Fairy Tail: Master Dragneel

Chapter 9: Chapter 9

Sun Village, the next day.

Natsu, Laki, and their new companion Flare were standing outside the village and saying their farewells to the giants, with Flare bawling her eyes out.

However, Natsu was more focused on Laki …how the heck does she look so fine after integrating with an essence flame?

Is Atlas Flame's methods made it easier to integrate to one's body?

If so, after he find another flame he will have to ask Atlas Flame for help. He doesn't want to experience that pain again.

And speaking of essence flame, Atlas Flame told him the location of one. He said that it would be the most suitable for him and is also stronger than his Ten Thousand Beast Flame.

After resting in the guild for awhile, Natsu planned on heading there immediately. He needs to get strong quick, after all with his current strength, beating Acnologia would be impossible even in a dream.

"Flare! You must take care of yourself! Don't forget to eat three times a day! Take a bath and keep yourself neat and tidy! Brush your teeth every day! And you must sleep early!" Org, the guardian giant said to Flare.

"Humans! We won't forgive you if we found out that you made our Flare cry!" One of the giants warned.

"No amount of prayers would save you if we found out that Flare is suffering because of you!" Threatened another giant.

Flare wiped her tears and smiled at the giants, "Everyone! I will be leaving now! I'll make sure to take care of myself! So you must look after yourselves too! I'll come by and visit everyone from time to time!"

"Wooooh!! Flare!! You must visit us alright!!?"

"May the Eternal Flame bless you in your journey!!"

Laki simply smiled at this heartwarming scene. It reminds her of Fairy Tail. She may no longer have a family, but the guild will always be her home.

She stood beside Natsu and whispered, "She took it quite well, huh."

"Yep," Natsu nodded, smiling softly, "that she did."

"She got such a nice family." Laki smiled, staring at Flare who was still saying her goodbyes.

"Well, she's going part of ours too. So let's make sure not to make her feel like an outsider." Said Natsu.

"We shall." Laki chuckled.

Finally, after a few minutes, Flare finished her goodbyes as she walked towards the pair of Fairy Tail mages as they left to call the coachman for their ride back.




Mito Senju, the client's manor.

"You know I asked you for a fruit, not to kidnap a little girl." Mito stated, seeing the red haired girl sitting between Natsu and Laki.

"Ha, ha, very funny." Natsu rolled his eyes, "I didn't know old people can still make jokes."

"Yes, as I am sure you don't know a lot of things." Said Mito.

"I'm not that stupid!" Natsu pouted at the old woman. "And Flare is a new member of our guild, we didn't kidnap her! We have permission from her dad!"

Laki sighed as she motioned for Natsu to calm down, and he did, albeit begrudgingly. She rolled her eyes, thinking that he was the one who started it.

"Here is the fruit ma'am," Laki handed a small tree branch with the fruit on it to Mito, "It's as fresh as can be. I left the branch with most of my magic power so it would probably last for a week at most before wilting."

Well, it can keep fresh for that long not only because of her magic power —even if she used up all her magic power she won't have enough to keep the fruit fresh for a week — but also because she nourished it with the essence flame she received from Atlas Flame.

"A week? You have impressive magical reserve girl." Mito took the branch and started inspecting the fruit, "It is indeed the Will of Fire, thank you for completing my request."

She gently placed it to the side before raising her hand, and immediately two maids, with each carrying a wooden case walked in.

"Here are your rewards; 100 thousand Jewels, and magic scrolls detailing every spell my husband developed in his lifetime." Said Mito as the maids handed the chest to Laki and Natsu.

"By the way granny," Natsu just stared at the rewards with an uninterested expression, "You did not forget your promise right? The scroll?"

Mito rolled her eyes, "I'm old, not senile. Of course I didn't." She turned towards one of the maids, "Bring it here."

The maid nodded before leaving the room. A few moments later she returned carrying a wooden case and placed it in front of Natsu.

Mito looked at the dragon slayer, "that scrolls contains all 22 types of essence flame that has been discovered since ancient times."

Natsu took the scroll and skimmed through it. He eventually noticed that Laki's Life Spirit Flame is rank 5, while his Ten Thousand Beast Flame is rank 21, second to the last.

No wonder his flame gave off a feeling of reverence and submission towards Laki's flame.

"There is actually a rumor that a 23rd flame would appear once all 22 flame were gathered," said Mito, "I don't know if that is true though."

"Hoh?" Natsu smirked at that little information.

His eyes then stopped at the flame ranked 8th, the Three Thousand Burning Flame. The flame that Atlas Flame told him.

According to the information in this scroll, the Three Thousand Star Fire Flame is born within the stars, and is able to absorb starlight to grow stronger.

When this flame is formed, silver fire descends from the sky, and the land within thousands of miles would be just like a desert, with no differentiation between day and night, for the stars won't show, and the sun won't rise.

This flame also possesses the ability of "Three Thousand Star Physique", granting its owners immense recovery powers, allowing them to have what is widely known as "undying bodies".

'Atlas Flame is right, this flame is very suitable for me!' Natsu grinned.

Though the info about this flame is probably an exaggeration, but this alone speaks volumes of how strong this flame is.

Even if it's not as strong as said in the scroll, he was sure that it would at least be stronger than his current essence flame.

"By the way," Mito started, gaining the attention of Laki and Natsu, "I have intel that the Fire Mountain Rock Flame can be found, sealed somewhere in Mount Kazan located in the country of Desierto."

"Really? I guess I should check it out after …" Natsu glanced at the scroll and found the Fire Mountain Rock Flame and is ranked 16th.

According to the scroll, this flame can only be born from the depths of a volcano. It grants its owners the ability to summon literal meteors for attack.

'Seriously?! And this is only ranked 16th!? Just how ridiculously overpowered are these Essence Flames!?'

'Still, Desierto huh?' Natsu hummed in thought, 'If I remember correctly, they are perhaps one of the richest countries in the world despite being a desert country.'

Desierto is known for being the continent's largest provider of Magicrite, a magical ore necessary to make Lacrimas.

Lacrimas are the world's most important source of energy since it has been discovered/invented.

Its products underpin modern society, mainly supplying energy to power industry, heat homes and provide fuel for vehicles to carry goods and people all over the world.

Not to mention they are also used as a power source for magic items which helps in bettering the lives of humans in Earthland.

With Desierto being the largest provider of Magicrites, it isn't strange for them to be one of the richest countries in the world.

"Thank you for your help, Fairy Tail mages." Mito bowed lightly.

"Ah, no, please don't bow." Laki panicked seeing that, "We were just doing our jobs. We already got our pay so there's no need for that."

"That's right. In fact, the pay was already too much." Said Natsu, feeling a little ashamed, "You even told me the location of one of the essence flames."

Mito raised her head, "Then, before you leave, please do join us for dinner. We prepared a feast for you."

"Yosh!" Natsu pumped his fist. "Thank you very much! We'd gladly accept!"

"Thank you very much." Laki bowed lightly.



Fairy Tail, Magnolia.

"Everyone, we have letter from the council!" Said Macao, gaining the attention of everyone on the guild.

"What is it?" Asked Wakaba, "Is it about property damages again? Because that's nothing new."

"Well, the council has been finding excuses to disband us." Said Reedus Jonah, the guild's resident painter and Pict Mage.

"I haven't read it yet," said Macao as he opened the letter, and a projection of a frog-like creature appeared.

["Greetings Fairy Tail. I am the Council's Messenger hear to deliver you a very important message."]

Everyone tensed.

["The council has given you a week at most to choose your new master, or else your guild will be forcefully disbanded. And the council also would like to remind you of all your debts due to your guild's destructive nature."]


It was at this moment that everyone remembered that their guild used to not worry about such things since their S-class mages earn enough to pay everything off.

But now, all their core members have 'died' along with Tenrou Island, what they earn from normal jobs won't be enough to pay off all those debts at all!

["Please report to the council in a week after you discussed on who will be your new master. That is all."]

With that, the projection disappeared.

The guild was engulfed in silence as they all looked at each other. Their minds having the same question.

What should they do now?

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