Gantz: live or die

Chapter 37: All in and Beg of the fallen angel

Matthew 26:14-16. 'Then one of the twelve, named Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said to them, "What are you ready to give me, that I may deliver him to you? And they weighed him thirty pieces of silver. And from that time he sought an opportunity to betray him'.

Judas in exchange for thirty pieces of silver betrayed Jesus Christ. Marcus Junius Brutus for political power conspired against Julius Caesar himself. Benedict Arnold during the North American War of Independence surrendered to the British the fort under his command in exchange for a few thousand pounds. The Malinche, the woman who by social status worked as an interpreter for the Spaniards in the defeat of the Aztec empire. Well, in her defense, she was a slave. What do I, Kei Kurono, think,? There is shit in people since ancient times, maybe I am just another rat traitor throughout the history and like them, I achieved my goals.



"HAHAHAHA I'M READY FOR ROUND TWO...!" I speak to the demons,I point my finger at them, I've already absorbed the fallen angels, Freed Sellzen and Asia Argento, I feel stronger than ever.

I'm wearing my exorcist outfit, underneath it, my black gantz suit and attached to my waist my ninja weapon holder. Yes, today I'm putting everything on the table. All in. Hyoudou Issei is looking at me with hatred, Diodora too, they want to make me pay for this. Rias, Akeno and Kiba look at me suspiciously with their guard up. They are noticing that there is something out of the ordinary about me, I can tell they are probably thinking about how I stole the Sacred Gear from Asia Argento. As for Raynare, she is biting her lips in frustration, her anger rising up to the dark sky and shooting me a fierce murderous glare. The loli nekomata is sitting unconscious against the wall. The basement is a ceremonial hall as large as a basketball court, the altar is at one end, for what I can see the devils in front of me. The final fight is about to begin!.

"Asia...Asia...Damn you! I Diodora am going to send you to hell! Die!!!" He lost his control and attacked me without any qualms. Dozens of magic bullets shot out. I jumped from the altar towards him.

Don't be impressed!...Stop them all!...Head-on!

BUZZ! His magic bullets are blocked by my spear of light. Like a fallen angel. I form a spear of light for the first time, and use it as a solid object to block.

"My name is Kei Kurono...I am the handsome ninja, an exorcist and I am not afraid of demons!""HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" I speak and as I land, I thrust my spear into his chest. He screams in pain as we stare at each other face to face, his blood spraying all over me, violently.

The light is toxic to demons. It's not just a stab wound, it's more serious than that. We confront us. He stretches out his right hand wanting to hurt me with magic but I catch it with my left hand and break his wrist. His magic still manages to come out. An explosion occurs.

We walk away, it hurts, and I look at my left arm. I have a wound on my shoulder. The Gantz suit seems to be weak to magical attacks, the upper part doesn't work anymore but the lower part does. On the other hand Diodora, who put on a pained expression, holds his chest with his left hand.

"It hurts. It hurts. It hurts! This must be a lie! Why! My demonic power hit you! There is no way it can be overcome!" (Diodora). He says.

"Let go of me Kiba, let me fight him!"(Issei). Away from the altar, the perverted idiot went nuts. The gremory group tries to stop him. Kiba is smart. He knows that if my light power can hurt a high-class demon, it can certainly completely eliminate a reincarnated demon like Issei. A single attack would turn him to ashes!.

I silently created more spears of holy power, threw them one after another at the nun fetishist. He put his left hand forward, and created a thick wall of aura. My attacks can't break it. But it doesn't matter. Diodora who has been fighting against Raynare, the exorcists, against Rias Gremory and her peerage is fatigued. The longer this fight lasts, the more it will be in my favor...

Oh, his barrier started to show cracks, hehe!

"HAHAHAHAHA! This is the power of an heir of the 72 pillars...hahaha, come on let's continue!!!" I laugh and laugh. I love fighting with the absolute advantage and knowing that I'm going to win easily. It almost took away the feeling of victory. Almost. Imagine what that power would be like. If I kill Diodora, forget about Rias, even Riser couldn't be my rival. Eh? What's that? While I was having fun in my thoughts Diodora took out a piece of paper with a magic circle drawn on it. The paper began to burn in flames and strange engravings formed under her feet. Carelessly, I can't do anything. Teleportation...!!!!.

"Disgusting human, don't think it will stay like this!!!!! I am an Astaroth, blood relative of the current demon king Beelzebub!.... You will pay dearly!...Rias-san, I withdraw" (Diodora). The fetishist fled. So fast that I was left with my mouth open.

What a coward!... Shit, this is what I get for daydreaming! I should have forced a direct fight, now what will happen with this vermin????! I've gotten myself into trouble! No, maybe it's for the best, he's related to a demon king after all, so killing him might be worse, let him be....

I shake my head to the side, stop thinking and concentrate on what's ahead of me. The other devils. The gremory group split up, Kiba retreats to the other edge with Issei and Koneko, they are in no condition for another fight, so I can understand it. The blond knight is comforting Issei. Rias Gremory and Akeno Himejima stood in front of the occult club. Earlier, we met outside the church. The main thing was that I told them all the dirty rags of Diodora and held them for a while. This happened after my fight with the fallen angels. They became concerned and also used teleportation to the church. Unfinished business must be finished.

BUZZ! I make a spear and walk towards them.

"You are a vulgar priest with many secrets. My servant told me that you killed one of your companions. At our reunion you told me about Diodora and now you steal a Twilight Healing. You were never on the side of that fallen angel. No?"(Rias). The redhead devil is not just a amazing pair of big boobs and deduces everything about me.

"As the regent in charge of this territory. I will make it clear, I Rias Gremory will not let you do what you want and I will stop you! Akeno!" (Rias). She commanded and attacked with the power of destruction because she is the Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess!.

"Yes, president!...Ara ara ara...Fufu.... You're a dangerous boy so I won't hold back!"(Akeno). The busty fetishist creates a bunch of magic circles on the ceiling.

It's the final fight. The one that will decide the future of many events. I've been hiding since day one, working for pieces of shit, living with crazy priests, manipulating sadistic demons, every action here was far from safe. In spite of everything, I lost last time. As if it were the last round in a poker game, the one that would decide the winner and the loser. You have to put everything on the table. Don't you think so, Ddraig?

[A win after a loss is the right thing to do. Partner, show them the power of a dragon!](Ddraig).

[Boost!] I pointed my arm at them, the red armor glowed and the Boosted Gear made its presence known in my hand.

"I accept your challenge, Rias Gremory! Not as a common priest but as the Red Dragon Emperor!!!" I say, ran forward and with a somersault evade her magical attack. The two onee-san girls were filled with astonishment. At the same time they intensified their attacks, Ninjutsu against Magic. Light Magic against Power of Destruction. Exorcist against Devils. The fight was on!.

The busty fetishist rained lightning from the ceiling. I dodge most of them, but they hit me, just a few. I threw my spear of light at the S&M fetishist and rias gremory protected her. The red-haired demon countered with an attack of her demonic power. To dodge I had to move away from them. Water Clones. I make several water clones appear and they throw smoke bombs. My side of the room is filled with purple smoke. The footsteps of my clones are all that can be heard as I heal my wounds with the Twilight Healing.

[Boost!] The gem takes another count and more of Ddraig's aura enters me.

There is a problem and it is in the waiting time for each impulse...ten seconds...It is a weakness. When my power is growing it is very unstable and I can't do much. Until I stop the power impulse and it becomes stable. That's why I was preparing in advance before a fight, before attacking Freed, before the fallen angels, before Rias Gremory, before Diodora. Rias Gremory must have known that, that's why he intensified her attacks.

They bombarded me with magical attacks, lightning, aura shot. I jumped acrobatically, with my wings i could change direction, my blue bird wings and when they hurt me, I used Twilight Healing.

Dead point. We reached a dead point after eighteen power boosts, they began to waver and prepared to give an all or nothing. Two magic circles, one golden and one red. Two attacks that would completely destroy the ceremony hall. Before, the power of destruction hit me and hurt one of my legs, I am on the altar, far from being able to reach them. They were preparing their attacks and I looked at them.

Rias, Akeno, both against one is very dirty! But I hope they do the same in bed! Because it's my victory!!!

"DO IT, NOW!!!" I scream from the altar.


With my scream, from the door to the basement, a water clone appeared shooting at them with a X-rifle. Rias and Akeno didn't notice anything wrong, but then their clothes disappeared and they were wounded. Naked and bloody. Their magic circles stop and disappear. The onee-san of the school are exposed in the same way they were born, with nothing and covered with some blood. Milky white skin. Tits and pussy exposed, in a depraved manner. They turned around and saw my clone behind them. Defeat!

"No, it can't be...." (Rias). She muttered in terror.

"No...Ara..."(Akeno). The fetishist also realized that this was not going to end well and began to feel fear.

[Explosion!]. My power returns to the maximum. Dragon aura flows through every little part of my body. The holy power combined with my dragon aura is powerful! Nineteen times my own power! KAIO-KEN X19!!!!.

In one move, I was between the both of the crimson virgin princess and the thunder fetish priestess. We looked at each other eye to eye, I immediately grabbed their hair and forced them to their knees. Their faces are rubbed into my crotch!.

They have a good feel of my big friend. These ecchi girls need this. From the looks of them I'd say they never felt a dick. I got excited of course until my cock got hard and they felt it, I let go. I'm not a gentleman, since I won, obviously I'm going to take advantage.

Ah, the taste of victory!....

I feel better... On the other hand Rias is breathing heavily, her eyes are dilated and shiny, the red color on her skin makes her look horny. Akeno looks as if she has been used by a boy. Both of them are a bit disoriented, regaining their composure from what I did to them. While they do it, I speak.

"Go away, you lost...since you got here on your own, you can go on your own, walk away..." I say.

Rias stands up, shoots me an intense look and gnashes her teeth. Akeno is still on her knees, her queen unlike she, as if asking for more she opens her mouth. She really is a masochist!. Still, the Gremory group admitted defeat and left the church using a magic circle. In the basement only me and the fallen angel remain.

Raynare has a face of 'Impossible! Impossible! This can't be happening...!', that a human who she considered inferior, stole the Twilight Healing she wished to obtain, and defeated invincible enemies,she does not want to accept it. The host of the legendary Red Dragon Emperor was in this remote town. What were the probabilities!.


Giving not so fast and not so slow steps I walk the length of the room. Without turning to look at the pretty fallen angel, I head for the exit, Ignoring her. Raynare is mortally wounded and I have the Twilight Healing, a rare Sacred Gear that can heal fallen angels. That means that as long as she has brain cells, she will have figured this out and if I know anything about people like her, it's that they value their lives more than their pride. That's why. When I am about to walk through the door to the outside and pick up the X-rifle from my clone I hear her voice.

"Stop! Kei-kun can we talk?"(Raynare). If the fallen angel knew what a shitty smile I'm making by listening to her, I don't think he would address me but I'm a good actor. So I make a 'Yes?' face as I turn to her.

"What do you want, Raynare? Do you need something from me?" I say casually like a naive bastard.

Ah, it feels good to be oneself again....

"Kei-kun , save me! If you do, I'll give you a prize or something!" (Raynare). She screamed upon seeing me, with her pretty face, silky black hair and violet eyes. Ah, even though she tries not to show killer instinct, I can see it....

I walk up to her, and slap her in her angelic face. We have our own tale, Raynare gave me a fierce look, intending to kill me, but she is so wounded that she can't hit back. Yes, we have to put some honesty here, break this girl's pride and make her understand that I am no longer a human that she can command here and there as she wished. I am the host of the Red Dragon Emperor. A new order, a new order must be established, with me being the superior and her being the inferior and she must ask for it. At this moment I am her only hope to live, so I am sure, she will do it. Beg. Breaking her fallen angel and woman pride.

I walked away from her again, do what I must do and head for the exit door one more time. I'm bluffing. Obviously, there is no way I want to leave, but I know that Raynare must be eating her heart out because of her despair, I already won... My water clone gives me a look of complicity, throws me out of the gantz rifle for me to catch it and disappears leaving us alone understanding it. It's time for infiltration but in her dark asshole. Ignoring her as if it were nothing, in that second my ears hear her again. This beautiful girl like a fallen angel, with an incredible body begging me!.

"I will do me...I want to live...Please save me, I will do whatever you wish..."(Raynare). Her beg is desperate. She desperately pleads with me, anxiously begging me. ah! I could hear that pride being broken!.

"RAYNARE, DO YOU WANT TO BE MY ONAHOLE...?" I give her my proposal, a sexual deal . This femme fatale bites her lips, resigns herself and her beautiful mouth said what I wanted to hear. Then, my Twilight Healing heal her seductive body.

With the beg of the fallen angel and my proposal, the battle of the old church came to an end. But the new future has only just begun...

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