Chapter 2: fate and destiny
As I followed Chiron. Into the mountain, I asked the man, how did you know I was gonna be here? even better question, why are you here?
Chiron chuckled as he said it's simple child, I already peered slightly into your future. I saw it perfectly. This is a destined occurrence. If I didn't find you, you would find a me eventually I'm, so I just relieved you some hassle.
I see, then tell me, why did you decide to take me in of all people, let your reputation as a teacher of heroes is quite prominent, so why did you decide to take me in a no name?
The answer to your question is quite simple, child like I said, I peered into your future slightly and I know that one day, although uncertain. You will do something great.
Alright, then I asked of you one thing trainer of heroes, will you train me to be a great hero?
With a soft smile, as if expecting the question, he says of course, destiny the moment I saw you whose existence twisted the fabric of fate, I had already decided you were a being worth training.
While I looked at Chiron with a beaming smile. That for some reason, reminded chyron of the God of the sun himself. I said. Alright, then. Let the training begin.
Even though I said this, I wasn't stupid. I realized what he had said twisting the fabric of fate, but nonetheless I understood that this is something I can not deal with in my current power level, so I leave it aside to deal with my own things for the time being.
Time goes by as multiple years have already passed since the coming of destiny in to the ancient Greek era around 5 to be exact.
In this time, destiny has met many great heroes of the future, such as Hercules and many others.
Sadly, Chiron always said that he was unworthy, or at least until recently to go down the mountain.
After all, Chiron knew his goal because Destiny's goal was simple. He wanted to be a person that isn't recognized as a saint. A person that doesn't deserve to be placed on a pedestal just because of how they look or how they act.
Flash back.
We see you when Destiny first told, Chiron of his goal. At first he showed a confused expression, but soon realised his intentions, as he said, I see child, I understand why, even I who has the eyes of the Divine, find it hard not to call you a saint, just by the way that you carry yourself.
Wait, really?
Yes, child, really from the way that you act the way that you carry yourself, everyone would say that you're at least blessed by a couple gods.
But I'm not that's the point
Yes, I understand that's what makes you so special to. You look as if you were sculpted by a God, but at the same time never even had met one once in your life.
We returned to the present as we see Destiny waving goodbye to Chiron.
Good bye teacher and good luck too I don't know what the future will bring for you, but considering how this era will end it won't be good for you.
I should say the same to you child, good luck on your journey and don't die too early.
Oh, come on I'm Destiny, the person who will carve out his own destiny, come on, put some faith behind my name.
Yeah, yeah, whatever. Goodbye, Destiny.
Good bye teacher.
Destiny begins to head down the mountain now that he has reached the final slope of the mountain, he sees a person covered in white robes and holding a crystal ball. This person looks kind of like a young doll.
Beautiful skin, petite frame and everything that follows a picture perfect definition of a loli and something about her just told destiny that she was definitely gonna be a tsundere.
As he took a closer look, he realized that this person had the same Aura as his teacher the Aura of a Divine. His face immediately became a much more serious, as with much more respect than he was originaly going to show.
he asks, goddess may I ask why you are here.
Ask the goddess saw him coming down the mountain, she rushes up to him with her crystal ball. But suddenly she falls onto the ground face first, but somehow the crystal ball still doesn't break.
Destiny, deciding to at least try to be a gentleman, he helps the goddess get up and dusts her clothes off since he realized that she's blind.
The goddess says, you didn't need to do all that you know I may be blind, but I can see just fine.
Then my apologies, I didn't know.
The goddess whose eyes suddenly light up as if remembering why she was there begins a rant.
About how much trouble Destiny has caused her since his coming to this world.
Destiny very confused and somewhat frightened as a normal reaction if a normal human ever saw an angry God in front of them, he asks, what did I do wrong goddess?
Feeling a pang of guilt in her heart from seeing the obvious fear with in this child's eyes, she comes down trying to reassure the child that it's something that he couldn't really control, but nonetheless it was because of him.
The thing is Destiny, you are a being that was never meant to be born into this era at least. In the entire world, maybe.
Destiny still had a shocked expression, although he had slightly guessed that that was true.
The goddess continues with. Your existence in this world has caused many changes, and as the goddess of fate Clotho I have to deal with it myself directly as I am the one that handles the future. Your interactions with Chiron and the other heroes have caused their legends to change, although from what I've seen, the changes are for good but nonetheless.
Destiny, his face contorted into a sincere expression of apology. He says, my apologies goddess, I'll say this right now, it isn't something that you're going to be capable of stopping fully as I plan on doing this and much more. And besides, isn't this a good thing from what I remember, you only get to see the future, not the present or the past, so if anything, I'm giving you a better future, no?
With a soft smile, the goddess says yes, that's true, but at the same time, your existence causes multiple threads of fate to move forward at once, when there should only be one and because of that.We the goddesses of fate have been forced to organize the current reality, because right now, well, it's calm down since you haven't been doing much, but the more you do, and the more you change, the more it becomes harder to organize reality.
With an understanding look on my face, I say I see goddess I understand I've been causing you a lot of trouble.
A lot! boy I haven't had to do as much work as I have done right now in the past 5 years than I have in my entire life.
I swear to you goddess. I will show you a future that is the best. I Can't stop changing fate and twisting its threads. As that is just simply who I am. But I can promise you one thing. I Destiny will create a future that is destined to be bright to be beautiful and filled with joy just for you so that you can see it.
Clotho shocked by his sudden oath she says, child, do you know what you've done?
This means you've sworn yourself to me to make me your goddess, you could have had so many choices but why me. even one of the Olympians could have been your goddess or God? So why me, I'm not even that powerful.
Exactly, just like me, you aren't even that powerful. But for some reason, people always put you on a pedestal because of the things you do and represent. Am I right?
Well, yes, but still i'm not the best Goddess for you.
You say that, but for some reason I don't believe you.
And besides, I am Destiny, the person who will carve out his own destiny. I ask of you one thing goddess, will you become my goddess to be the one whose banner I represent?
With a soft smile and a grin of acceptance, as she realizes there will be much more work in the future, she says, I accept to be your goddess Destiny.
As a golden thread heads towards the crystal ball in her hands as if being pulled out directly from Destiny's heart.
With this I not only give you my blessing, but I promised to safeguard your fate for the rest of my life.