Force in The Witcher

Chapter 11: 11. After the Injury

Kael slept as the ship traveled at great speed. Windu looked at Kael from time to time as he steered the ship. Although he was sure he would recover, he didn't want his Padawan to be mentally affected by this injury.

As Kael slowly woke up, Windu got up from the pilot's seat and went to his side.

When Kael suddenly woke and began to scream, Windu took his arm and tried to calm him. "You're okay, okay. You're okay. We're safe."

Kael realized he was on the ship. The last thing he remembered was a large, deep wound in his chest. There were no wounds, though his shirt was torn.

"I healed your injury, you lost a lot of blood, you could have died if you hadn't tried to heal yourself with the Force." Windu appreciated what Kael had done. A Jedi or even a Jedi Paladin might not have been able to stay calm in such a situation. Kael had proven his mental ability and willpower enough on this mission.

The ship arrived at the Jedi Temple. Mace Windu could tell that Kael was tired and exhausted. When they disembarked, he took Kael to the Temple lounge to rest. "Kael, rest here. We will talk later," he said.

Kael followed his master's instructions and went into the lounge and lay down in a comfortable spot. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply. He soon fell asleep from exhaustion and the experience.

After checking on Kael's condition, Mace Windu made his way to the Jedi Council. When he entered the council hall, the other Jedi Masters were waiting for him. Yoda, Plo Koon, Ki-Adi-Mundi and other members of the council were there. Mace Windu could feel the solemn and expectant atmosphere in the room.

Yoda looked at Mace Windu with deep, thoughtful eyes and asked, "Master Windu, what happened on the mission, did you find?"

Mace Windu straightened and began to speak. "We encountered a Sith on the mission and neutralized him," he said.

Plo Koon leaned forward in curiosity. "What else happened besides the duel? How did Kael fare?" he asked.

Mace Windu began to describe Kael's performance in detail. "After the duel in the cave, Kael and I made our way deeper into the jungle. As we made our way back to our ship, we were surrounded by a large and ferocious horde of Nexu. These creatures were extremely fast and deadly.

Plo Koon was curious about Kael's battle with these creatures. "How did Kael fare against the Nexu?" he asked.

Mace Windu continued after a short pause. "Kael drew his lightsaber and joined the battle at my side. He bravely fought off the Nexu's attacks and helped me distract them with strategic moves. He showed great determination and courage in every move," Ki-Adi-Mundi asked worriedly, "Was he injured?"

Mace Windu frowned, remembering Kael's injury. "Yes, one of the creatures attacked at great speed and delivered a deep claw blow to Kael's chest. I healed his wound with the Force, but he ran out of energy and fell unconscious.

Yoda sighed deeply when he heard that Kael was injured. "Learn much from this experience, Kael can. Admirable, his courage and skill are. But careful, he must be."

Mace Windu said, "Yes, Master Yoda. Kael's performance on this mission has shown his potential and his ability to learn. But it is important that he also understands that he must be careful and cautious," Mace Windu added.

Plo Koon praised Kael's performance, saying, "The young Padawan showed great courage and skill despite his age.

Ki-Adi-Mundi expressed concern for Kael's injury, saying, "It is sad that Kael was injured, but such experiences are important for his growth and development.

Mace Windu expressed hope for Kael's future, saying, "Kael's performance on this mission showed his potential and his ability to learn. I believe he will be a great asset to the Jedi Order," he said.


As Kael rested in the recreation room of the Jedi Temple, Mace Windu watched him. Kael's physical recovery was important, but his mental and emotional state was just as critical. To better understand Kael's condition, Mace Windu decided to conduct a test without his knowledge.

After a while, Kael slowly opened his eyes and looked around. The rest had done him good, but he was still a little tired. Mace Windu appeared in the doorway of the room. "Kael, how are you feeling?" he asked.

Kael looked at his master and said, "Better, Master Windu. The rest has done me good," he said.

Mace Windu came in and sat down beside Kael. "Good hearing. I wanted to give you a little more time to relax and be alone with your thoughts." He waited for the right moment to understand Kael's mental and emotional state.

For a while there was silence. Mace Windu watched Kael's natural reactions and thoughts. "Kael, let me ask you something, how did you feel during this mission? How did you control your emotions and thoughts?" he asked.

Kael paused for a moment and considered his master's question. "I experienced many different emotions during the mission, Master. At first there was some fear and anxiety, but then I realized I needed to focus. I tried to stay calm, and I trusted you."

Mace Windu sensed that Kael was answering honestly. "So how did you feel when you were fighting the Nexu? What did you think when you were wounded?" he asked.

Kael replied with a deep breath. "It was really hard to fight the Nexu. They were very fast and strong. When I got hurt, I panicked for a moment, but then I gathered my strength and focused. I knew I had to stay calm.

Mace Windu was impressed with Kael's ability to control his thoughts and emotions during the process. "Kael, this mission has taught you much. I was pleased to see you control your thoughts and emotions."

As Kael listened to his Master's words, he thought about what he had learned from this experience. "Thank you, Master Windu. This mission has been a great learning experience for me. I was able to stay calm and control my emotions, but I still have much to learn," Kael said.

Mace Windu was pleased with Kael's progress. "Yes, Kael. The learning never ends. Each mission, each experience will make you stronger. Your effort and perseverance is admirable.

Kael felt even more confident after hearing his master's words. "Thank you, Master Windu, for always supporting me," he said.

Mace Windu reminded Kael that he had a surprise for him, "I told you I had a surprise for you when we returned to the Temple, didn't I? Now it's time for you to see it," he said, leading Kael to another part of the temple.

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