Chapter 254: Chapter 254 - Ostia Festival 10
"Hey Yuuna! Yuuna! Did you see the giant dragon and the giant demon army," Makie said who was currently eating a cotton candy. "I didn't think that there was such a big creature in this world."
Makie's finger pointed at the Ancient Dragon and the giant demon army that was in the distance. Her eyes lit up, at this moment Makie was acting like a child who saw something amazing.
"Makie, Mundus Magicus is a fantasy world, don't use real world common sense in a fantasy world like Mundus Magicus, because all common sense, and the laws of physics that we know, will be twisted in this place," Yuuna said who was eating grilled sausage. "This Ostia Festival is a peace festival held to commemorate the end of the great war that occurred about twenty years ago. And you see the important people shaking hands on that big stage? They are all high-ranking officials from Megalomesembria, Ostia and Ariadne."
"The bearded dandy man on the right is the head of the diplomatic corps of the Megalomesembrian senate, then the beautiful brown skin girl standing on the left is the wife of the famous hero Jack Rakan and also the third princess of the kingdom of Hellas, it said they both came specifically to a special friendship ambassador at this Festival," Makie said.
"What? How do you know all that?" Asked Yuuna who looked confused.
"Uncles at the restaurant where we used to work often talked about it, that's why I memorized many things abour Mundus Magicus," Makie replied with a smile. "Megalomesembria is the alliance leader in the north, the largest metropolis in Mundus Magicus. The northern region is the area that is inhabited the most by humans while the southern region is the area inhabited by the demi-human races, beasts, elves, and the like, that's because the people in the north are from the real world while the people in the south are the true natives of Mundus Magicus, hence the inhabitants of the south and north often fought and had very bad relations.
Until the twenty years that Negi-kun's father, Nagi Springfield and his friends from Ala Rubra stopped the war and peace was created."
"It's surprising that Makie can remember that many things," Yuuna said. "You can't even remember ten words from a famous manga."
"Hmm, I also don't know why I can suddenly remember so many things I heard in detail without forgetting them," Makie said. "Because since I was in Mundus Magicus, I started to think more clearly, remember better and I became able to use magic. Could there have been any changes in me while I was here?"
"Maybe, because I also feel the same way," Yuuna said while touching her chin with the thumb and index finger of her right hand. "Because I'm sure that you didn't even know where the Japanese islands were on the world map, even though I, Ako and Akira had shown the right position so many times. Your stupid brain finally softened up."
"Sorry, if I was stupid and bothered you earlier, Ako and Akira too," Makie said with a red face because she was embarrassed by the stupidity she had done. "No need to remember the past that is not important, we better watch a martial arts match! If I'm not mistaken Nagi's match is about to start right!?"
"Ah, you're right, Nagi and Kojiro's match is about to start," Yuuna said panicked. "And if we don't hurry we'll be late for the game!"
Outside the vast battle arena, there were already countless spectators queuing up. But Makie and Yuuna who had booked tickets in advance were able to enter quickly without having to queue at all.
After Negi and Kotarou finished finishing the fight against two people from the monster race. The audience cheered for joy, because the fight shown by Negi and Kotarou was so thrilling and fun to watch. Even Makie and Yuuna who had watched the two of them fight in the arena for the first time felt the same way.
"Yaaay! Nagi and Kojiro win!" Makie shouted. "Ah how nice to see the two of them fighting and winning the battle they fought so elegantly!"
"Not only that, thanks to their victory today I won a lot by risking all the money we have," Yuuna said while showing Makie the betting ticket she bought.
At a restaurant owned by the Emiya family. Makie and Yuuna decided to have lunch at the restaurant to celebrate the big win they got from the bet tickets bought by Yuuna. But because both of them were too absorbed in the huge money they had just earned, neither of them realized that the restaurant they had just entered had Emiya's name on its sign.
"Nagi and Kojiro are really strong, huh," Yuuna said while sipping the spaghetti she ordered. "Ever since I came to Mundus Magicus and saw the two of them fight, I've become a martial arts maniac, moreover the fight we just saw was a real fight!"
"Yeah, what a thrilling battle to watch!" Makie said who ordered the same food as Yuuna. "If Negi-kun also participate in the martial arts tournament, I think he can be the champion too, because Negi-kun is strong right?"
"Maybe he didn't come because he was a fugitive," Yuuna said. "If he goes, he might end up being caught."
"Ah, you're right too, Negi-kun and almost all of our friends are fugitives in this Mundus Magicus," Makie said. "And until now I felt that it was impossible for Negi-kun and the others to do the bad things that Megalomesembria reported, so I wanted to quickly meet Negi-kun and cheer him up."
"Unfortunately we don't know where is Negi or Shirou-kun are at this time," Yuuna said with a very serious face. "Perhaps the only way for us to meet them is to look for Alexander-kun, since he was the one who told us live on the broadcast of the fight that we had to go to Ostia."
"But, that Alexander-kun is even more famous than Nagi and Kojiro, so it will be very difficult for both of us to meet him," Makie said. "The only way he can wait for the right opportunity is for us to talk to him."
"You two want to talk to me? Why not just talk to me directly when I'm in front of you two?" Asked Shirou in the form of Alexander who was currently in front of Makie and Yuuna, along with Ako and Akira who were standing on his left and right.
Shirou who greeted the two of them suddenly made Makie and Yuuna feel surprised. Because the appearance of the person they were looking for in front of them was something they didn't expect.
"A-Alexander-kun! Ako! Akira!" Souted Yuuna who was shocked to see the appearance of the man she wanted to meet.
"Ako, Akira, Alex-kun! Finally we meet again!" Makie saod who was pleased with the appearance of her friends.
"Yoo, Makie-san, Yuuna-san, long time no see, apparently you two can also arrive in Ostia," Shirou said. "Thank goodness you were able to arrive at Ostia safely without any problems!"
The long awaited reunion has finally happened. The four sports club members are finally able to meet again…
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