Finding light in the darkest places—through love

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 – A Rainy Afternoon

Evelyn didn't mind the rain—so long as she wasn't caught in it.

Unfortunately, today, she had been caught in it.

She stood under the awning of the campus library, arms wrapped around her drenched hoodie as the downpour continued mercilessly.

She had known the weather forecast called for rain. She had even considered bringing an umbrella.

But, in a moment of sheer foolishness, she had decided against it, thinking she could make it back to her dorm in time.

Clearly, she had been wrong.

As she sighed and shook some water from her sleeves, a familiar voice called out behind her.

"Well, well. Looks like someone lost a battle with Mother Nature."

She turned, already knowing who it was.

Adrian stood a few feet away, completely dry, holding a large black umbrella with an infuriatingly smug expression.

Evelyn scowled.

"Don't start."

He chuckled, stepping closer.

"I take it you don't have an umbrella?"

She gave him a flat look.

"What do you think?"

"I think you could use a little help."

Before she could protest, he tilted his umbrella toward her, shielding her from the rain.

The sudden lack of cold droplets on her skin was an immediate relief, but the trade-off was now standing way too close to Adrian.

She cleared her throat.

"You really don't have to—"

"Come on, it's a big umbrella. I promise I won't bite."

Evelyn hesitated. She didn't like owing people favors. But standing here shivering wasn't exactly an appealing alternative.


Adrian grinned like he had won something and adjusted the umbrella so she was fully covered.

She expected him to make a smug remark about her accepting his help, but instead, he started walking.

"You coming or what?"

he asked over his shoulder.

Evelyn rolled her eyes but followed, matching his pace.

The rain drummed steadily against the umbrella, creating a small cocoon of quiet between them.

The air smelled like wet pavement, and puddles rippled with each raindrop.

For a moment, neither of them spoke.


Adrian finally said,

"How did someone as smart as you forget to check the weather?"

She sighed.

"I checked it. I just… thought I could beat the rain."

He laughed.

"Bold strategy. Didn't work, though."


They reached the main pathway leading to the dorm buildings, where the rain was even heavier.

The streets glistened, reflecting the golden glow of the streetlights.

It should have been miserable, but under the umbrella, it felt oddly peaceful.

Adrian glanced at her.

"So… Do you ever do anything spontaneous?"

She frowned.


"You plan everything. You analyze every detail. But have you ever done something without overthinking it?"

Evelyn considered the question.

"Not really."

"That's a shame."

She raised an eyebrow.


"Because sometimes, the best things happen when you don't overthink."

She scoffed.

"Says the guy who does things without thinking at all."


She shook her head.

"That's not reassuring."

He smirked.

"And yet, here you are, walking under my umbrella."

She opened her mouth to argue—but stopped. Damn it. He had a point.

They reached her dorm entrance, and Evelyn hesitated at the door.

The warmth of the building called to her, but… she wasn't quite ready to step away from the quiet bubble the rain had created around them.

Adrian noticed.



He studied her for a moment, then held out the umbrella.


She blinked.


"Take it. Keep it until tomorrow."


"No buts. Consider it a spontaneous decision."

Evelyn stared at him. Then, slowly, she reached out and took the umbrella from his hands.

For the first time in a long while, she allowed herself to act without overthinking.

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