Chapter 18: Chapter eighteen: Dragon knight
Kaijo prepares the sandboat and looks into the sandstorm to see if it is storming. The blue light within the clouds give it away. Kaijo makes his way into the sand sea. He approaches the sand sea covered in an everlasting sandstorm with occasional storms. The sunlight is faded out and the dark brown sand is so fine it is like liquid. The darkness is illuminated by lightening and thunder as well as the screams of unkown monsters. Looking into the distance he can see tentacles coming out of the ground and monsters moving in and out of the sand catching their prey. One of these gets close to the boat and he can take a good look at it. It´s a giant scaly creature with a shovelshaped head and green eyes posessing a long and chunky body. In it´s mouth is a smaller lizard creature in between the sharp teeth. It goes back into the sand. Kaijo focuses on the boat and the sail and keeps it steady toward the dragons lands. He makes it into the eye of the storm and sunlight appears again and the sand is a beautiful white and yellow color with red and brown rocks with a mountain reaching up covered in tropical plants, fruits and trees. There are dragons to be seen except one circling far above. Kaijo sets foot on the land and starts moving up the mountain. He takes some of the fruits and takes cover in the shade. The dragon swoops in and destroys the sandboat and starts walking around searching for him. It´s nose in the air it sniffs and makes out Kaijo`s scent. It moves it´s head and looks straight at him. The dragon is as tall and big as the dragon skelleton he saw earlier. The scales are the sands color and are covered in strange vines. It´s head is big and bears horns and it is covered by a sort of wooden parasite or crown that extends it´s limbs across the head seeping in. The dragon snaps it´s jaw at him and he runs away. He is rathere quick and looks for escape routes. The dragon flies overhead and chases him using it´s flame breath. Kaijo barely makes it into a behind some rocks and can avoid being smoked alive. He makes it into a small canyon that the dragon is too big for. The dragon loses interest and flies off to the top of the mountain. He makes it further in and arrives at a mansion surrounded by white stone walls on a plain field closing off the entrance further up the mountain. There are two metal gates one in front and one in the back. Through the metal door you can see a luscous garden and a small entrance path to the mansion and backdoor. He opens the gates and can see a woman at ceramic table enjoying some tea. She is wearing metal armor and some dragon skin is hanging around her waist and shoulders and flows downwards. She has a helmet on the table and has white hair with a golden hairband and red almost dragonlike eyes. "On the way to kill the dragon?" She asks Kaijo relaxed. "Yes, he is an old champion and corrupted." Kaijo says. "I´m afraid I cannot let you pass!" she says putting down the tea cup. She puts on her helmet and draws her rapier. "I dragon knight Averia Dracelia von Drastvelia will be the one to put you down for the dragon mother!" she says. "I can´t let you stop me!" Kaijo says readying his swords. She puts her hand behind her back and quickly closes the gap launching a diagonal cut. Kaijo steps back to avoid the attack. She follows up with a vertical cut which Kaijo blocks. She stabs at him taking one step each time she does so. Kaijo steps to the side. He can see her movements and can predict them due to his experience with the old baron and the other undead or monsters who use unusual and unsophisticated fighting style. She uses her hand to gauge the distance of her next stab and charges her weapon up which glows in a red light. Kaijo is cautious and steps to the side. The stab was empowered by red lightening and moves past him. It is wider, stronger and longer because of it. She takes a short break in which Kaijo can get a couple of hits of reducing her hp 88% . She attacks again with some stabs and cuts and delays some of her attacks that graze Kaijo dealing some damage. "Hp: 50/60". Kaijo gets some more attacks in reducing her hp to 76%. She focuses up empowering her rapier with some red lightening magic and launches more attacks. Kaijo manages to dodge most of them but a one of them hits him head on. "Hp:20/60". As a reaction he uses the gods armor to soak up the damage and charges up powerful strike. She notices and stops her attacks and charges her sword up with even more magic. She hits him head on shattering the armor. Fortunately he gets his attack of reducing her hp 56% and leaving her vulnerable. He follows up with a critical hit but for some reason her hp is only reduced to 50%. "Oh great Dragon! Grant me thy strength once more!" she says stretching her hand skyward catching a red lightening bolt which covers the area in red lightening rain. The energy moves down her body and the dragon skin on her shoulders come alive as dragons wings. Kaijo heals himself back full with two healing flasks. "Healing flask:3". She also gains a red lightening claw in her left hand and slides it over her rapier empowering it more and longer. She moves quicker with the help of the wings. Kaijo dodges and uses invisibility to get behind her and backstab her unraveling the invisibility. This attack reduces her hp 35%. She turns around and grabs him with her claw and flies and drags his face along the floor and launches him up. Kaijo tumbles in the air and she stabs her rapier into the air launching a red lightening that brings him back to the ground reducing his hp to "Hp: 5/60" He stands up and she attacks again. He can dodge and gets into a flow state slowing time down. He dodges blocks and counter attacks her reducing her hp to 25%. Time moves normally again and she flies into the sky showing her wings and powering up her rapier even further spinning down onto the ground. Kaijo heals while she is in the air. "Hp60/60" "Healing flask:1" She hits the ground covering the surrounding area in a red orb that explodes around it and sends red lightening through the ground. Kaijo avoids the attack by runnning away. She pulls her sword out of the ground and the red lightening power slowly fades. He uses frost to freeze her on the spot and attacks once more reducing her hp to 15%. She breaks free and uses her combo again but more sluggishly. He parries her and finishes it off with a critical hit. "Victory achieved!" pops up and "40.000 souls". "Yes!" he says celebrating. After some time passes she wakes up again. "What happened?" she asks confused. "You attacked me when I said I wanted to kill the corrupted dragon. So I had to fight you and win." he explains to her. "Blazes! The corruption must´ve gotten to me!" she says. "Not your fault." Kaijo says. "The parasite is at fault. I saw it on the dragons head." he says. "That´s why none of the other dragons approached me." she says taking her helmet off sitting down at the table again. "Looks like they were watching." Kaijo says pointing at some dragons resting on top of the canyon. "My powers are exhausted after that fight. I am afraid I cannot help thee with your quest at the moment. Before you go take this." she says handing him a cloak made from dragonskin. Kaijo picks it up. "Item acquired: Red dragon cloak. Defense: 30 (grants immunity to red lightening and high fire defense) Item description: A cloak made from red dragon scales that offers exceptional defense agains red lightening and fire." "Thank you." Kaijo says equipping it over his armor. "I can´t thank you yet we need to slay the dragon mother first. I shall assist you. Take this to summon me fo the dragon." she say handing him something. "Key item acquired: red emblem. Item description: A red emblem depicting a dragon belonging to the Drastvelia family which are renowned to be the dragon knights. With this you can summon Averia Dracelia von Drastvelia to your assistance." Kaijo sits down to take a rest. "Not gone yet? What´s keeping you? Are you perhaps interested in some spells?" she asks pouring him a cup of tea. "Yes!" Kaijo says taking a sip. He can buy items from her spells armor and her rapier as well as one talisman. "Note not effective agains dragons with red lightening or their creators. He buys all the spells spending all his souls, she used in the bossfight. He gets her rapier and dragon knight armor and the dragon tooth talisman. "New spell acquired: Red lightening strike. Spell description: Strike your foes from above with red lightening. " "Spell acquired: Red lightening sword. Spell description: Imbue your weapon with red lightening. Buffing all attacks size, reach and power"" Spell acquired: Dragon flight. Spell description: Grow spectral wings that allow temporary flight." "Spell acquired: Red lightening dragon dive. Spell description: Fly into the air and dive into the ground with red lightening spinning." "Spell acquired: Red lightening rain.Spell description: Rain down red lightening from above on your enemies.""Item acquired: Dragon knight set. Defense 500. Item description: This armor was worn by the dragon knights who fell victim to the old king and the old corrupted dragon. This armor is made from metal and the scales increase the defense and grant immunity to red lightening." "Item acquired: Dragon knight Rapier. Attack 300. Item description: an elegant and beatiful rapier used by nobility of the dragon knights. "" Item acquired: dragon claw charm. Item description: This talisman boosts any dragon attacks by 30%. This was a gift by the dragon mother with clippings of dragon claws."These spells may be of use in your journeys. Take care!" she says smiling. "See you later!" Kaijo says finishing his tea and leaving through the back gates. There is a fire there and he rests up.