Chapter 87: Seven Hundred Year Lie
"I have finished collating the Stellaron data and records. Do you wish to proceed, outsiders?"
Sunny gave Svarog his affirmation, allowing the automaton to provide data on the Stellaron.
"Requesting database materials cache. Serial number, 13175. Encryption level: Highest. Request approved. Transmission..."
An audio file began to play. Considering that Svarog didn't have any sort of screen on his body, this was the best that he could do.
As the file played, a male voice was heard. It was calm and precise. The voice was crisp, not carrying any excess as he spoke.
"...This is the fruit of many years of research, Madam Guardian. The evidence is irrefutable: This so-called 'Stellaron' is the source of all the destruction."
A second voice was heard, this one being female. It was authoritative, bringing Sunny to believe that it came from a previous Supreme Guardian.
"The people will struggle to accept this conclusion, doctor. If we were to tell them that the almighty Alisa Rand activated this thing and triggered the Eternal Freeze..."
Based on her words, the male voice she was speaking to was a researcher of some kind. They must have been researching the Stellaron, and had learned that Alisa Rand was the one who started the Eternal Freeze.
"It's the truth, madam... The truth won't change with the opinions of the people. The reports before you are the precious result of painstaking effort on the part of Belobog's greatest scholars. You must trust the weight of its conclusion..."
The Supreme Guardian sighed.
"...I have never doubted you, doctor. On the contrary, I am resolute in the face of this conclusion. From the moment I took up this mantle, that voice... their voice — has made it's home in my mind. I cannot shake them."
Sunny's eyes widened, felling as if another piece to the puzzle had been found.
The Supreme Guardian paused before continuing.
"...I shouldn't be telling you this — let's return to your research, doctor. I'm afraid I cannot make these reports known to the public. Unless..."
The researcher cut her off, his voice brimming with hope.
"Unless? Unless what? Please proceed, madam..."
She responded with decisiveness:
"...Unless you have found a way to completely destroy the Stellaron."
The researcher's response was resolute.
"I understand. In the name of Preservation... I will fulfill this mission."
As the audio file ended, Sunny discretely eyed Bronya to observe her reaction. Her expression was stoic, but he didn't miss the way her eyes slightly quivered.
Svarog's modulated voice resounded.
"Cache number 13175, transmission complete. Next transmission: Cache number 24830."
Another transmission began, the voice of a male seperate from the previous researcher being heard.
"...I don't understand, doctor. Why do we have to hide such valuable research results away? They're the work of a lifetime..."
A strange sound escaped Svarog, sounding like a cough. It was then preceded with an old, broken, yet familiar voice.
"Y—You're still young, child. There will come a day... a day when you do understand. The Supreme Guardian... sh—she sees further than you or I. All her decisions are for the security of Belobog..."
Sunny realized that this was the researcher who had been speaking to the Supreme Guardian. He seemed to be speaking to his successor of sorts…
There was a short pause before the young researcher continued:
"I just think... it's a shame. Our research has hit an obstacle. Meanwhile, your results will be buried in the snow..."
There was another fit of coughs, followed by a short chuckle.
"Don't be upset, child. You still have lots of time ahead of you. When you find a way to destroy… destroy the Stellaron... our efforts will have been worth it."
"Cache number 24830, transmission complete. Next transmission: Cache number 57614."
Once the transmission ended, another one began once more. The voice of a young woman was heard.
"...This is... Why is there a robot here?"
Sunny blinked. Considering that these audio files were derived from Svarog's memories, could it be that they were referring to the ancient automaton?
In response, Sunny heard the voice of a middle-aged man.
"During his life, this was Dr. Mearsheimer's personal robot bodyguard. I heard it's a prototype from the great war. Since the doctor and his assistants passed away, it's remained here. It hasn't moved an inch."
It sounded like the old researcher — as well as the younger one — had both perished by the time that this transmission occurred. It put into perspective Svarog's age, and how much of humanity he had witnessed.
The woman's voice sunk slightly.
"Oh... I see. Let's start. We must unearth the doctor's research conclusions — all of them."
For a couple minutes, there was only the sound of things being moved around. Bored, Sunny turned to look at the others. He still wasn't sure why Natasha was here, and where Sampo had run off to.
Dan Heng and March seemed to have serious expressions — at least, as serious as the latter could be. Seele frowned, seeming detached. He guessed that she was probably talking to Veliona. As for Bronya… well, it was quite obvious that this would affect her heavily.
After a few moments, the male voice spoke.
"Madam Guardian, I've found them... All the documents are here."
It seemed like the woman was another Supreme Guardian. Were they all woman? Sunny would have asked Bronya, but he wasn't sure if such a question would be appropriate.
The now-revealed Supreme Guardian hummed in response.
"Mm... good. That'll do."
There was a short pause that was followed by the ruffling of paper.
"…Madam Guardian, what should we do with the robot?"
"Ah... It would seem a great waste to destroy it. Find someone to reset its system and then arrange for it to be sent to the Underworld. I hear that the development group is in need of a robot with defense capabilities."
That seemed to explain how Svarog ended up down here. However, Sunny was confused. She asked for Svarog's system to be reset, but that didn't seem to erase any of his data from before he was found. Was it alluding to something else, or did Svarog have the means to keep his memories?
Sunny lacked the technical knowledge to understand such things.
"Yes, madam."
The man seemed to have walked off. Meanwhile, a wistful sigh was heard from the Supreme Guardian.
"I'm sorry, doctor... but these results must be taken care of by the Architects. One day, somebody will be able to carry out your behest."
"Cache number 57614, transmission complete. Concluding data transmission."
There was a long pause once the transmission ended. Nobody said anything until Dan Heng broke the silence.
"…The only question left is: Why would Cocolia exhibit such a sudden change in her attitude towards us?"
To Sunny, it was obviously due to the Stellaron's influence. It seemed to have a method to inflict mental contamination, allowing it to to puppeteer the Supreme Guardians — and by extension, the entirety of Belobog. However, it's control did not seem absolute, as one of the Supreme Guardians acknowledged that she was being controlled.
It was more like an insidious voice that attempted to influence them. This meant that somehow, Cocolia had thought that her actions were justifiable.
March looked around, her gaze stopping on Bronya.
"Bronya? Are you okay?"
She weakly nodded.
"...I'm fine. I just... feel a little faint."
'…She looks like she's going to faint.'
She pressed her face against her palm as her voice became anguished.
"Why...? Why, mother...? M—Maybe she wasn't aware, maybe she..."
As she trailed off, Seele sighed.
"...I'm sorry. It's no use lying to yourself, Bronya. It's time for you to make a decision."
As she stayed silent, Natasha turned towards Sunny.
"...Sunny, can I have a word with you? I know that we'll need time to process this new information, but we have to decide on our next plan as soon as possible."
Sunny paused for a moment, looking back at Bronya.
"…Yeah. I'll be right there."
"Mr. Svarog, are you okay?"
Clara was worried that the special crystals might have been to strong for Svarog's frame. He never used the energy from them often, but they usually caused small forms of damage to his system.
Svarog paused as he did a self-check.
"Assessing... All external interaction modules operating as normal. Thank you, Clara."
Clara smiled.
"Oh, but what about your memory module?"
Svarog once again paused as he checked his memory module.
"Retrieving memory module... Architect machine era records: Intact. War of Defense combat data: Intact. Geomarrow Development Group era records: Intact... Record of Clara's crafting of miniature magnetic drill rigs: Intact. Record of Clara's explanation of human 'sleeping in' behavior: Intact..."
Clara froze up at the mention of the last record.
"…S—So, your memory module is okay?"
The giant figure nodded.
"I have made a backup of all records pertaining to you, Clara. Do not worry."
She bit her lip.
"...Even the one about sleeping in?"
Svarog replied in confirmation.
"There are multiple backups. I can recover them at any time."
She innocently held her hands behind her back.
"Mr. Svarog, can I delete some of them...?"
This time, he replied in rejection.
"I cannot grant this request. Records pertaining to you constitute important data, Clara. They must remain intact. They are memories of family."
Despite the warm words coming from the calculatrice robot, Clara was still somewhat disappointed.
"...I understand. Mr. Svarog, I still want to help you check a few other modules... Turn around a little."