Fixing A Broken Mask

Chapter 10: Dilemma and Panic

Mr. Yagi and Dream sat across each other; the atmosphere was oddly serious. "Dream," Mr. Yagi said seriously. "I know that I was wrong. I was the one that got you injured from the exercise from two days ago." He bowed in repentance but couldn't look Dream in the eye. With a sigh, Dream got up from his chair and walked out of the office. "Wait!" Mr. Yagi reached his hand out as he cried out. "I still need you to listen to me."

Dream turned around slowly but never went back to his seat. Mr. Yagi was nervous about continuing but knew he had to mention this. "The Office for Child Abuse Prevention has told me if anything like that happens to you…."

"You won't be my guardian anymore?"

Mr. Yagi sadly looked down and nodded his head. He couldn't imagine what Dream was thinking since he was a young boy who seemed to have just gotten back to becoming a kid again. The door shut with a BANG! And Mr. Yagi could hear the sounds of frustrated footsteps.

"Dang, it!" Dream thought in frustration. "I won't be able to move around this freely if I have to transfer to a foster home or orphanage!"

Dream walked down to the school entrance and saw Mr. Aizawa talking to a hoard of people. From what he could tell, the hoard of people was trying to ask everyone questions about All Might becoming a teacher, but that didn't matter to him. As he walked down the stairs onto the path to the side of the school, a person in the crowd called out to him. "HEY!! BOY IN THE GREEN!!!"

Dream looked toward the sound of the voice and saw that Mr. Aizawa turned back to see him. With a look of frustration and irritation, Mr. Aizawa turned back around and tried his best to stop the person from talking to Dream. "WHY AREN'T YOU WEARING AN UH UNIFORM!?! ARE YOU A STUDENT FROM THIS SCHOOL!?!" but the person kept trying to ask questions. Mr. Aizawa soon got tired of the hoard of people, so he turned around and activated a metal door to appear at the entrance gate. "So, they have some sort of redstone mechanical system…." Dream smiled at the thought. "Good to know." Aizawa watched as Dream walked towards the side of the school building as he walked into the school.

Dream lay down on the grass and watched the clouds go by. "What am I going to do now? With All Might being the center of attention, I will get noticed by those people outside." Dream had to start planning for the case if he gets taken away, but he could still have the freedom to at least look for a place to be himself. "A place to be me…."

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Dream was hiding in a red with white polka dots mushroom tree. He could hear his new friend, George, trying to find him. With a smirk, Dream readied a bucket of water to pour onto George. "Come on, Dream! I want to go back to sleep-" George was interrupted by water poured on top of a young man's head, and Dream's laughter could be heard from above. The young man looked straight up to see Dream staring and laughing at him. The young man has white skin, short black hair, and brown eyes. He wore a light blue shirt with a white rectangle surrounded by a thick red line in the middle. There was also a red mushroom hat with white polka dots, white sunglasses sat at the tip of his nose, and around his shoulders was a red robe as if he was from royalty.

"Yeah, yeah, very funny, Dream." the young man said in irritation.

"Hey, you wanted to play something, and I introduced you to one, George!"

"But it looks like you forgot something, Dream."

Dream tilted his head, "What did I forget?"

George takes his bow and grabs an arrow from his holster, pointing it at Dream's chest. "I'm the hunter, not you!" George released the arrow and headed straight for Dream's heart, but Dream disappeared before the arrow could touch him. George looked around for his target but wasn't able to find him. Dream was long gone; he had used a tranquilized orb to teleport behind George and used another one to get even farther away.

"Hahaha," Dream laughed as he created an iron sword. "I'm so happy that I decided to come to this forest. I made such a good friend, and now I'm being hunted by him! HA! Playing this Manhunt game is great!"

Dream was at the young age of thirteen, but he has never experienced having a true friend. George was Dream's first friend, or was George his second friend? It didn't matter; all that mattered to Dream was that he was finally having fun with some that weren't a part of his family.



 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Dream heard the sound of metal from the entrance gate. Startled by it, Dream got up and investigated the loud noise. As he walked towards the corner of the building, Dream saw that the blockade of the entrance gate was destroyed into dust as if it had decayed. But with the blockade gone, all the people outside started to push themselves in, which activated an alarm to go off. All the teachers ran out of the school and tried to get the people under control, but they didn't know that a boy in a white, smiling mask had snuck out of the school grounds.

Dream sighed in relief to himself as he finally got out of the school alone. He could finally have time to himself without the watchful eye of the school, but something caught his attention. One man was walking away from the crowd of people. He watched the man leave the vicinity of the school. "That guy has…." Dream stared at where the man was before and contemplated the aura surrounding the man. "He is up to no good."

 . . . . .

As Dream and All Might discussed, Class 1-A would make the biggest decision at the beginning of the year. "Hope you have rested from yesterday's battle trial." Mr. Aizawa tiredly said while holding a notebook, "I looked at your marks and evaluation. Bakugou."

Hearing his name, Bakugou flinched. "Stop acting like a 7-year-old. You're wasting your talent."

Bakugou slouched and mumbled, "I know…."

"And you." Midoriya scarcely flinched. "Are you always planning on destroying your arm, Midoriya? If you keep going, 'I can't adjust my Quirk, so I have no choice,' you'll never get far. I've said it before; don't make me say it a third time. Once you've cleared that hurdle, you'll be much more flexible, so I need to see some sweat out of you, Midoriya."


"Now let's get on with the Homeroom Notice…." Mr. Aizawa placed down the notebook, "I'm sorry to have to spring this on you all, but…."

After the sudden pause, most students started to get nervous, "What now…!? Another pop quiz!?"

"We need to pick a Class President."

At finally doing something school-like, all the students kept nominating themselves to the Class President. It would entail mostly mundane duties if this were anything like a general education curriculum. But this is the Department of Heroes, so it will be more akin to guiding the group to a position that'll build up one's Hero Foundation faster than others. "BE QUIET!!" yelled Iida. "This task is laden with responsibility where you must carry and pull everyone else's weight! Just because you'd like to do it doesn't mean you can! It is a holy office that requires the great esteem and trust of those around you! The only truly worthy leader will emerge from a democratic choice reflecting the people's will! Which is why a vote must settle this!!!" His body nervously shook as he tried to put his raised hand down.

"It's still too early to have developed any trust in each other, Ribbit," Tsuyu stated.

"And everyone will just vote for themselves!" said Kirishima.

"And that's precisely why the person who does manage to earn multiple votes will be the truly appropriate person for the job, no!?" Iida stated, then turned to his teacher, "Is that all right, sensei!!?"

"As long as you all decide by the deadline, anything's fine." Mr. Aizawa confirmed while putting on a soft, yellow sleeping bag. He slept while the students made their votes, and the person with the most votes was: "I GOT THREE VOTES!!!!?" Midoriya shockingly said.

"You gotta be kidding me…!! Who voted for Deku!!?" Bakogou asked angrily.

"Zero votes… I see how it is!! Of course, since I insisted on the sacredness of the role!!" Iida held back his feelings, even though he voted for someone else.

"So then, it's President Midoriya and Vice-President Yaoyorozu." Mr. Aizawa pointed it out as Midoriya. Right next to him was Momo Yaoyorozu, a tall teenage girl with a mature physique and long black hair normally tied into a spiky ponytail with a large strand hanging on the right side of her face. Her eyes are big yet sharp, dark in color, and paired with short eyebrows set in a determined expression.

 . . . . .

It was now lunch; Midoriya was sitting down but didn't eat his food; he was looking around the cafeteria. Uraraka and Iida came and sat in front of him. "Deku? What are you looking for?" Uraraka asked.

"Oh!" Midoriya looked back toward his classmates with a shy smile. "I was looking for Dream… He doesn't know anyone else, so I was going to invite him to join!"

"OH! That's so-"

"You should stay away from him, Midoriya," Iida stated.

"Huh?" said both Uraraka and Midoriya.

"What do you mean, Iida?" Midoriya asked. "He's just-"

"He's what? Your friend?"

"Well, he…" Midoriya sat in his seat and pondered.

"Would he congratulate you for becoming Class President?"

"Umm, no, he wouldn't have congratulated me." Midoriya smirked, "I don't even think he knows what that is or means."

"See!! He's too suspicious!!" Iida said, "He didn't even know what an earpiece was! How can a kid our age not know of something like that!?!"

"Well, he was homeless, so-"

"He still would've known what an earpiece was. He even tried antagonizing Bakugou!!" Iida looks straight at Midoriya, "I believe he could be."

"Anyway," Uraraka interrupted, "I think you are suited for being Class President!"

"I'm unsure if I'm up to the task, though…" Midoriya stated.

"Sure you are!" Uraraka confirmed with a mouthful of rice.

"You'll be alright," Iida stated. "You've got the guts and judgment when it counts, Midoriya. I voted for you because I knew you have it in you to carry us through."

"So it was you!" Midoriya thought.

"But didn't you want to be Class President yourself, Iida?" asked Uraraka, "You've got the look down with the glasses, too!"

"As I said, mere volition has nothing to do with one's actual suitability." While clearing his throat, Iida stated, "I did nothing more than follow my judgment on the matter."

Both Uraraka and Midoriya were surprised by Iida being so proper. Of course, teenagers got Iida to explain his family background. Iida is from a family that has been Heroes for generations. He is the second son, while his brother is an active hero called the "Turbo Hero: Ingenium." His brother is known to be super popular, has an office in Tokyo, and has hired as many as sixty-five sidekicks. "He's a beloved Pro-Hero who prizes the rules and guides the people!!" Iida stated. "And I aspire to be a Hero like him one day."

Iida looked straight at his friends with a smile, "I think it might be too soon for me to be in a leadership position. For now, Midoriya is the better man. And him becoming the President is the right choice!"

"So Ingenium is to Iida, as All Might is to me! Although, of course…."


"The siren?!?!"

Security Level 3 has been breached. Students, please promptly evacuate.

After hearing that level of security, all the students except the first-years understood how big of an issue it was. Iida asked his upper-level students what the announcement meant, "It means someone's infiltrated the school grounds! This hasn't happened in three years! Come quickly, all of you!!"

The shock of the security announcement caused all of the students in the cafeteria to gather at the entrance to the hallway. Still, they crowded the entrance, and everyone had difficulty getting out of the cafeteria. Students started shoving each other to get out of the cafeteria, which caused the friend group of three to separate. "Who on Earth…! What's this 'infiltration' about!?" Iida said to himself as he looked out of the cafeteria windows. There, he saw the crowd of press at the front of the school in the morning. "Isn't that… Just the Press!? Wait…" But he also saw a boy wearing a green hoodie who quietly snuck out of the school grounds. "THAT-"

Getting pushed around, Iida changed his train of thought to tell all the students that it was just the Press, but they were panicking and didn't pay any attention to him. "If I were Midoriya…" Iida thought, "Or my brother… at a time like this…!!!"

"Uraraka!!!" Iida thought of a plan and reached his hand as close to Uraraka as he could, "Make me float!!!" As their hands touched, Iida floated above the crowd of students, used his Quirk on his calves to shoot himself to the top of the doorway, and screamed so everyone could hear, "EVERYBODY CALM DOWN! IT'S OKAY!!!"

There was silence, and all the students present stared at him as he continued, "It's just the Press! There's nothing to panic about! It's okay!! You're at UA!! Let's conduct ourselves like those enrolled at the highest academia!!!" Not long after Iida confirmed and calmed down the students, the police came, and the press withdrew from the school grounds. The students returned to their classrooms.

"Alright, President, start us off," instructed Momo, standing before everyone with Midoriya.

"Uh, let us initiate the ceremony for the new Class President! But before that…" Midoriya said nervously. "I need to say something! Ultimately, I think Iida would be better for the job!" Iida was shocked to hear this and continued to listen to Midoriya's explanation, "You proved yourself able to unify people so coolly. And I judge that Iida becoming Class President is the right choice."

"YEAH!" Kirishima jumped in, "He's got a point! Iida made a great showing back there at the cafeteria!! I wouldn't have minded Midoriya either, of course!"

"Whatever, just get on with it already…" Mr. Aizawa tiredly but strictly instructed, "We're not getting any younger here." And that is how Class 1-A decided their Class President.

"If it's the wish of the Class President, then I can't refuse!!" Iida stated as he stood up and saluted.

 . . . . .

At the entrance to the school grounds stood the Principal, Recovery Girl, and a person wearing an astronaut suit. "Could an ordinary reporter have done something like this?" Principal Nezu asked. "Someone instigated this. Has some element of evil penetrated the grounds? Perhaps this was intended as a declaration of war…"

Dream smiled underneath his mask, hiding on the other side of the entrance gate. He never expected to return to hear those words from the Principal himself.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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