Chapter 5: Chapter five: Pirates
Kaijo leaves the fire and goes up the stairs killing the rats going back from under the stairs. He fires the chandalier down killing multiple undead. "+500 souls." The other undead rush him he swings his axe once and the undead fall. He looks around for a ladder or a door he hasn´t checked yet. He finds a door in the left side of the door he tries to open it but to no avail. "Locked. Key necessary." "A key? I guess I need to explore the tavern some more." He says running up the stairs to kill one undead and fires his crossbow multiple times to kill the one on the other side. He finds an open doorway leading to a broken balcony with a corpse and a shining white orb on it. He loots it. "Item acquired: Key to the side-entrance of the tavern in the lost bay." "Nice found the key !" he says going back to the side-entrance opening the door. He looks around and finds a dead end to his left and another building just in front with a ladder leading up to the interconnected houses and planks going across. He climbs up the ladder and is immedatily greeted by two undead that have bow and arrows and start shooting. Luckily he is fast enough to dodge and attack. He blocks the other arrow with his axe head taking minimal damage and then smashes his axe down on the undead. "+200 souls" He loots them and finds "Item acquired: Arrows. Item descrption: Arrows made out of wood with iron tips." "Item acquired: Longbow. Attack: 150. Durability: 150/150. Item description: A standard wooden longbow used by soldiers or hunters." "Alright let´s equip the longbow." he says equipping it storing the crossbow away and equipping the arrows. He sees and undead draws the string up to his cheecks aims for the head and releases. With the string vibrating the arrow flies off finding it´s target and killing it. "+100 souls". He repeats the process until all the undead on the roofs are dead. "+600 souls." He continues along to a church tower to get a better view of the area to find the pirate boat. He goes up a ladder on the side of the tower. There is a man standing there watching the area. He wears a hat and light white and red clothes with thick leader armor and a scimitar and a gun. From the appearence it´s clear that that is a pirate. "Oh, We have a visitor. That´s rare these days. What business do you have with my crew?" he asks him. "Your crew? I just need the key to the prison tower." Kaijo answers. "A key to the prison tower ? I don´t remember seeing such a key. Unless it´s the key my crew stole while pillaging the area." he answers. "Might be worth taking a look. It´s just a spare key anyways." Kaijo says. "Be careful our captain has been acting weird lately don´t know what he is up to. He ordered me and my strongest men to secure the area from others. As the vice-captain of the crew I implore you not to seek him or the ship!" he says. "What do you mean acting weird?" Kaijo asks. "Weird ? It´s just that he´s been shying away from sunlight and is very adamant on being left alone. Must have caught a sickness on the way here." he answers. "That does sound strange." Kaijo says. "Ah, I forgot. I suspect he might have become undead his skin was all pale and his eyes were yellow a stark contrast to his usual blue eyes. I cannot betray my captain or the crew. So I must ask you to put an end to his misery. Take this." he says handing him something. "What´s this?" Kaijo asks picking it up. "Item acquired: Red cloth. Item description: A red cloth handed to you by the vice-captain. A symbol that you are one of them." "So my men don´t accidentaly kill you." he adds. Kaijo wraps the cloth around his arm. "The ship is that way. Take a look with this!" he says pointing to the east toward the sea and giving Kaijo a pair of binoculars. "Item acquired: Binoculars. Item description: Used to see something from afar." He takes a look and sees the pirate ship. "Thanks for the help. Didn´t expect for pirates to have an honor code. Usually anyone with the position as vice-captain would want to become captain eventually one way or another." Kaijo says. "I´m afraid I can´t break my promise. He saved my life many times already for that I am indebted to him. I made a promise to follow him anywhere even it meant my death." he answers. "Friendship. I understand that you couldn´t kill someone so close to you. Farewell!" Kaijo says. "We´ll see each other again once the captain is dead. I have to pay you for your service!" he says. Kaijo goes down the ladder again. He continues along the rooftops to the east to find the pirate ship he kills multiple undead on his way. He eventually finds a ladder leading down onto the docks. He is back in the light mist and can make out multiple people holding torches patrolling the area. The see him and approach him. "So you must be our new recruit!" he says laughing to his mates. "Come with us we just made a meal!" another says putting his hand around Kaijo leading him to a small piece of land with a fire and some meat and soup cooking on it. "Hey guys meet our new recruit!" he says. "He looks... well Ugly!" another answers laughing off. "Ugly? You must mean even worse than the captain looks nowadays!" another says laughing away. "Thank you for the meal. I´m afraid I can´t stay for long." Kaijo says. "Doesn´t matter you´re one of us now!" another says handing him some meat and soup. "Thank you!" Kaijo says eating his meal and recovering his healing flasks and health. It tastes like nothing bland and chewy and doesn´t fill him up at all. He didn´t even notice that he didn´t need to eat or drink for days. Him being undead means he can survive off of souls and his healing Flasks. "It was nice knowing you! I´m off to meet the captain." Kaijo says standing up leaving for the ship. "The captain aleady. Must be motivated to get his ass kicked." someone says. "Could it be the one that can finally put the captain out of his misery?" another asks. "We´d need to banish him if he did. Too bad could´ve used someone like him!" another says.