Fate/Eclipsed Stars (Project Moon/Fate Grand Order)

Chapter 24: Valentine’s Omake: A Hunt for Sweetness

Scene: Chaldea's Lounge

Hong Lu: grinning Ah, Master! There you are. I've been searching for you all day.

(→ "Oh? Did you need me for something?")

Hong Lu: laughs lightly Oh, nothing too dire. Just a matter of utmost importance, that's all.

(→ "You look... oddly excited.")

Hong Lu: placing a hand over his chest Excited? Master, I would call it being prepared.

Hong Lu: chuckles "Tell me, do you know what today is?"

(Master tilts their head, considering their response.)

Option 1

(→ "It's Valentine's Day.")

Hong Lu: Oh? You already knew? How delightful! You're always so sharp, Master. It's truly admirable.

Option 2

(→ "Huh? Is it something special today?")

Hong Lu: laughs lightly "Oh, Master, you wound me! To forget such an important day... Well, no matter. Allow me to personally educate you."

He flourishes his coat dramatically, revealing an ornate wooden box bound in silver chains. His golden eyes gleam with theatrical mischief.

Hong Lu: "Tonight, we embark on a mission, my dear Master. A mission most perilous."

(→ "A mission...?")

Hong Lu: nods solemnly "Indeed. The creatures of the night lurk in every shadow, waiting to sink their fangs into the unsuspecting... But worry not! For I have prepared the ultimate countermeasure."

With a flick of his wrist, he removes the chains and opens the box. Inside, a collection of pristine, hand-crafted chocolates rest on dark velvet, shaped like miniature stakes, crosses, and even tiny vials of "holy water."

Hong Lu: smirking "Behold—my Anti-Bloodfiends Arsenal of Sweetness!"

(→ "…You made vampire-repelling chocolate?")

Hong Lu: laughing "Naturally! A true hunter must always be prepared. Who knows when the big bad bloodfiends may descend upon us?"

Option 1

(→ "You're really into this huh?")

Hong Lu: grinning "Why, Master, I am always serious when it comes to a good performance."

Option 2

(→ "Does this mean... I'm the test subject?")

Hong Lu: mock gasps "Master! I would never subject you to such risks! No, no—these are a gift. From me to you."

Master takes the box, eyeing the intricate detail of each chocolate.

Option 1

(→ "You really put a lot of effort into this...")

Hong Lu: softly Of course. A fixer from the fanghunt office always ensures their tools are of the finest quality.

Option 2

(→ "Thank you, Hong Lu. I'll treasure these.")

Hong Lu: blinks, then chuckles "Oh? Such sincerity... Master, you truly are an interesting one."

He leans forward slightly, his voice lowering into a teasing whisper.

Hong Lu: But tell me, Master... will you be the hunter alongside me?

Option 1

(→ "Obviously! Let's slay some bloodfiends together!")

Hong Lu: laughs brightly "Ah, now that's the spirit! We shall rid the world of darkness with the power of sweets!"

Option 2

(→ "Wouldn't that make me... the Bloodfiends instead?")

Hong Lu: pauses, then grins "Oh my. I hadn't considered that... In that case, Master, shall I be the one to hunt you?"

Option 3

(→ "…I suddenly regret this conversation.")

Hong Lu: chuckling "Too late. The hunt has already begun~"

As Master tries a chocolate, Hong Lu watches with expectant delight.

Hong Lu: "So? Do you feel the strength of the hunter flowing through you?"

Option 1

(→ "It's... delicious, actually.")

Hong Lu: smiling "But of course! A refined taste, made for a refined hunter."

Option 2

(→ "I feel like I could take on Dracula himself!")

Hong Lu: laughs "Then, Master, I shall be your ever-loyal partner in this hunt."

With a playful smirk, he flourishes his coat once more and steps back.

Hong Lu: Happy Valentine's Day, Master. May our hunt be ever thrilling.


Craft Essence: "A Hunter's Sweet Fang"

Stats: ATK +400 / HP +300

Effect: Increase damage by 20% when attacking enemies with "bloodfiends" trait when Hong Lu is in the party.


A beautifully crafted box of chocolates, each piece shaped like a vampire hunter's tools. A gift from Hong Lu, given with flair and mischief. The taste is rich, the detail exquisite, and the moment unforgettable.

"We shall rid the world of darkness with the power of sweets!"

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