Chapter 33: Magic and Unforgettable grip
Exists the good and exists the evil. Exists those who commit crimes and those who stop them. The two sides are opposite as different as day and night. And the line that divides them is clear. Or at least it is supposed to be... My choice was taken. I am Kei Kurono and the evil has touched my soul.
Contractor's house .
11:47 p.m., April 25.
"Hyoudou-kun we are here to help you" Kiba Yuuto was the first to appear.
"Ah, this looks very bad" The busty S&M fetishist looks at me threateningly.
"... Priest" That says the apathetic loli whose height barely reaches my chest.
In the living room. In front of me is Asia Argento, then the protagonist oppai and his comrades, behind them there is a door leading out to the hallway of the entrance. Also, Freed's body is on the floor and there is a corpse nailed to the wall. The latter to my right. Poor dude!.
Teleportation. They used a magic circle to teleport here. One by one the members of the occult research club arrived. This is my situation, I am an exorcist, surrounded by demons. If it had been a few days ago, I would run away like a sewer rat, crawl on the floor and beg for mercy. Now I've been trained by a dragon. I broken my ass to win and I didn't come here to give pity. I want to see how strong they are, let's see if they can continue to be so calm.
"Guys!" (Issei). The fairy with a harem cries relieved from the other side of the room.
"Just leave everything to us, Issei-kun." My heart is thrilled. Akeno replies him, she is wearing the uniform of Kuoh Academy, what a beauty.
"Sounds like you have it very easy. You can't underestimate an enemy and you can't do it, if that enemy is me, beauty!" I speak out loud at the same time that from my coat I pull out a pair of sunglasses and put them on, with my other hand I drop a light bomb against the ground.
This is one of the armaments of the exorcists. The small ball emits an intense resplendent light that is as bright and radiant as the rays of the sun. Normally it serves to blind and flee. However with dark glasses, the flash does not disturb my vision, so I decided to use it with my fighting style.
I'll show you how it's done, Showtime!!!
"A blinding bomb ?!" (Kiba). The The blond knight covers his eyes with his left hand.
"Ah, my eyes !!!" (Issei). The light hit him squarely.
"Watch out, it's moving!" (Koneko). The loli closed her eyes.
"Ara, ara ... an attack with a lot of energy, I'll really get serious" (Akeno). Her voice is quite casual, but she hasn't stopped watching me since her got here.
Akeno Himejima. Epitome of sexy girl. Big-boobed excellence. Perfectly fetishistic personality. My type. I wonder if we would be a couple that is perfectly adapted to the taste and character of the other? No, I'm not talking about love, you morons! I'm talking about sex chemistry!! If we would be a good sexual couple!!!.
In a movement, I was already in front of the thunder priestess. When my left fist is ready to strike her, a magic circle forms in front of her. She envelops her surroundings with a golden aura, and sparks are running all around her. The busty demon caresses her cheek and sticks her tongue out at me while her magic protects her. Yes, it's what you think, it's the nasty, domineering, powerful magic!.
This reminds me, the conversation we had with Ddraig the other day ...
////////////////////////////////////FLASHBACK /////////////////////////////////////
After Raynare obtained my weapons, she practically ignored me and forgot about me. This shows that when a woman gets what she wants her attitude can change 180 ° ... uff ... bitch.
As in the original story el angel caido has Dohnaseek, Kalawarna and Mittelt as her subordinates. And they are of the same ilk that she is. Ugh ... besides, I have a new 'best friend'. One who is insane and is a killer. And living with the other killer exorcists in the church, makes it not a pleasant place to be.
[There are many of their kind, you shouldn't be surprised ...] (Ddraig).
Our mental conversation is something I get used to. I also have to do it with these magical things, exorcists, fallen angels, demons and dragons. Ah, the culture shock of being overseas.... My bad I should have asked this the other time but I was exhausted. Well, since I have the great 'Ddraig Wiki'. Over 1000 years of experience. It is time to clear up my doubts.
Ddraig I have a question. How the heck does magic work?
[Partner, pay close attention and listen ... the different races have their own power system, these depend on different energies like Magic, Holy Power, Demonic Power, Spiritual Energy, Ki, Dragon Aura and Divine Aura]. (Ddraig). He speak and I I make mind notes.
Could you explain it to me with an example?
[Okay partner ... Mmm ... for example, the Youkais use Spiritual Energy to realize their own power system Youjutsu]. (Ddraig).
I got it, in Naruto World there is only one power system that uses Chakra to function but here there are different systems that use different energies. Ohh ...
[I can teach you how to use my Dragon Aura and the Boosted Gear correctly. If that's what you want ...] (Ddraig).
Let's do what you say. I'm warning you, I'm not going to be a good student ... because I never was ... but let's try. This gave way to my training days while I did my duties with Raynare's group.
Day 1
Draig asked me to find a river, and he gave me a task, he breaks the stones with his hands, only with bare hands ...
From that day on, the teacher-student discussions began. Ddraig began to understand how desperate it can be, to be a teacher.
Day 4
I got tired of following Ddraig's indications and sent him to hell. We had a fight and I lost. I swear!I'll burn Ddraig's ass in revenge for this!!!!
Day 5
Motivated by anger, the Boosted Gear was stimulated. The Sacred Gear that doubles the user's power every 10 seconds until it reaches its limit. This is the Red Dragon Emperor's ability.
My hands smashed the biggest stone I found among the mountains and rivers in nature.
There is no excuse for losing!.
Day 8
Haha, if I use the transformation jutsu while I have the Boosted Gear. No one can know that I'm using it! What a good idea I just came up with!.
[YOU'RE LYING, I'M FEELING IT !!!] (Ddraig).
Ddraig punished me and ordered me to break concrete with my bare hands from then on. My indiscipline, forcing him to take a leave of absence for a while, is too much for him is what he says. I spent my days running through the streets of the city, causing havoc out there, training.
Day 12
Thanks to Ddraig, I upgraded my absorption ability to a new level. We discover a secret use on the mother box. That same day, he gave me the instruction to break steel with my bare hands. The security guards I had met were shocked when they saw my face again at their workplace, their flashlights fell on the floor and their mouths dropped open. My training continued.
Day 14
[The holy power manifests as a variation of a unique form of light magic, being significantly stronger than ordinary light magic, as it is very lethal and poisonous to any impure and dark beings such as demons, youkai and vampires] ( Ddraig).
[Kurono?] (Ddraig)
Zzz ... Zzz ... Zzz ..
[...] (Ddraig)
[ROAAAAAARRRR! WAKE UP, YOU SON OF A BITCH BASTARD!!!] (Ddraig). The Red Dragon Emperor roared with indignation, fed up, desperate and furious with his bad student.
The training was as tough for the student as it was for the teacher. The weird thing about this is that neither of them recognizes the role of the other, their relationship is not that of student and teacher, it is that of partners.
My foot steps firmly on the ground to the point where it cracks, I turn on myself and with my left hand I pull an upward hook.The magic circle shattered like the glass. The change of expression on onee-san's face is splendid, her eyes widen in surprise and shock. However, it was already too late. My fist hit her chin and she shot up to the second floor.
SHKOOOOMM !! Her body blows a large hole in the ceiling, pieces of debris fall from the upper deck and fragments bounce off me.
"Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" (Akeno). She gives a loud groan of pain. Mmm ... yes, we are compatible, because I am a sadist.
"" Vice-president "" "Akeno-san" I turn around. The knight comes from the left and the tower from the right. From Kiba's hands a flaming sword forms. The nekomata attacks me with her small fists. Before they can reach me, I quickly concentrate my chakra in the legs and jump to the wall and then to the ceiling above them. Their attacks hit nothingness and they turn their heads up, looking at me. The fight started.
"Come on! I'll face anyone! Who's next ?!" I say to them. And in that precise second, I feel the edge of death.
[get down now!] (Ddraig). So much so that the same charizard warned me. Shit ... This feeling is magic again!
I stop using the chakra in my feet to support myself, I fall on the nekomata's side. Quickly she tries to hit me and her solid fist of the loli is blocked by my arm. With my fall I can finally see a black and red thing that covers the roof itself and crosses the house until I cross the street itself.
TCHOOMMSH!!! The magic made everything it touched disappear. This gave me an idea of who it was. Who else had arrived.
"It seems that my servant was under your care ..." That person spoke. Rias Gremory, a princess from hell. The Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess.
If you have come across a European model, you will feel the same as I am feeling now ... Her face is attractive and perfect with an overflowing aura of confidence. Unattainable. It is the feeling that I have. But if a man does not strive to achieve what is out of his league, what is the point of living. I lower my dark glasses a little to see her directly. Her school uniform is so raunchy with those immoral breasts that it makes me want to rip it off and suck them. Suck those big voluptuous breasts!.
"Yes, it is what it seems ..." I answer calmly. Because the reality is that I never touched it.
"Do you have any last words ...?" (Rias). She spoke to me with a desire to kill. I guess this is the downside of joining the bad ones?.
Her servants surround her, Kiba, Koneko, and Issei. Even Akeno flew down with her wings. I basically have the whole occult club against me. Which led me to think of one thing, where is Asia ?! Tsk...!.
"You better prepare for what is coming ... Crimson Virgin Princess" . This is kill or be killed. I knew it when I came here. My choice was this. Be their enemy. And everything goes as planned. HAHAHA! AND AS I KNEW WHAT WOULD HAPPEN, I HAVE ALREADY ACTIVATED THE BOOSTED GEAR BEFORE COMING, THE TRUE POWER OF A LONGINUS! THE BEST CARD IN MY HAND!!!
"Vulgar, disappear and turn to ashes!" (Rias). She points towards me with the hand and creates on her palm a red magic circle with various strange engravings on it. From this expels overwhelming demonic power. dangerous masses of demonic power!
Tsk, evade or die! This is a high-class devil...?!
The instant I moved to the right, her magic devastated the sofa and tables in the living room. Not only is her attack powerful, it is incredibly fast and destructive. I'll be finished if it hits me.
"Yuuto!" (Rias). She orders.
"Yes, president!" (Kiba). The blond swordsman ran towards me and blocked my path. The blond attacks with his flaming sword. I communicate with my pokemon.
Ddraig, I could use a little help!
[Oh, right! The other girl is pointing at you! Partner, be careful on your left...] Ddraig. He talks to me.
Think of options, a good shinobi is one who carefully examines the physical environment of the battlefield and never loses sight of his position on it. What can I use in the room?! Come on! We are not five against one, we are five against two!
In an instant, I dodge the sword slash, lose speed. I step on the pool of blood, dirty my clothes and and with a loud bang, a bolt of electricity shoots in my direction. I grab the corpse nailed to the wall and without any displeasure I insert my hand into its stomach to throw it towards the electric beam.
This one is immediately burned into the air. That was close!
[The smallest girl comes to you, from above...] Ddraig. In my mind I hear him. With my eyes I watch the scenery and with my body I move. Try ninjutsu, you bastards!.
Inside me, the power of the dragon combines with my own Chakra. In a perfect balance. My Chakra levels skyrocket, My physical abilities have an increase in strength is almost brutal. If the Chakra was in a network within the body with a center in the lower abdomen. Dragon's aura spread through every drop of blood, muscle and bone, as if it spread through every cell of the body. YES, THIS IS MY POWER! THE CORRECT THING WOULD BE SAYING THE POWER OF DDRAIG, BUT LET'S NOT LOOK AT TECHNICALITIES!!!.
"Element Water, Wall of water !!!" I spit water from my mouth like a waterfall. The loli that had jumped towards me to deliver me a kick is stopped by the strength of the current and pushed away. The shooting water filled the room, easily flooding the living room floor up to my knees. I did not defend myself with water just because. Water is a conductor of electricity. This is going to limit the thunder fetish priestess.As long as I can hold onto the walls and she should be careful not to hurt her allies. This is how a shinobi fights! A jounin, an elite ninja !.
"DISAPPEAR ONCE AND FOR ALL!" Rias gremory put her hands together, creating a magic circle as big as her height and she didn't beat around the bush. The power of destruction comes out, with an unspeakably loud rumble, covering my entire path ahead so I can't evade it.
Impossible to stop it! damn it! Rasengan !!!
As fast as I can I do a rasengan. I am going to face it? No!There is always another option! Even if I have to create it!.
"HAAAAAAAAAAA!" When all that energy is ahead of me I press the rasengan against the ground. The water disperses like a whirlwind, the wooden floor is immediately broken, making a hole. I fall into it right away I stay still and do not make any movement. How I watch the black thing pass by, the hole fills with water, immersing me . They started having a conversation. I remain silent.
"Koneko, Akeno ... can you feel his presence?" (Rias). She asks in doubt.
"Rias, something is wrong with that priest ... I can't feel any aura coming from him. But I still feel danger ..." (Akeno). She answers her.
"He has the unpleasant smell of an onion ..." (Koneko) The loli says.
"Is he finished?" (Issei). I hear that stupid pervert talk.
"No, Ise-kun... he's around here" (Kiba). The knight is on his guard.
Waiting gives me the clarity for my next move. My hands make seals for ninjutsu. In the hole I make two water clones, followed by a transformation jutsu. The wake of white smoke spread in the water and my form changes to that of a kunai. The two clones looked at each other, one grabbed me and then, the first clone came out of the hole. My turn! Attack with decision, intrepid and with guts! I also have great power!!!.
"Fufufu....I have him, he's mine!" (Akeno) She screamed and from my angle of vision, I see ice spikes pierce my water clone and explode.
"What ?! exploded in water ?!" (Issei) The idiot said in shock.
"It's a hoax!" (Kiba). The knight yelled at the others.
BRIGHTNESS! That clone dropped a light bomb. with their spotlight on him, it sure hits them squarely !!!
The second clone jumped holding me, I don't know how but the light stopped and went out. He absorbed my light. Kiba changed his sword while I couldn't see him to a black one, my clone was pierced in the chest with that sword, Holy Eraser.
I screwed up! Damn Kiba Yuuto and his sacred gear, Sword Birth!!!
"I caught you, elusive priest, it's your death ..." (Kiba) He spoke and his form is quite graceful. The blond gentleman cannot be underestimated. Shit.
"What are you looking at, asshole?" My clone of a cool way answered him that to Kiba's face and threw several kunais before disappearing, including me.
"Is this another hoax...?" (Kiba). His astonished voice said it all while I was flying in the air towards my goal.
Yes! The bastard did it! you're un cool clone!!!
The Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess easily blocks the kunais that my clone threw at her. I landed on the wall behind her. Rias Gremory you messed with the wrong guy. I'll make you remember this for the rest of your life. UNREACHABLE ?! THOSE BIG VOLUPTUOUS BREASTS? !! I DO NOT THINK SO!!!.
"Iyaaaaaaaaaaaaannn ~ !!!" (Rias). Her mouth makes a loud enchanting moan. My hands tightened her immoral breasts avidly, kneading and squeezing them. A grip so strong that one would never forget it in her life. And as the refined type that I am to finish off I pull her nipples unscrupulously.