Chapter 31: Red Dragon Emperor and Young Priest
Sometimes people like me, XXXXXXXXX, are scared. Scared of what? In my childhood I was afraid of the dark, a doll named Chucky and my mother.
After my mother found out about my father's infidelity, she kicked him out of the house and was only able to come on weekends. But with time he no longer came, he began to work outside the city and completely forgot about us. Do you know what is the worst? As I wanted to see it, every weekend I took public transport for hours to visit it. How stupid and stupid I was !!!!.
It is to be expected that a child doesn't notice adult things, but I really should have noticed. My mother left work at 6:00 p.m. But do you know what time he got home? between 9:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. of the night. She was always a woman with a great social life, I could only see her very early in the morning or when it was night. Ah, but on the weekends he didn't come to sleep directly. What do I mean by all this?
I was worth shit to my parents ... I never really matter to them.
I don't think I mentioned my brothers, I had two older brothers. Phew ... I'm tired of talking about my old 'family' life, so I'll talk about them later. If there is something that fear has taught me ... it is that when you are alone and scared ... you only depend on one thing ... Your will! The path that one travels in his life is something that only one person can decide. Oneself, only the opinion of oneself matters.
Returning to the situation
Red. I was in a red dream. He moved his lips as there was a blazing fire around him.
"Kei Kurono, I am the Welsh dragon, Ddraig. I am on your left arm. Now don't be pathetic and stop looking at me like that ..." (Ddraig). In front of me was a gigantic monster, he spoke like any normal person. However as far as I was concerned he was a beast ... a monster.
"I don't look pathetic ... maybe ... just maybe ... if your mouth weren't big enough to eat me, I wouldn't get defensive" I replied. Also, I'm doing a defensive taijutsu stance. I didn't do it on purpose, it's that it came naturally by my nerves.
When the Boosted Gear woke up, from one moment to another I was already in this place. A red world. Fire is everywhere .. There is not even a floor .. In this big red world, I was in the middle ... and in front of me was a dragon with wings. I knew ... It's Ddraig, the dragon whose soul is sealed inside the Boosted Gear. But why am I nervous? Okay, you just put yourself in my place, I was lying on the sofa and the next there was a red dragon talking to you among flames... as if everything was 'normal'.
As I debated thoughts in my mind, he kept talking.
"Eat you? To you? Something horrible like you ...? As if I would! It's not that. I just wanted to meet my partner, the one who will fight alongside me" (Ddraig). The Red dragon makes a mocking expression and speaks to me with pride. He is lying with his chin resting on his arms and his large wings behind him. His eyes look at me with interest.
Uff ... reassure yourself and talk ...
"Let's start again ... I am Kei Kurono, Ddraig, Red Emperor Dragon" I say lowering my arms and taking a common and appropriate posture.
"That's the right look ... He will appear sooner or later. The White. Yes, we are destined to fight" (Ddraig). He is speaking and I am listening.
"The White will seek us. That is why I grant you my power ... I'm seeing everything you see, so you know ..." (Ddraig). The red dragon looks at me with a stern expression on his face.
What?! The White?! Don't tell me that ... No, stupid dragon! Just give me your power, don't get me into other people's fights !! And besides, do you see everything I see? Everything?!!!
For a few moments my mental mathematics began to calculate 2 + 2 ... One, Vali Lucifer will come to fight you because you have the Boosted Gear ... Two, Vali is the strongest White Dragon Emperor in History ...Three, you don't have the power of the protagonist ... to break the logic ... so consider yourself dead ...
"Wait, let me talk ... Ddraig, you say we should fight the Vanishing Dragon? Why ?!" I almost screamed at the end. This is not a joke, this is my life at risk.
"It is Destiny" He replied seriously, his eyes staring at me.
That is not a convincing argument! The destiny?! Suck my cock !. I really want to shout it in his face, but being in front of the legendary dragon I was left with nothing but resign myself. Arrggggg !!! Well, I'll have to get used to it, if I want his powers.
"Now you are an abnormal being, who has a dragon inside. Show yourself worthy or the White will laugh at you" (Ddraig). I think the dragon is understanding how I feel, even if he doesn't say it, will it be because of our bond?
Yes! That's!. My ninja mind started working ... I just realized, he can know how I really feel. Maybe you can even know my true emotions? Shit! There is no point in lying!! Because he would know!!!.
"We will meet with him. Make yourself stronger for that day. I'll give you the power anytime you need it ..." (Ddraig) The dragon said that.
"I will. Ddraig, I tell you that I have my own goals ..." I say. I have already set my goals and I am not going to change them. I think we need some communication here.
"Uff ... this will require a long talk ... Hmm ... Ddraig, ... Do you believe in the existence of aliens?" I ask. In the red world, I started talking to the 'person' who would be close to me for years to come. Maybe because the guy was sealed for several years without talking to anyone and he found me interesting ... We had a lot to talk about ... Although the idea of them seeing me urinate annoying, but he is not a human, so somehow i accept him quickly.
I started with honesty and told Draig the truth, that I am an alien, a being from another planet ... he believed me ... Although his face was skeptical as if he said 'Really?' without saying it. Anyway, I told him that I came to learn why I must fight against a very strong enemy that I cannot defeat. I also talked to him about my girls, he listened to me. Then it was his turn to speak and I listened. The red world is inside the Boosted Gear, Ddraig's soul has been here for over 1000 years, Dragons are immortal so if someone doesn't kill them, they live forever. as they do not age after reaching maturity. Among the Five Great Dragon Kings, Tiamat is the strongest ... and has a great hatred towards Ddraig and also all the possessors of the Boosted Gear. According to Ddraig if she gets close we must flee, or she will burn us both. We ended up talking.
Also, I heard something very interesting ... Dragon Aura ... apparently according to him all Boosted Gear users we won that. It is very valuable, because it gives strong children. Which led me to think one thing .... Can my sperm be worth money? Okay, if I thought about such a stupid subject I have passed my limit ... at that moment it was obvious that I had drunk a lot today and needed to sleep.
The important questions, I will ask them tomorrow...anyway, I already have a permanent partner.
In the early hours of the morning I decided to lie down and rest. My first day in Kuoh town was more than moved ... FOURTH GOAL, ACCOMPLISHED. I'VE GOT THE BOOSTED GEAR. BEFORE SOMEONE KNEW ITS EXISTENCE.
Old Church, Kuoh Town
8:20 a.m., April 8, 2012
"yawn, I feel better ..." I speak. I'm walking down the street sidewalk while pulling my suitcase. The weather is kind of cool. The church is within reach of my view.
The entire nearby residential area is built on a hill and the road is steep. At the top, is the old church.
After walking, I arrived. The parish is composed of a Sanctuary and a two-story building connected on its right side and has stairs at its entrance. I went directly to the door of the sanctuary and knocked on the great door. There is no bell, so I just hit it with my knuckles.
Hello....? It's me... the handsome ninja... No, the red dragon emperor!... Ok, I need to decide for an introduction....
It didn't take long and a young man with short white hair and red eyes opened the door. He wore clergy clothes, that of a priest. He smiled at me and spoke to me in a foreign language.
"# $% # $%.! ^ 9 # $,! ^ 9 # $, =% 4?" $ #% + 8 @ #? "(Young Priest). He spoke and stood there.
I can't understand anything. Damn, this guy looks good ... how I dislike these kinds of guys. Stupid High School DxD and his augmented masculine beauty. What did he say?
"Hmm Hmm. Well, well, are you my new partner-kun?" (Young Priest). He made a smile and spoke in Japanese.
Bastard, are you making fun of me? He did it on purpose. Oh I want to hit him ...
"I came to work for Raynare, you moron bastard!" I say, I make a fist with my right hand and extend it towards his face.
In a single movement, he swung his neck to the side, grabbed something from his waist with his right hand and attacked me. The expression of the young man changed from a common to a psychopathic and manic.
"Somehow you make me happy. So can I cut you? Is that okay? Okay. Now I'm going to stab your heart with this lightsaber. HAHAHAHA!" (Young Priest). I saw it! Suddenly a blade of light began to grow from a metal hilt.
I relied on me! I didn't even think that someone could react so fast. I can't help it. What I do? What should I do???
[Pivot your foot back !!!] (Draig). One piece of advice, it came to my mind fast.
So, in a split second ... at the speed of an almost animal reflex ... I pivot my right foot back ... and with my left hand I threw my suitcase at his face. My suitcase hit the young priest's face. and he fell to the ground. The blood was coming out of his nose.
"Ha, you deserve it!" I speak while making a fool of that idiot. Well ... Maybe having a partner 24 hours a day, it's not so bad after all ... At least, for now ...
I look at the young priest on the ground. He got up and looked at me like he had found his 'favorite food'.
"I'll kill you! Definitely! Definitely kill you! I'm going to cut you into pieces, yeah, you shit!" (Young Priest). He pulled another hilt from his waist and another lightsaber formed.
Within my knowledge, I could tell who he was, after all there aren't many people like him. A battle lunatic. Freed Sellzen, the Street Exorcist.
"Great, a fan ..." I say sarcastically. I pass the door and enter the church.
The place looks like an ordinary hall. There is an altar and two rows of long chairs. There is only one difference, Any reference to God had been ruined, the sculpture of the man on the cross had his head destroyed.
To the side, the candles illuminated the interior and a door seems to connect the sanctuary with the adjacent building . The atmosphere feels ominous.
"Ahahaha! It's so funny! It's too funny! Hehehehe! Kukukuku!" (Freed). The mad priest laughs almost in tears and covers his face with one hand. But his smile went away and he looked at me with utter contempt.
"Listen well, you fucking sinner. I am Father Freed Sellzen! I am a priest, a young priest! Ah, just because I told you my name doesn't mean you have to tell me yours. Okay, since you're going to die soon. It may hurt a bit at first. But afterwards it will feel so good that you will shout! Now, die !!!"(Freed). The psychopathic exorcist swung his sword from side to side. He took a leap forward and slashed his lightsaber downward, on me.
I take a kunai from the ninja weapon holder at the back of my waist. I defend myself with my knife.
KATCHING! Sparks flew between my kunai and the Priest's lightsaber.
"Nnngh!" "Ghhhh!" We confront our weapons head-on. Each one making force, holding his weapon, facing and keeping our blades against the other.
[Partner. It is a holy power blade, be careful it can be as hard as steel] (Draig). My partner, charizard informs me.
Again, a weapon of light! ... Is this magic? Is his lightsaber solid? fuck, I must find an opening ...
I stepped to the side. And then he made a horizontal cut to my head. I crouched down. But in the same movement he swung his sword and made another horizontal cut to my legs. By reaction I jumped back and was already against the wall.
"You are finished! I want to see your blood! Yes, yes. That's it. Hmmmm! Hmmmm! Amen!" (Freed). He stabbed forward. I could barely move to the right.
He dragged his sword across the wall, slashing towards me.
[Is now! Hit him!]. I hear another advice from Ddraig.
Yes, I got it!
"You can keep your hollow threats... I'm not afraid of you..." I respond with a spinning kick and kick his chest.
"Guh!" He clutched his chest for a moment. I do a consecutive kick with my left foot, kicking the hilt of his sword and It flew up.
"Remember and remember it well ... I am Kei Kurono, I am your Father!" From the front, I hit him in the face, just in the right place to break his nose. Without holding back.
Damn, what Father Freed rather Son Freed! I was able to survive the Naruto World on my own !! I am a Jounin! magic? Interesting, but don't underestimate my taijutsu!.
Boom! Plop! The psychopathic exorcist collapsed backwards and collapsed against a bench.
Click, Click! His lightsaber fell to the ground, blade disappeared, only the metal hilt remained.
Freed said nothing and started to stand up. His eyes did not leave me. When I look, his nose is out of place, blood runs down his mouth. The bastard doesn't even feel pain? Or maybe he does, but he can carry on like it's nothing?
"I… impressive. You are strong. Yes, yes. That's right. Lately I haven't had a battle like this ... Kukukuku ... I'm going to open you up from the inside out !!!" (Freed). He drew two daggers from his robe. His face became aggressive and unscrupulous in a crazy way.
"Come and try, my son..." I respond him. If you want a fight, I'll give it to you!
Clanck! Doorknob sound. The door located inside is opened.
"STOP RIGHT THERE! SEPARATE !" A middle-aged man came screaming. His field of vision stopped on Freed and me.
Behind that man, several people quickly entered. They are wearing ecclesiastical vestments, long white robes down to their feet, they look quite athletic and stout. And no doubt all of them have killed someone once. At least that's the impression they give me. Why do I say this? Because they are all pointing different types of weapons at me.
[Partner, that man over there is a Fallen Angel] (Ddriag). I hear Ddraig's voice, he gives me an important detail.
That's how it is, huh?...While on the outside there is nothing out of place, in certain areas of Kouh town the threats are hidden, there are assassins and supernatural beings who live their own life.
" Introduce yourself, who are you?" When I had my thoughts in mind, the fallen angel approached in my direction and spoke. His eyes are sinister and extremely cold. Lately I have been meeting a lot of people.
"Kurono...Kei Kurono"I answered. And without further ado, I enter into the group of street exorcists. Until the battle of the church there is a time. That is, training. I brought my headphones to listen to music while i train?.