Porlyusica exclaimed, but she still did not take her eyes off the letter, "In the event that the previous condition no longer applies, I hereby declare my successor to be…Laxus Dreyar."
"Shit, Laxus was expelled from the guild!" Said Wakaba.
"Maybe we can search for him?" Suggested Nab, Fairy Tail's most indecisive member who couldn't choose a job.
"…Is there more Miss Porlyusica?" Asked Macao.
Porlyusica did not give a response and continued on reading. "In the event that none of the mentioned conditions apply, I hereby declare my successor to be the guild member with the greatest compassion, most wisdom, and above all; the ability to understand the hearts of his or her comrades. That is all."
"I'm surprised Erza wasn't a candidate," whispered Natsu.
"And we're back to square one." Sighed Macao, "Compassion, Wisdom, and the ability to understand someone's hearts …who can fit such a role?"
"Compassion and understanding," Laki turned towards Natsu, 'He fit the bill, but wisdom …hmm.'
"Just ask the first master if you can't decide," Said Porlyusica, "I have already delivered the message, I'll be taking my leave."
"Ah, Miss Porlyusica wait …and she already left." Wakaba sighed seeing Porlyusica not even turning around and just hurriedly left the guild.
"First master, what do you think?" Asked Macao.
"I believe you are the most appropriate for the job, yes." Said Vijeeter, the guild's resident dancer.
Mavis chuckled nervously, "I don't think it's appropriate for me to interfere."
"But first master, you are the most qualified for this. If we appoint a new master that others do not approved, we might cause some dissatisfaction and could affect the relationship of everyone in the guild. But if it's you, I'm sure they won't be able to say anything."
That is true. If Makarov choose someone as his successor, no one would say anything since it's the master's decision, and they knew they can trust his judgement.
Now, Makarov is gone …if they just decided to choose a new master, it might strain the relationship of some of the guild members who doesn't agree with the chosen candidate. After all, that position was not handed down by the previous master, but just given to them.
But if Mavis was the one to select a new master, then that means that person earned the recognition of the founder of their guild and can be trusted to lead their guild and guide its members.
"Well, if you insist." Mavis nodded, seeing everyone in the guild urging her. "Then, the one who is going to be the fourth master of this guild …will be you."
Everyone followed where Mavis pointed her finger at, and their eyes widened in disbelief.
Said candidate blinked, pointing at himself in confusion. Mavis nodded at him and smiled, and he couldn't help but shook his head.
"No! Nononono! No!" Natsu took a step back in fright, "Me!? Seriously!? I'd destroy the guild faster than the council could disband us!"
"He gets it!"
Mavis ignored the commotion, "I can feel it, your heart. Your heart cares for this guild and its members more than anyone else in here."
That silenced everyone in the guild as they began to ponder the first master's words.
Indeed. Natsu might have some destructive tendencies, but if the guild were to be insulted, or if someone hurt a member of their 'family', Natsu will be the first to go wild and have revenge.
He had proved it time and time again.
If Natsu were to really become the master, then they can rest assured that no one can bully their guild without suffering in return.
"I can see your point first master," said Macao, "but Natsu isn't really what I'd call 'wise'. And no Natsu, I'm not calling you dumb."
"Oh." Natsu nodded, calming down. He thought Macao was implying that he was dumb and was about to lash out.
"It's fine," Mavis grinned in confidence, "I will tutor him."
"Well, that's fine too." Macao nodded.
"I don't have any objections." Said Wakaba.
"I agree as well." Laki nodded.
"Same here."
"Natsu does seem to be the most suitable right now."
One by one, everyone in the guild showed their support to Natsu taking the title of the master.
"W-Wait! I haven't agreed yet!" Natsu's cries were ignored.
Mavis smirked, pointing her finger at him as she stood up, "Be prepared. I will make sure, that by the time I'm done with you, you'd be a wise and knowledgeable master with a tactical mind capable of winning wars!"
"Don't I got some say in this!?"