Chapter 2: unexpected visit.
The morning would arrive not very soon after Silas closed his eyes. He woke up early, as he naturally does. As he got up, his vision was pretty blurry and his mouth felt so numb and strange. Looking down, he realized he was drooling in his sleep. He looked at Fiele's face, she was still snoring. Good.
Silas would slide his arms back to his sides, letting go of Fiele's thighs and legs, which he so dearly clung onto as he slept. He would then quickly get up, wiping the drool off his face, before stopping for a bit as his vision suddenly began to darken, but then the effect wore off. He would grab a piece of cloth and he'd carefully wipe his drool off of Fiele's stomach. Making sure she didn't accidentally wake up.
"Oh, Fiele.. Fiele..."
Silas would quietly mutter under his voice as he walked around the place, reaching for his items. He knelt down before the wooden tub from yesterday, and he'd give his hair a quick wash, before shaking his head, throwing the superficial liquids off his hair, and putting his hair up in a bun. He got dressed, throwing on his cravat, his coats and such. He then felt some droplets of water flow from his head under his coat, giving Silas a disgusting feeling as he felt shivers. Oh well, what could he do about it. He sighed, before looking out the window. In the far distance, he could see small dots of shining light. In a few hours, they'd be at their door.
He'd turn around and look over at Fiele, and he'd slowly make his way towards her, before getting on his knees, his knees digging into the hay next to Fiele's head. With one hand, he ran it across her head, his fingers grazing against her scalp. He leaned down to the side of her head, talking in a soft, low tone.
"Get up, more soldiers are arriving. We must ambush them."
Fiele would groan and actually start to somewhat wake up, her head going left and right, obviously refusing to get up.
Silas would slightly smile, before sighing, and wrapping an arm around her midriff, and lifting her torso up, letting her rest against the wall instead, to help her get less sleepy. He'd make sure she wasn't too slumped down, to avoid her falling down sideways. Or really just to make sure she eventually would wake back up. He'd then put his hand on her face, softly rubbing her cheek. His breath faltered, and he heard his heart beating. He looked down at her half sleeping face, he moved his face closer to hers..
But then he removed his hand from her face, and put it behind her head, hugging her instead, placing her head against his chest.
"Try to wake up in a bit, okay? We need to leave soon."
"Yeah... Yeah... I'll be up in a bit.."
Silas let go of Fiele. Getting up and grabbing his bags. He would put it on a table and looked inside, then he'd reach in and pull some stuff out. He pulled out something like a stomach just stuffed full of something else. He put that to the side, though. Then he'd reach into the same bag, and would pull out a half eaten, relatively large loaf of bread. It was white and soft. Though, to make it even better, Silas would place it on the coal under the wooden tub. Pulling it out after a little while.
"Right. That'll be breakfast then... Now, that stomach pumped full of human fat..."
Silas picked the thing up, he'd inspect it, wondering if he did the recipe correctly. The idea behind this is basically that he melts fat off of humans, pouring it into a stomach, before exposing it to some form of calcination process, where the fat begins to evaporate in the stomach, and then it is continually refilled with more fat, until it is full of completely distilled human fat. The stomach, naturally, is protected from burning, usually through magic, again. After that, the fat is usually infused with a small amount of magic, that easily spreads across the substance, which makes this corpse wax coat anything in magic infused fat, which immediately goes into a reaction where the magic starts working full blast on the item. Mostly fire magic is used for this.
In this case, Silas was using a chimeric form of fire magic. A unique and rare thing, something he picked up in some distant lands. But he had only one stomach's worth, so he would have to use it sparingly.
He looked at his silver estoc. He wondered if it could handle this exotic magic? Maybe he should use it in moderation? His train of thought was interrupted when he suddenly heard loud and fast knocks on the wooden gate. How were they this fast? Well, if he didn't open the gate, they would break in and cause more issues, so... He went ahead, and, after taking a breath, opened the gate. Looks like someone forgot about the corpses laying outside... Maybe the mist would make it hard to see them?
"Greetings... How might I aid you?"
"We've arrived to speak to the ones who held patron at night and replace them. Where are the rest?"
"I believe they've gone to take care of some business elsewhere.."
"Are you suggesting they went against commands?"
"... I suppose so..."
"Alright, state your name and... Actually, ... Might one of you run a check on this guy? I don't think I recognize him."
Oh, well. That was that. Silas placed his hand on his estoc's handle, taking a breath. Almost instantaneously, he was stabbed into his palm by one of the soldiers at the door.
That was dumb, he knew he should've known they'd notice.
Silas felt his hand clamp and cramp on the sword's handle. He couldn't pull it out. His hand just froze as another cold piece of silver slid against his throat. A knife flew at his head, but only slashed his cheek, and cut his bun loose, dropping his hair down.
"We'll be taking you with us, see what you're doing on Wulfgar propert-"
A loud banging and crashing sound suddenly broke their speech, Silas was shocked to see the guy before him fall down and drop to the floor. He looked back, it was Fiele. She had shot a bullet against the wall, making sure it would ricochet off the wall and into the skull of the guy whose knife was stabbing into Silas' palm. She made it ricochet to avoid being seen by the soldiers at the door. Silas fell back, moving out of the possible trajectory of the bullets shot by Fiele's handgun. Another loud shot followed by multiple thuds and loud steps as soldiers rushed inside. Silas' estoc clattered against the ground as it fell out of its sheathe. This shot had most likely shot through multiple soldiers at once. Silas laid on the ground, his vision blurrier now. He looked for his sword, finally catching it's glint in the corner of his eyes. He reached his wounded hand out to his sword, but it was too far. Suppose he could try this magic he wasn't very skilled at using... Suddenly his sword began to clatter and jump around as it violently began to jump across the ground, slicing and cutting into the soldiers around him.
His sword missed most of the targets, so Field took care of them instead.
After the soldiers were taken care of, Silas slowly got back up. It's been such a long time since he last had a lick of blood... But he wouldn't drink the blood of that filth that he swore to slay. He was so weak, though... And he froze from a simple stab wound to the hand? No way.
"Give me that."
Fiele said, commanding Silas as she grabbed his hand anyways and looked at the wound. It was a rather interesting wound. It had a strange shape, although the blade that stabbed into his palm had split open. A purple liquid was there, amongst his blood. This must be the reason for Silas' sudden issue of freezing. Usually Silas would be able to easily shrug this off, but due to the fact he hadn't had any amount of blood lately, this was not the case.
His sword smacked itself against Silas and Fiele. They both looked at it, it had something brown and slightly burnt impaled on it.
"Oh, it's the bread I forgot about. It was on the coals this whole time."
"Why is your sword moving around like that? Are you controlling it?"
"No, I gave it sentience and rudimentary muscle mass."
"... Right... anyways... You have to eat."
"No, it's best you eat—"
"You're going to eat, now."
She commanded him to eat something. Or well the piece of hot bread. Silas frowned slightly, his eyes saddening with his facial expression.
"Alright... If you say so, Fiele... I won't take too much.."
"No, we'll get something better for me you can have all of the bre-"
Both fell to the ground as Silas tackled her to the ground. Silas' cold hands grasped her flesh. One hand on the skin if her side, and the other on her soldier.
"Forgive my selfish behaviour, Fiele... But if I don't feed, I fear I might not last much further... I'm so sorry.."
"Wh.. what the hell are you on about? Get off me! Just eat the bread! What's wrong with you??"
"I believe you're unaware.. but... There are such creatures that wander this earth that look and are as human as one can be. Even more human than most humans. But... They just need to feast on human blood."
Silas' voice sounded breathless and weak, as even he began to struggle when he looked down at her. The mere sight of acceptable blood was so seducing. His hair fell down, on Fiele, and he began to cry.
"I am so, so sorry, Fiele... Just forgive this one transgression on your flesh, please.."
"Hey now, hold your head back! We'll find you another body!.. Hey!-"
Silas' head lunged down at Fiele's neck, his head didn't move closer until it stopped when it was quite close to her neck. His mouth was slightly agape, drool forming quite quickly. He felt Fiele's hands pushing against his chest and stomach. Silas managed to pull himself back, but now he was sitting atop of her. He let go of her side, reaching his hands up, pulling his hair back to expose his face to her, as it had draped over his face when he got up on her.
"Fiele... Please... I beg you..."
"But Silas..."
"Please.. I don't think I can contain myself much longer.."
Fiele did not reply, but she withdrew her hands from Silas' stomach, resting them above her head.
"I swear to you that it won't hurt..."
Silas placed his hand on her stomach, softly grasping her stomach through her cloth and caressing it, as his other hand went up, behind her neck, slightly lifting her head up. He didn't want to bite her neck, though... So, he slightly pulled her tunic down, revealing her collarbone. There it was. He bent down, his mouth wide open as his tongue licked her collarbone, before his lips closed in on it, and Silas' teeth cut into her flesh.
Silas eagerly sucked at the wound, the sweet taste of blood dancing on his tongue. Small amounts of blood began to escape his mouth as he sucked too greedily. After a short while, Silas withdrew from Fiele, licking her wound before rubbing on it with his hand, to make it dry, his hand seemingly causing her wounds to close.
"It is quite... It is quite hot.."
Silas said, before removing his clothes, keeping his tunic on as he straightened himself out again on top of Fiele.
"Fiele.. I just... I feel so... Warm... I just want... I don't know what I want.."
Silas said, before Fiele could reply, Silas went back down to her neck, softly biting her neck and kissing right under her ear.
"Oh... Fiele..."
A whimper exited Silas' breathless voice. He pressed his body against hers, and Fiele... She seemed interested by where this was leading to, and it was enjoyable to a degree. Enjoyable enough for her to not try to boss him around. She placed a hand on the back of his head, pulling him slightly closer to her, although she was inviting him to do more.
Silas' eyes welled up with tears as they dropped onto the floor and her neck. His hand on her stomach travelled under her tunic, grasping her directly. Caressing her skin intensely. His other hand pulled on her tunic at her shoulder, with fluctuating strength, as he pulled, let go, pulled again, and over and over again.
Silas quietly muttered into her ear:
"Why do I feel this way for you, Fiele...?"