Chapter 3: Ch3_first fragment : Jacob 2_Hail
In a small nameless village near the border of Cadia kingdom a group of children were playing near the fountain which was the trademark of the village
The sound of their laughter echoing reaching the woods
The birds chirping a beautiful melody under the shining sun
In the village adults looking at the far away kids and smiling
An echoing sound vibrated the whole village
"Nolan , the last to jump in the water will carry the other home "
And they ran as fast as they could
Laughing cheerfully,nolan surpassed Jacob
Laughing at his banked expiration
When he was about to jump he suddenly stopped , Jacob surpassed him and jumped first splashing water on him
"Haaaaay , i won" shouted Jacob then he locked back to see nolan looking absent minded,looking far at the horizon
"Hahahahaha , do you think acting frozen will save you"
Nicholas Said quietly" the birds stopped singing "
Confused with the sinking feeling inside his chest
Jacob looked at the sky and said
"Oh,look at those clouds , i think a storm is coming"
For unknown reason Nolan felt fear gripping his heart
Then the sound of the thunder shook the whole frost
A drop, two drops , then three
Water fell from the sky like hale
And nolan started shaking
That's when Jacob noticed the strange state his friend was in
Nolan crouched down till he sat on the ground holding his head while he was Trembling
As the rain became stronger all the other kids rushed back home leaving both Nolan and Jacob behind
Jacob was panicking "hay nolan are you ok" he said , but no answer came back
Nolan looked at the dark sky with fear
When the sound of thunder came again
Nolan began shaking violently
Holding his head , his face in the mud , screaming
With great difficulty he turns his head to Jakob who was frozen solid
With a crying face he mummers one word "help"
Then he was out cold
Jacob stood there looking at him
"Nolan,....., Nolan"
Jacob started shaking him
When no answer came he panicked more
Fear gripping his heart
"Hay , nolan ,...,sop..sop" he started crying
Then he crotched down , carrying nolan up on his back
He began walking slowly towards the village
The kid cried and walked
"Nolan don't worry the chief will know what to do"
For a good five minutes Jacob has been crying and talking to nolan but no answer came back
At this moment a drop hit Jacobs hand
But....., somehow it felt different, was heavier,and warmer
Jacob looked at his arm to find the red colored drop sliding down reaching his hand painting a red line , Then he looked at nolan
Jacob felt a lump in his throat
Blood was dripping out of Nolan's nose
It was leaking from his mouth too
Jacob panicked he started running while carrying nolan , for them both to fall down hard after a minute or so
Then he carried him again and started running ، soon after he tripped over and fell down
Covered by the rain , the mud , the little wounds caused by the fall ,and Nolan's blood , he rushed as fast as he can , but the kid wasn't strong enough to Carry someone of his weight while running,so They fell down again and again and again
After an unknown amount of time
A lumping kid arrived at the village covered in blood and tears
His loud sopping was covered by the heavy rain
His brown shirt turned to a darker color
It became sticky Jacob shouted while crying
"Heeeelp , please ,,,,,, somebody help"
That's when he heard the chiefs voice searching for them
"Jacob, Nolan , where are you " he was shouting
Jacob finally saw a trace of hope and shouted " HEEEELP"
He ran again with the last shred of strength of his body
When he saw the chief he tried to run faster to fall to the ground head first
He tried to protect nolan with his body to fail terribly
that's when the village chief arrived and he went on his knees to hold Jacob who seemed to be falling to take his breath
When he held the kid he was mortified to find the thick and viscous texture of his shirt , that sticky, viscous liquid, it was blood
When he looks at his hand all he sees is crimson
He searched the kids body to find a few gashes all around his body
The kids hand is trembling
His body ached so badly that he wanted to sleep
He was having a hard time talking and breathing , Yet he held on
For a few seconds,just a few more seconds
He pointed at the ground when the chief finally saw Nolan his face in the water with no way to breathe
The kid altered "help,...nolan.....he..." But before he could complete his words he lost his couscous
That's when the village chief had the scare of his life
Laying on the ground an eight years old kid
All his limps facing weird angles clearly broken, he had deep gashes all over his skin
The bones can be seen at a few places
His face in water and mud with no room for him to breathe
The kid's skin was purple
He probably wasn't breathing for a long while
The chief held the boy and shouted "get the doctor now"
The village was in chaos
People came from everywhere
The two kids were carried away to the doctors house
"Doctor Charles ,please open the door "
A man shouted
"Doctor, faster the kid is dying"
An old man opened the door to find the state Nicolas was in
His eyes opened wide and shouted
"Follow me and put him on the table
You go and get a bucket of water ,move faster
Hay,you , this is my medical kit get it here,
And You , clean the other kid and apply some pressure on his wounds to stop the bleeding, Chief come with me fast "
Everyone was moving fast around the doctor who held the bucket after removing the kids clothes and cleaned him
He held a Medical scalpel
And started cutting through the kid's chest
He spoke to the chief "three broken ribs , they sunk into his lung , his heart is falling,he lost a lot of blood, get some donors now , his four limps are broken , his kidney is shutting down , that without mentioning all the bone deep cuts all over his body and the purses that may have caused internal bleeding ,that if we don't talk about all those old scars, what in hell happened to this kid , was he being tortured before you got him here or what, haaah , we don't have time for this ,don't answer now ,fill me with the details after the operation"
The doctor cut open the boy's chest and connected a tube to one lung and shut the other, that's when the kid started breathing again
"3 minutes without air,it can affect his brain , let's hope that he doesn't enter a vegetative state after all if this " the doctor said
By now all the villagers knew about the two kids
Those who weren't inside the doctor's house were standing outside despite the rain
After several hours the doctor let a sight out of helplessness and fell back to his couch
"Just what is going on in his body" the doctor mummers
Those words gripping the chief's heart with fear
"doctor , will the kid be alright?" The chief asked
The doctor said "I hope so , at least he is not on his death bed any more "
"Then , what you mean by these words , is there something wrong with him"
The doctor said "haaaah, something wrong,you are kidding, there's nothing right in there , his body is fighting itself , his veins cramping ,don't even ask my how is that possible , and his blood making faint sizzling sound , there's nothing normal here , he should be waking up in just a few hours lets wait and see if he's gonna be alright, there's nothing more we can do"
Four hours later Jacob woke up, despite the pain he sat there looking at Nolan who was wrapped in bandages all over his body
Jacob's eyes were red and the sound of his sops can be heard from time to time.
Another three hours based
Nolan opened his eyes
Pain....., terrible paint
That's all he can feel
At least it was lesser than what he felt at the fountain , maybe it was just his body coping with the pain
He moved his eyes, which were the only things he could move right now
His eyes fell on Jacob who is crying silently
Jacob was the first one to notice him waking up
He looked at Nolan's eyes which looked full of gratitude and gave him a weak smile
Then nolan closed his eyes
unknown to him that was going to be his last sincere smile for the next eight years .