Farming boy with a magic ring

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Ring Space

Ethan Yang didn't know when he woke up, but as his eyes fluttered open, he found himself in a strange place. The pain in his chest throbbed, and with a soft clink, a yellow bullet dropped to the ground beside him.

Huh? Where is this? Didn't I get shot by Scarface? Could this be… the afterlife?

But the air here was oddly fresh — unlike anything he'd ever experienced. Taking a deep breath, he felt an unprecedented clarity. Each inhale left his body relaxed and his mind clear. This was nothing like the air back in his mountainous hometown.

Wait… am I still alive?

Then it struck him. His heart wasn't in the usual place. It was on the right side of his chest — a rare condition he'd been born with. The bullet must have missed his heart. That explained how he survived. But where exactly was he?

Ethan pushed himself to his feet, looking around. In front of him stood a small, rustic cottage with a well nearby, and behind the house stretched a vast bamboo forest. The open space surrounding the well was peaceful, almost surreal. Curious, he made his way toward the cottage.

Inside, the decor was simple. A small wooden bed rested against the wall, and in the center of the room stood an old eight-immortal table. On the table lay a thick, ancient-looking book. Its cover shimmered faintly, and three golden words glowed on the surface: Ease Immortal Spell.

Ease Immortal Spell? What the hell is that?

Before he could open the book, it suddenly flipped open on its own. Golden characters burst from its pages, swirling into the air before diving straight into his forehead.

"What the—?!" Ethan yelled, frozen in place. No matter how hard he tried to move, his body wouldn't respond. The torrent of information poured into his mind, overwhelming him.

When the last golden character settled, the paralysis faded. Ethan staggered, breathing heavily. The knowledge that had just flooded his brain felt oddly familiar now, as if it had always been there.

The book contained three parts. The first granted unparalleled acupuncture skills and massage techniques. The second was the heart of the Ease Immortal Spell — a technique that could manipulate luck itself. The third part explained the mystical properties of the well outside.

Apparently, the water in the well was spiritual water. Any plant or animal soaked in it would grow larger, healthier, and brimming with vitality. The taste was said to be unparalleled, and the nutritional value unmatched.

But the most important revelation? Mastering the Ease Immortal Spell required spiritual energy. Cultivating that energy meant practicing the spell regularly and drinking the well's water. The spiritual water was precious, so giving it to others carelessly was out of the question. However, diluting a few drops into a large bucket of regular water would still create a drink far superior to anything found in the mortal world.

Ethan rushed to the well, peering inside. The water was crystal clear, shimmering like liquid glass. A faint mist of spiritual energy rose from its surface, filling the air with a crisp freshness.

No wonder the air is so pure here… it's all because of this well!

Unable to resist, Ethan cupped his hands, scooped up the water, and drank deeply. Cool and refreshing, it flowed down his throat, leaving a trail of soothing energy in its wake. Every cell in his body seemed to hum with vitality. His mind sharpened, and a feeling of lightness settled over him.

After several gulps, he sighed contentedly — until a rancid smell hit his nose.

Ugh… what the hell is that stench?!

He looked down and nearly gagged. A black, tar-like substance oozed from his skin, coating his body in a foul-smelling grime. Even his face and scalp were covered in the sticky gunk.

"Gross!" Ethan stripped off his clothes and splashed himself with more of the spiritual water, scrubbing the filth away. As the grime washed off, his skin underneath looked noticeably smoother, almost glowing.

Clean and refreshed, Ethan dressed and pondered his situation. As amazing as this place was, he couldn't stay here forever.

How do I get out of here…?

The moment he thought about leaving, his vision blurred. In the blink of an eye, he found himself back in the ditch where he'd been shot. Blood pooled beneath him, and in the center of the puddle lay a jade ring.

Picking it up, Ethan wiped the blood off the ring and slipped it onto his left hand. Was this what brought me into that strange space?

Curious, he focused his mind. Take me back.

With a soft whoosh, he reappeared in the Ring Space.

"Ha! So it really works!" he laughed, testing his newfound power by jumping in and out of the space a few times. The excitement kept him awake until he noticed the sky beginning to lighten.

Lifting his electric scooter, he realized something strange — it felt incredibly light, as if it weighed nothing at all.

Did the spiritual water increase my strength too? He lifted the scooter with one hand, grinning. "Awesome."

But his excitement faded as his mind drifted back to Scarface. Why had he tried to kill him? They'd never crossed paths before. Ethan's gut told him this wasn't a random attack.

It couldn't have been Eric. He barely had time to call for backup, let alone find a hitman who knew my name and my parents' situation.

He shook his head, pushing the thought aside for now.

When Ethan finally got home, he glanced in the mirror — and almost didn't recognize himself. His skin was smoother and fairer, practically glowing. But the biggest change was his eyes. They sparkled like twin stars, deep and mysterious, with a hint of otherworldly allure.

"Damn… I look good!" He grinned, running a hand through his hair.

Then he noticed something strange. The ring… it wasn't visible in the mirror. He looked down at his hand — the ring was clearly there. He checked his phone camera. Same result. The ring couldn't be photographed or seen in reflections.

"Well, that's… interesting."

No matter how hard he tried, the ring wouldn't come off. It felt as if it had fused with his flesh. He gave up after a while, deciding it was probably for the best.

As dawn broke, Ethan felt exhaustion finally creeping in.

If I'm going to sleep, might as well do it in a place full of spiritual energy. With a grin, he willed himself back into the Ring Space, curled up on the small wooden bed, and drifted into the deepest, most peaceful sleep he'd ever had.

Little did he know, this was only the beginning.

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