Chapter 230: Chapter 226 - Before the Last fight 3
"So you already wake up, huh, Angelica Ainsworth," Shirou said while folding his arm on his chest. "How is your feeling after coming back to life as a real human not a doll."
Angelica feel startled by the sudden appearance of Shirou in front of her eyes. How come she didn't feel Shirou presence at all when he coming in to the room where she was woke up.
"Emiya Shirou!" Angelica shouted while gritting her teeth. The deep hate that appear inside her heart to the enemies that beat her quite easily, she really want to shoot out a lot of sword from inside the Gate of Babylon right now. But because she didn't have her Class Card and her magic circuit curenlty isn't active Angelica can only held back her anger while try to find an idea how she can get her Class Card and magical abilities back.
"Why did you bring me back to life!? What is your purpose!"
"Isn't that is quite obvious? You still some use for me," Shirou said with an evil smile on his faces. "And beside I can tell that you are enjoying the flesh body that I gave to you, Angelica Ainsworth. You must be grateful, that I revive you with a flesh body and not a doll body like your family made and use."
Once again Angelica is grit her teeth, she really didn't like the fact that Shirou revive her because she is still have some use for him. But Angelica cannot do anything to Shirou, because she knew that right now she is very weak.
In one of the hidden hideout that the Ainsworth have that Darius didn't know about it existence.
Erika Ainsworth or the immortal pandora, enjoying her bathtime with Beatrice and Julian who is right now using a special doll as his vessel.
"This special made doll body is really good, I even can feel the beat of my fake heart," Julian said with a genuine smile on his faces. "Thank goodness right now I can be free from that wretch Darius."
"He is a parasite that already live for thousand of years by taking over his descendant bodies," Erika said with a sad look on her faces because of how different Darius now compared to the Darius that was still sane thousand years ago and not corrupted by the ritual to live forever. "His soul already broken and corrupted, to the point it was impossible for his soul to be purified."
"Don't worry Nee-chan I will kill him and then saving you and saving the world by opened the Pandora Box so your soul can get free and you can be mortal once again," Julian said with a determined look on his faces. "I will never broke my promise to you, to save your soul from the pandora box!"
"Aaahn Julian-Sama, your noble heart made me falling in love with you more," Beatrice said while hugging Julian body tightly. "And right now I'm feel really horny! Let's have sex!"
Beatrice who are in heat right now is trying to rape Julian, but easily Julian superior physical strange made him can get free from Beatrice tight hug. And then he punch Beatrice out of the ofuro.
Julian determination made, Erika happy. But she not sure that Julian can broke her free from her cursed life. Because her soul has trapped inside the pandora box for a very long time...
"I want to ask you something Angelica," Shirou said while sitting on the chair beside Angelica bed. "When I read the memories from your soul, I can see a couple years ago Darius Ainswoth summoning a gigantic block that spewed out a mysterious mud, I can feel a very evil existence deep inside that block. But because I can read you soul memories clearly, I didn't know what is that box really is and what is the purpose of that block. So can you tell me what is that box, and what is Darius thinking by summoning something dangerous like that to the Earth surface?"
"Tssk I can't tell what is his desire and purpose by summoning that block, but Darius as the founder of the Ainsworth whose conceptual mind already survive for a millenia and currently is taking over my little brother body," Angelica said with a grumpy expression. "All I know that Darius want to use that gigantic block to save the world and then rebuild the world in his image and even if I knew what that block is, I will never told you, Emiya Shirou."
"Saving the world using something so evil like that gigantic block!? Are that ancestors of you is that desperate to destroy the world and became a god?" Shirou said with angry expression on his faces. "From the information that I gather about the holy grail war in this dimension and also all the information that I can get about Darius Ainsworth, that block that he summoned is the Pandora Box a box that contains every catastrophe in existence."
Shirou words making Angelica faced became paled, she didn't expect that Shirou is smart enough to made a very right deduction like that.
"And the Erika Ainsworth that I saw in your soul memories, the Pandora herself that has been used by Darius to open the box five years ago," Shirou said in serious tone. "That made a big disaster in Fuyuki to the point making Fuyuki almost became a dead city. The thing that flow out from the box is calamity and despair, and after the box is empty, what'll remain is Elpis the Holy Grail that's even better from the standard Holy Grail, because Elpis is came from the Age of gods."
"You are acting like a detective in a crime series Emiya Shirou," Angelica said with a mocking tone in her voice. "Deducting all the thing that I didn't told you with one hundred percent accurate just with only gathering information. You are really smart man Emiya Shirou."
"I'm not that smart you know, I just really good at deduction and analysing, beside that I have a very good information source inside my head," Shirou said. "That was the reason, I can tell you all the thing I just said."
"A very good information source inside your head?" Angelica said with a confused expression on her faces. "You are talking like you have another soul living inside your body, like Darius who was jumping from body to body so he can keep alive."
"Nah, not like that, I who are the Master of Kaleidoscope than use the Second Magic to access a lot of information from a parallel world by using my brain a super computer to access all of the information that I need," Shirou said who told a lie to Angelica because he doesn't want anyone knew about the soul of Zelretch who was living inside his Reality Marble.
"The Second True Magic Kaleidoscope? So that was the reason you and your friend can go inside this dimension," Angelica said with a shocked expression on her faces. "Unbelieveable, how you can have something that Darius trying to learn all his life? Even after he absorbing the power and memories of Zelretch, he still can't learn the Second Magic."
"How can have the Kaleidoscope is not your bussiness to know, Gilgamesh wannabe," Shirou said while activating the binding rune that he draw in the side of Angelica bed. "I will release you in a couple hours, when the time to attack the Ainsworth Mansion is arrived."
Shirou is leaving Angelica whose body is bind into the bed alone, he doesn't have a mood to prolong his talk with the ex-female Gilgamesh. And he just hope that Angelica can cool down her head a little bit when he undo his binding.
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