Chapter 5: Hospital Visit
The next day, the sun began to rise and shine through Dream's windows. The sun's light woke him up; he looked around drowsily and saw a skinny figure walking toward him. As the skinny figure approached, Dream's instincts told him to escape, so he struggled with the restraints until he heard a voice. "Hey! It's alright! It's only me." said the skinny figure. Dream looked to see who it was and saw the lean All Might or Mr. Yagi there.
If he could have turned over his body, he would, but all Dream could do was stare at the opposite side of the room. "What are you doing here?" Dream asked in annoyance.
"I came to visit you, of course," Mr. Yagi explained enthusiastically, "I couldn't leave you, young man, all alone."
"Yes, you could just leave me alone."
"Young man, we didn't start on the right foot last time, so let me introduce myself! I am All-. I'm Yagi Toshinori."
Dream just ignored him and stared at the wall. As Mr. Yagi was about to say something, he was interrupted by a lady opening the door with a tray of porridge. The lady talked to Mr. Yagi, but unfortunately, Dream couldn't understand what they were talking about. As Dream wondered what they were saying, Mr. Yagi said, "It appears your breakfast is here, young man."
"Now, the nurse here will unstrap the restraints so you can eat yourself. Do you promise to stay put?"
"I don't remember eating yesterday… It wouldn't be bad if I had a bite, but…." Dream looked over to the nurse lady and sternly stated, "I will only eat that stuff if you take a bite first."
The nurse was confused and looked in Mr. Yagi's direction. Mr. Yagi translated what Dream said to her. After finally understanding what she was 'asked,' she slowly placed the tray on the portable table and left the room. Dream watched her leave in confusion, "Where the heck is she going?!" After a few minutes, the nurse returned with an extra spoon and scooped up some porridge. She then made sure that Dream was watching her, and seeing that he was, she took a bite, swallowed, and opened her mouth to show that it was gone.
"See, young man, nothing for you to worry about!" Mr. Yagi said in encouragement.
The nurse went to remove the restraints and watched to see what Dream would do. Dream sighed and grabbed the spoon on the tray. He didn't want anything but knew he had to eat something. Tch. He took a spoonful of the porridge and took a bite. The porridge tasted fine, and there seemed not to be any unusual tastes. After confirming that it was okay, he took another bite. "I haven't thrown up yet… That's a good sign." Ever since Dream was in prison, the warden would only give him potatoes, but they soon became raw potatoes. Only having one type of food is terrible for the body; in Dream's case, this leads to malnutrition.
When Dream came to this new place, he tried eating other foods like steak or pork. Unfortunately, his body couldn't digest solid food properly because of the low nutrition he was getting from the raw potatoes. So he would throw it all up whenever he had solid food. Dream couldn't believe that he might be able to have something to eat without throwing it up. But even though he was happy to eat something finally, he only ate a quarter of the food.
"Dr. Shimizu said you might not eat all of your food." Mr. Yagi said sadly.
"Why does that matter to you?" Dream asked.
Surprised, Mr. Yagi asked Dream, "Why wouldn't I be worried about a young man in trouble?"
"Tch…" Dream grabbed the sheet and covered himself with it. "You guys can leave. I'm getting tired."
Mr. Yagi nodded, grabbed the tray, and left the room with the nurse. "Rest well, young man. You'll need it for this afternoon."
Dream wondered what he meant but was too tired to think about it. He closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.
. . . . .
Dr. Shimizu walked toward Mr. Yagi as he left the boy's room. "Mr. Yagi! Can I have a word with you?"
"Yes! Is there something wrong?"
The doctor looked down at his clipboard and turned himself around. "Let's talk in my office."
As the doctor and Mr. Yagi walked down the hospital corridor, Mr. Yagi heard whispers from the nurses walking past them. Mr. Yagi was caught off guard by one of the nurse's conversations, "That poor boy, he doesn't trust anyone." said the boy's nurse.
"Well, what can you expect?" the desk nurse sadly replied. "His injuries are so bad that this can't be considered abuse. Someone tortured him."
"I know, but we can't help with those injuries until he develops more muscles, which could take months!"
"He will have to stay here for at most six months; let's make sure he gets out at six months."
"Yeah, let him leave the hospital, not on a…."
"Shh!! His guardian is over there!"
The nurses disperse, and Mr. Yagi walks into Dr. Shimizu's office, afraid to hear about the boy's results. Both men sit down on two different couches to face each other; Mr. Yagi looks at the doctor with worry. Mr. Yagi started to speak when he was interrupted by the doctor, "You don't have to worry about the boy, Mr. Yagi."
"The boy is in a bad state but won't die on us. We will be monitoring his signals and checking up on him periodically."
"Oh, thank you!"
"It's my job." Dr. Shimizu smiled with confidence. "All I wanted was to tell you we couldn't find any other DNA reports."
"No DNA reports? You mean that there is not a single medical report on him?!"
Dr. Shimizu nods, "Yes, but that's only here in Japan."
Mr. Yagi looked at the doctor in confusion. Seeing Mr. Yagi's confusion, Dr. Shimizu explained, "We are sending his DNA to America to see if they have any medical reports. That's our only option since he speaks English and has no British or Australian accent." Mr. Yagi nodded, saying he understood what the doctor was trying to say. Dr. Shimizu continued, "The boy will most likely be here for six months; we will keep him here until he has gained some muscle and has gotten surgery for his left arm…."
After carefully listening to the rest of Dr. Shimizu's explanation of the boy's condition and future treatments, Mr. Yagi was relieved to hear that the boy would be alright. As Mr. Yagi was going to express how thankful he was, there was a knock on the doctor's door. Both men turned towards the door, and the doctor said, "You may come in!" After the doctor invited the person, a nurse opened the door and reported, "Doctor, the person you requested is here to see you."
. . . . .
At the same time, at Aldera Junior High, a boy with short, messy dark-green hair and green eyes was sitting at his desk, exhausted from working at the beach the day before. As he stared blankly at the chalkboard, he listened to the teacher's lecture for about a minute until he started thinking about the schedule that All Might gave him. After sending the skinny, dirty blonde boy to the hospital, All Might gave him a plan that gave him a new routine to build some muscle before the UA entrance exams. UA High is a school for heroes to learn how to be a hero while learning basic academic knowledge. It's the number one hero school that anyone has to go to to be a hero because almost all the well-known heroes have graduated from this particular school, including All Might.
"He wasn't kidding about the difficulty level of this training. He has everything planned out until the entrance exams!" The dark green-haired boy thought to himself. "This means that I have 294 days left… I have to push my muscles to the limit once every two days. Thinking about it ideally, the base of the training will take about 98 days. And if you think about roughly five hours of training day and night, it would be 490 hours."
Soon, getting lost in thought, the boy started to talk out loud about his training schedule and maybe think about changing the plan a bit to get more time to train. But with him talking out loud, the whole class, including the teacher, stared at him in disbelief.
"Midoriya!" The teacher stretched the bones in his right arm to hit Midoriya with a hand chomp. "Did the encounter with that villain mess you up in the head? And you keep muttering about your problems, disturbing the lesson!"
While the rest of the class made fun of Midoriya's muttering, one student ignored the situation. However, all that student was thinking about was how Midoriya still thought he could make it into UA High. Hearing this, Midoriya covered his mouth with both hands to ensure he didn't say anything more.
. . . . .
It was after school ended, and as usual, Midoriya went home to quickly change into a plain white t-shirt and dark green sports shorts. He said goodbye to his mother and went straight to Takoba Municipal Beach Park, the place All Might chose where his training would be for the next four months. He looks at his progress as he walks to the stairs heading toward the beach. "I'm not halfway done... and it's already been a couple of months!!" Midoriya's anxious thoughts made him doubt that he could inherit the Quirk All Might promised.
"Will I be able to meet All Might's expectations? And will I be able to catch up to my peers in just this little time?" He murmured.
"Of course you will, Young Midoriya!!!" said the skinny All Might.
"AAHH!!" Midoriya was startled to hear All Might's voice out of nowhere. "All Might! W-when did you get here?!?!"
"Just now!" All Might said with confidence. "Now, Young Midoriya!!! Let's get started-"
All Might was interrupted by his phone's ringtone. He went to check to see who was calling and answered the call as soon as he saw the caller ID. All Might nervously talked to the person on the phone and asked if something was wrong, but soon, the look of relief was on his face. Midoriya watched quietly as the conversation between All Might and the Unknown Caller continued. After around ten minutes, All Might ended the call and looked toward Midoriya.
"Young Midoriya... I have to go to the hospital." All Might firmly state.
"H-hospital?" Midoriya was confused at first, but then he remembered, "Ahh! Is it about that boy we found here?!"
All Might nodded and asked Midoriya, "I know it's sudden, but... I would like you to talk face-to-face with the young man."
. . . . .
All Might and Midoriya walked toward Dr. Shimizu's office. Since this was Midoriya's first visit, he looked at the nameplates in each hospital room and read each patient's name on the door. Suddenly, Midoriya stopped before one of the doors and stared at the nameplate with no expression; "Young Man" was all written on the nameplate. Seeing that he stopped, All Might softly touched his shoulder, causing him to look behind. All Might softly said, "He hasn't given us any information about himself, not even his name." Midoriya slowly looked back to the nameplate and asked himself, "Why doesn't he look for help from the Heroes? Is he scared of people? What caused him to be in that state when I first saw him?" After silence, All Might guided Midoriya toward the doctor's office.
As both All Might and Midoriya entered the doctor's office, they were greeted by the doctor and a nurse. They were both sitting on a couch and seemed to be discussing something, but they were interrupted by their guest's arrival. "Hello, Mr. Yagi!!" greeted Dr. Shimizu, "And who might this young man be?"
"Hello, Dr. Shimizu, this is..."
"The child that I mentioned to you about." All Might looked at Midoriya before answering but quickly continued to respond.
Dr. Shimizu pondered for a bit before understanding what All Might was referring to, "Ahh, the one that's around Young Man's age?"
"Yes," All Might nodded, "his name is Midoriya Izuku."
After hearing him introduce himself, Midoriya bowed and introduced himself. The doctor smiled at them and gestured for them to sit on the couch before him. Following the doctor's gesture, both All Might and Midoriya sat down.
"Now, Mr. Yagi," Dr. Shimizu started talking seriously, "I called you here because we finally got word from the American database."
All Might was surprised to hear they got word from America soon. He told the doctor to continue with a solemn nod.
"The information we got was that..." Dr. Shimizu gripped both of his hands together and let out a sigh. "He is not in any records; it's like he never existed."
Both All Might and Midoriya were in shock. How can someone suddenly exist at the age of 15? Does that mean he was kidnapped when he was a baby? All sorts of questions were going through both of their minds, but they were soon interrupted. "The young man was most likely hidden and abused after his parents discovered he was Quirkless." Dr. Shimizu stated. The nurse next to the doctor nodded in agreement. "There is also the possibility that he may have been abandoned and then was found by a horrible person, causing him to be tortured..." the nurse said softly.
Hearing both the doctor's and the nurse's responses, Midoriya quickly stood up. "I'm sorry!" He bowed towards the adults in the room, "But I will excuse myself!!" As he said those words, Midoriya quickly left the office and went towards the Young Man's room.
. . . . .
As Midoriya stood in front of the boy's door, he encouraged himself to open it, and as soon as he was about to grab the handle, it opened right in front of him. Startled, he saw a woman with a clipboard at hand. The woman smiled and looked back into the room, "Looks like you have a visitor!" The one she spoke to answered in broken Japanese, "I care not."
The voice belonged to the boy Midoriya encountered at Takoba Municipal Beach Park. The woman smiled softly at the response as she turned back to Midoriya.
"He can be quite the handful, so please be careful." As she "informed" Midoriya, she walked towards the doctor's office. After she was out of sight, Midoriya quietly walked into the hospital room. "Hello." When he entered the room, he saw a boy sitting in the hospital bed, and sure enough, this was the same boy as before, but the boy seemed a bit different from the last time he saw him. The boy gained some weight and looked healthier, but he still had a rotten hand and the same scar on his face.
"How... how have you been?"
The boy didn't answer back.
"I heard that..." Midoriya looked down at his feet and twiddled with his fingers. After a few seconds, there was an answer.
Shocked hearing the boy responding to him, Midoriya continued to finish his sentence.
"I heard that you don't have..."
"A Quirk?" the boy asked.
Midoriya slowly nodded. After seeing Midoriya's response, the boy only sighed in annoyance.
"I care not. I need thing no." The boy seemed frustrated from hearing the word 'Quirk,' so he grabbed a notebook and pencil and started to write in a weird language. Watching the boy, Midoriya began to feel uncomfortable and awkward. He couldn't think of a way to continue the conversation but saw the bizarre writing.
"What's that language?" he asked.
The boy looked at Midoriya with no emotions, "No business." He went back to writing in the notebook.
"I'm..." Midoriya clenched his fists together. "I've been in a bad state because I don't have one either!"
The boy stops writing and looks back at Midoriya.
"I!! I know how you feel!!!" Midoriya stated, taken aback by the sudden pressure in the room.
"You, not me!!!" The boy raised his voice in frustration. "YOU!!! Feel not!!!"
Midoriya tried to bring back calm. He said, "Well, you are safe now since All Might saved you!! The greatest Hero in the world! He saved you..."
The boy yelled in annoyance, causing Midoriya to stare at the boy in shock. "I care not, Heroes!!! Heroes real not!!!"
The boy seemed to have finally gotten tired of holding in his feelings, and his emotional facial expression showed anger and sadness. Midoriya could see that change in expression and calmly said, "I don't know what you have been through, but you are not alone right now." He looked straight at the boy and smiled, "My name is Midoriya Izuku! I will be here if you need to let out some steam."
The boy stared back in shock but slowly looked away from him and said softly, "My name is Dream."