Game Merchant in Remnant

Chapter 27: Bushy Mustache

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"What in the world was that?"

Sienna Khan exclaimed. She had anticipated the usual initiation where future Huntsmen stumbled over each other, and was eager to witness the fabled Faunus, Shizuo Heiwajima, the Mini Kaiju of Vale. She expected him to excel, flaunting his prowess and skill before Vale's bigots.

However, Shizuo had shattered all her expectations. Mesmerized, Sienna watched the video of the Emerald Forest, now mostly obliterated, leaving a vast crater in its wake as he annihilated countless Grimm. She watched in utter astonishment.

"Shizuo will be a game-changer for whichever side he chooses to align with." 

She thought, recalling the power he demonstrated during the Beacon Initiation, witnessed by the entire world.

Sienna pondered her next move. She was aware of Shizuo Heiwajima's Little Menagerie Plaza Project, a sanctuary for the Faunus. His extensive history of destruction was well-known, and he had proven he let himself get arrested on a whim. Proven when he once demolished the steel bars and walls, to assault an inmate who annoyed him with a song, nearly killing the man.

Most notably, he was known for his womanizing ways, surrounded by a bevy of women. Two in particular, Ilia and Blake, had caught her attention. One had fled their organization, while the other vanished following the obliteration of a White Fang branch in Vale.

She harbored a lingering suspicion that he was the one who had destroyed their camp in Vale. However, the camp's destruction might have been a blessing in disguise, considering the dubious nature of the humans Adam wanted the organization to collaborate with.

Hopefully, with the help of Ilia, she would allow them to seduce Shizuo to Knockup as many of their members. Given the high likelihood that his children would inherit his potent Semblance, she couldn't afford to let this valuable asset slip away to the other side of the world to Atlas, beyond her reach.

This development was favorable; the entire world now viewed a Faunus, as the strongest. The Invincible Girl's minor tournament victories paled in comparison to Shizuo's feat of power, which leveled an entire forest and eradicated hundreds of Grimm without harming any fellow students.

Moreover, he appeared to have won the affection of the young Schnee, according to her sources. Rumors suggested that it was his urge to rescue his beloved that triggered the awakening of his power. The allure of a forbidden romance only served to bolster his popularity.

 She needed to ensure he knew where his loyalties lay, to his people. She knew every Kingdom would covet him, but he belonged to his own kind, and she was determined not to let them claim their rising star. Her attention shifted to a call; it was Adam on her scroll.

"Ah, he must have seen the video too and realized they needed to discuss his next move."

"Adam, you've seen it as well, haven't you?"

Sienna inquired, masking her shock and confusion effectively.

"Yes, Blake is at Beacon; I spotted her with that monster in one of the clips. May I have permission to bring her back as a deserter?"

Adam's voice was thick with anger as she gazed at her scroll, utterly dumbfounded.

"Adam, with all due respect, do you really think I care about Blake at the moment? Leave her be. I promised Ghira and Kali we'd let her go; she's not our concern anymore."

Sienna commanded, questioning for the umpteenth time if Adam had suffered a childhood injury.

"Right now, Shizuo is our priority—the one who single-handedly decimated a forest with a single blow."

"Hmph... I'm capable of handling him!"

Adam retorted, and at that moment, Sienna decided. Adam lacked the vision for leadership if he couldn't prioritize over his vendettas.

-Back to the Main Character-

After having an orgy in his home in Vale with his ten girlfriends, Coco left carrying her sheepish teammate Velvet leaving through the teleporter Shizuo made. He claimed his rewards including the impregnating reward of his last two harem members.

[Coco Adel]

Super Rare Gold-Tier Item Boost:

Allows the user to double their powers every ten seconds without limit until the user reaches their limit, whether it's their physical abilities, magic or power based on the user.

[Velvet Scarlatina]

Super Rare Gold-Tier Item Eidetic memory:

The ability to recall an image and events from memory with high precision after seeing it only once

In the struggle to prepare them for classes, he regretted adding Ruby, Weiss, Yang, and Nora to his harem, as they were not morning people and resisted every step of the way. It might have been due to the mere three hours of sleep they had before waking up. He had made breakfast for them before they departed, while Coco and Velvet grabbed theirs on the go to meet their team.

At 8:45, Shizuo led his team, RWBY, along with Nora, to their first class—Grimm Studies with Professor Port. The instructor was a portly man with a large, bushy mustache that Shizuo envied, known for his loud personality. Notably, he had his weapon—a blunderbuss with axe blades attached to the stock and butt—on display, along with sculptures of various Grimm heads on his wall.

"Monsters! Demons... Prowlers of the night! Yes, the Creatures of Grimm have many names, but I simply call them PREY! Ha-ha!"

He fancied himself a comedian, though it became apparent that he was the only one amused by his jokes. Clearing his throat, Port continued.

"Uhhhh... And so shall you, upon graduating from this esteemed academy!"

Professor Port proceeded, accepting the lack of laughter.

"Now, as I was saying: Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world! Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces! And that's where we come in. Huntsmen! Huntresses..."

He winked at Shizuo as he said this, causing the blonde Lion to groan uncomfortably.

"Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves! From what, you ask? Why, the very WORLD!"


Shizuo cheered, standing up and throwing up a fist. Everybody, Port included, proceeded to awkwardly stare at him until he finally sat back down, grunting.

"That is what you are training to become..."

The professor concluded, dismissing the incident.

"But first: A story... A tale of a young, handsome man... Me! When I was a boy..."

Realizing that his instructor would not be teaching the actual lesson anytime soon, Shizuo took out his scroll to review the financial plans for his plaza project, which was still under construction. After finishing, he rested his head on one hand, observing his classmates while somewhat listening to Port's story.

Pyrrha was fawning over the oblivious Jaune, just as in the original story. For that, he used plunder to siphon three of Jaune's high stats, which slightly increased his own strength. Weiss appeared to be attentively listening to the professor, likely expecting to learn a moral from his tale. Ruby, bored, began drawing on a blank piece of paper, much to Weiss's annoyance.

Yang and Blake exchanged beauty tips. Nora, managed by Ren, refrained from any outrageous behavior. Ren was a surprising discovery for Shizuo when Nora revealed that Ren was not interested in women. He viewed Nora only as his ditzy sister he needed to protect and was only attracted to men, a fact she discovered upon accidentally walking in on him with another man.

"...Despite smelling of cabbages, my grandfather was a wise man. 'Peter', he told me..."

Yang was resting her chin in one hand, appearing on the verge of sleep. Nora stared ahead blankly, a trickle of drool escaping the corner of her mouth. Blake was engrossed in the smut books he had purchased for her and Ruby. Remarkably, she had managed to sketch a crude caricature of Professor Port. She played with her materials, picked her nose, and dozed off twice within forty-five minutes.

Shizuo concealed his amusement as Weiss's irritation visibly grew with Ruby's shenanigans, her cheeks flushing with mounting frustration. Weiss's resentment towards Ruby only intensified when she was introduced as a new addition to Shizuo's harem the previous night.


Professor Port's throat-clearing refocused the class's attention.

"In the end, the Beowolf stood no chance against my relentless determination, and I triumphantly returned to my village with the creature subdued, hailed as a hero."

He proclaimed.

Professor Port took a bow, met with lukewarm applause from the students.

"What's the lesson here? A true Huntsman must embody honor, reliability, strategy, education, and wisdom! Now, who among you considers themselves a paragon of these virtues?"

"I do, sir!"

Weiss asserted, her hand shooting up, evidently compelled by a desire to outshine Ruby.

"Very well, let's see about that."

Port announced, moving his desk to unveil a large, metal cage behind it, where two glowing red eyes peered from the shadows of the bars.

"Step forward and confront your challenge!"

RACE: Lion Faunus

NAME: Shizuo Heiwajima

Semblance: Energy Absorption


Aura: A- Rank 

Vitality: A- Rank 

Endurance: A- Rank 

Strength: S- Rank 

Dexterity: A- Rank 

Perception: A- Rank 

Skill: A- Rank 

Charisma: A- Rank

Libido: A+ Rank

Virility: B Rank

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