Game Creator Multiversal (Marvel/DC)

Chapter 89: New System Usage

After confronting the Australian Government for everyone to see we moved inside of the building, the architecture dripping in opulence as the SAS walked beside my Spartans, the super soldiers moving with the comfort of a lion observing its' domain.

The red-head politician which I learnt was called Pauline walked to my side, her emotions much more stable than I would have given her credit for. With that stability she took us on a tour through the building, the military heads of Australia standing and saluting as we passed, my stream still ongoing.

As we walked through I quickly worked through my plans for the government of Australia.

I wouldn't become the leader or dictator, no, that was too much work and pain. My plan was to create games, not manage the day to day sludge of governance. So, to achieve that I needed a system that ensured that the people felt like democracy was restored, whilst my own servants or summons actually managed things in the background. I had a few ideas wh those summons could be...

Firstly I would have the Governor General of the nation be Margulis from Warframe, leveraging her kindness and wish to help the people. Additionally it would give me access to her knowledge of the Orokin and Tenno. I chose her for governance as she would accomplish my goal to help the people in Australia whilst also acknowledging the need for guidance behind the scenes.

As for the shadow behind the 'throne' that Margulis would take over, that was a hard choice. Many options from Star Wars shone out to me... Darth Traya, Darth Vowrawn... But they were heavily biased by Sith doctrine and would no doubt try to gain complete control after some time. 

Pauline stopped before a Prime Minister's office, opening the door for me as we all stepped in. It was rather plain, looking more like a cubical than anything else. Ignoring the décor and stares I walked over to the chair behind the desk and sat.

"All of you, please give me a minute. I need to think for a second. Ghosts you can stay." The Spartans seemed surprise by the new title, but if they were displeased by it they did not show as such.

Everyone packed out of the room as I was left with my system and my Spartans. I ended the stream.

"System, how does this verbal communication work?"

{The System can now answer direct queries in relation to purchasing. For instance:

User asks system- How much would it cost to buy an apple?

System would then respond- The price of an apple is 1 point, would you like to purchase an apple?

This works on any scale.}

"Wow, okay then..."

"So if I were to ask how much it cost to purchase a Servant named Machiavelli from the Fate world, you would answer...?"

{The cost of purchasing Niccolo Machiavelli, High Servant, is approximately 1,250,100,500 Points, is how I would answer.}

"Interesting... Could you give me an analysis of how effective this servant would be at running the background operation of the Government of Australia?"

{Niccolò Machiavelli, as a High Servant, would be incredibly effective in running the background operations of the Australian government. His expertise in power dynamics, political strategy, and manipulation would make him a master of statecraft. Though he might not directly interfere with the visible structures of government, his influence would be felt in every decision, policy, and social interaction, always ensuring that he remains at the center of a well-oiled machine.

While not a traditional dictator, his style would be far more subtle, deeply pragmatic, and ruthlessly efficient, making him an ideal candidate for managing the shadow operations of the government without ever appearing to be the true power.}

"Hmmm... What if I were to recreate the systems of power? Re-establish the three branches of government into a self-investigating system of corruption seeking?"

{Re-establishing the three branches of government as self-investigating entities focused on corruption seeking would be a bold and innovative way to ensure accountability and maintain integrity within Australia's government. Niccolò Machiavelli would likely appreciate such a system, as it would blend his pragmatic understanding of power with a system that demands constant oversight, ensuring that power remains distributed yet tightly controlled. However, as with any system of checks and balances, careful management of the power dynamics is crucial to prevent stagnation and ensure that the goal of maintaining integrity does not hinder the functionality of the government itself.}

"Okay, purchase this Servant and ensure that he has all of the knowledge needed for modern times."

{Cost has already taken that need into account. Deducting Points now and initiating summoning process...}

A flash of white light emerged and disappeared instantly, the Servant now standing in the middle of the room with a placid temperament.

"Freya," he bowed with his half-cape whipping over his shoulder, "It is a pleasure to meet you. I understand what it is you wish of me and the plans that you have in place for this Australia. Please summon my compatriot and allow me the service of taking this matter off of your hands..." 

He bowed again, deferential at my presence. Looking at his outfit he looked almost exactly the same as Klaus and Picard in uniform... The system apparently intuiting that he would have to look the part for our venture. 'I am liking this upgrade already.'

"It is good to meet you as well Niccolo... I'll finish our servant-master pact first." Another tattoo formed a ring around my neck, much like the modern women from her world had gotten to look attractive. The tattoo itself was made up of small daggers that interwove with a fractal pattern of clean skin between the hundreds of symbols.

The agreement was completed and I moved onto Margulis from Warframe.

[Points: 3,782,113,263] 

"System, I want to purchase Margulis from Warframe. But, I want her to have the same information and understanding that Niccolo has as to why we are doing this and what her part will be."


[Points: 3,282,113,263]

A flash of white and she was there, the leader of the Tenno and a being with connection to the void... An experiment in a way to see if it was the summoning of characters that would effect things or simply the games in which I made. The results would be interesting.

"Hello. I understand your task for me and why you wish of me to conduct this mission... However, I would implore you to save my daughter, the last remaining Tenno." She bowed her head as Niccolo raised his chin in thought, a single hand moving to his beard as he glanced between me and Margulis.

Sighing I spoke aloud to the system.

"System, how much would it cost to bring who she spoke about here?"

{Price for the last surviving Tenno... Calculating... Calculating... Calculating...}

{Price Exceeds current rank of System. Please finish your Battle Pass before inquiring on this subject again.}

Margulis looked at me expectantly, hopefully, as if she were reaching out for a shred of hope in the darkness that was her experiences. 

"I am afraid, Margulis, that to bring your daughter here currently is out of my power... In future, after I have escaped the slog of humanity's corruption and annoyance, I will make every effort to bring your daughter here."

The woman deflated a touch but was enthusiastic at my pseudo-promise, her emotions somewhat complex but generally happy that i was even considering her selfish request. Niccolo moved forwards, bowing yet again before returning upright.

"Mistress Freya, I suggest that I take the political discussion from here and setup this regime that you have envisioned. By the end of the day we shall have the government reformed and ready to carry out your will, so long as I can get the support of Klaus and Picard." 

"You have it. Tell them that Freya summoned you and that you have relative autonomy over the background dealings of Australia. As for you, Margulis, you are free to reside over the parliament of Australia with complete Veto powers and control over the branches of Government; openly at least."

They both nodded, Niccolo with a controlled smile, whilst Margulis had no physical reaction. Opening the door, Selene invited everyone back in much to the surprise of Klaus and Picard who looked at the now summons with interest.

Niccolo quickly took over and started explaining what was required, his role and his partner's role in Government. Pauline and the rest of the politicians; who had been dominated by Klaus to confirm their non-connection to The Hand, nodded along and quickly started to suggest different things to Niccolo. Margulis was also interacting with them, shaking their hands and such...

She was actually in her original Orokin form, her Tenno form having been discarded by the system no doubt due to the lack of familiarity that humans would have with such a body. It made little difference to me, but at least she was happy interacting with her future counterparts. 

All of them were interacting as if half of them wouldn't be discovered to be corrupt in the coming future... It was funny to me.

Finally, after several minutes Niccolo walked off with the politicians, leaving me with Margulis who had questions.

"Freya... What do you want us to focus on after we establish government?"

Blinking away thoughts i was having on my droid production facilities, I debated within myself what was most important... And then I found it.

"I want the country to stabilise as soon as possible and then be thrust in the direction of controlled democracy, as you know..." She nodded. "But, from there I want the focus to be on industrialising Australia fully. I want the cities to be repaired, designed and structure properly. Regional areas will get an increased focus... Farms will get government aid through Tariffs on foreign imports. We will cease foreign exports of rare resources and materials. Lastly, we will focus on building hundreds of thousands of new houses for an incoming population of Force Sensitives and Mutants."

Margulis nodded, looking at the table for a pen and paper... Which I handed over to her. She quickly noted down my points and then turned and left, catching up with Niccolo who had halted whilst talking to the military leaders.

'Finally I can just sit back and make grand decisions without having to worry over the bullshit of Australia.'


The Pentagon...

"Sir! It has been confirmed that Australia has capitulated to the American Citizen known as God Empress or Freya." 

A major general walked into a meeting of brigadier generals and other high-ranking staff of several branches. Included in this meeting was the president of the USA, the man frowning heavily as his latest pole had him at the lowest of all time. America was beginning to hate his administration.

"Already!? I thought they would put up more of a fight!" Other generals communicated with one another secretly, many of them looking towards the president who was looking over at the Major General.

"What has she done to the country and its people?" Silence took the dark chamber. 

"Nothing sir! In fact, she has peacefully made the government capitulate. She quoted common law and killed what looked like demons. The Christian communities are calling her an angel or the next Jesus sir."

Silence continued as the Major General continued to speak into the tense atmosphere.

"The Muslim community is calling her a prophet of god, Saudi Arabia praising her for her action against tyranny... Russia is joining on he band-wagon and decrying all of the West for our actions against the mutants and force sensitives."

Many rear admirals that had been quiet since the meeting had started began speaking uproariously.

"So what you ae saying is that out base of operations in the Pacific is now a Russian supported Government that has access to technology that could outclass our greatest men and women in combat."

The Major General frowned before shaking his head, risking his position in doing so in such a casual way.

"No. What I am saying is that Russia has publicly supported Freya and her actions. There has been no word from the new Government in Australia as to the confirmation of relations."

"Well, it is only a matter of time..." The Major General scowled at the rear-admiral, his expression being picked up by all present.

"What is it son? Got something to say to all of us?"

The subordinate sighed and took off his medals, lining them up on the table below, his entire face showing how little he cared for the scraps of metal.

"If you all are the ones leading the USA, we are doomed. I resign... Oh, and I would consider releasing all of those Mutants and Force Sensitives, before that woman comes back to DC and makes you capitulate." He turned and simply walked out, the secret service men looking at one another before taking him out.

"A-arrest him! He's a traitor!"

No one else moved in the room as a brigadier general cursed from across the room. Not even the military police as that man was now a civilian as far as they were concerned.

"I don't think we will sir." A secret service agent spoke out, the president looking at them in shock.

"As required by my position as a field agent, I am needing to inform you that as the Senate and Congress have all been murdered, the people will need to elect new representatives before we follow military orders any further. Mr President?"

The president nodded and sighed deeply.

"The agent is correct. We will hold new elections for all of the lost positions. Do not act against Freya, Australia or that area around New York... We have to stabilise ourselves before we worry about external threats." He stood and walked out under the escort of the secret service... Strangely it looked more akin to police escorting a criminal than a protective service guiding a leader.


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