Chapter 50: Chapter 69: Interlude: Ten
Twenty-fifth day, Fourth Moon, 253 AC (+1 days)
He stood atop the hill, proudly looking over his town, which was laid out before him. He could see the boats out in the ocean, and the women and children were scurrying about in the village itself. The village was no longer a desolate thing, hanging on to the rocks, that looked to just weather the next storm and nothing more. No! There was life here! The people shone brighter and were invigorated with passion!
Donovar smiled to himself. Yes, they had accomplished much in Stonefisk, and though it was but a start, what a start it was! These people truly had the drive to succeed and worked towards that goal with vigor! Barrels of fish were lined up along the shoreline in preparation for tomorrow's departure, and the barrels of garum were already being filled and fermented!
He cast his gaze over to the longship that would take him and his family back to Redbridge tomorrow. It would be one ship of many that would depart tomorrow, but it would be the only one that would be staying in Redbridge; the rest were transporting goods. His two children, along with his lovely wife, would be departing and the boys were already sad.
He was proud of his boys, though their passion often led to more work, he had never thought that a bad thing. To be so passionate was indeed a blessing from the gods.
Donovar shivered. He could only imagine the misery of living a passionless existence as so many people did.
Passion was life. It was everywhere, but the problem was that not everyone recognized that. They shuttered themselves away from that passion, not always for the same reasons, but with always the same results. Life was both hard and beautiful, but it could hurt fiercely and give generously. Growing up, his family and community had felt that pain and fell into themselves to blunt it. They lived their lives because they lived and for no other reason. Laughter was rare, as was daring. If winter was long and food ran short? Oh well, some will die, and that is life. The tax collector roughs up a few people and takes more than they ought? Oh well, that is life.
He shook his head. That was not life, that was bare existence. Life is taken with both hands and pushed ever forwards! To embrace passion in all its joy and pain, for how can you know joy if you have never known pain? It was the reason he left them; when he had heard of the rampaging wildlings, he knew he had to step forward and do something. And when he was given a chance to do more with his life, he pushed forward and did more. And more after that, and ever more. He would not allow himself to live passionlessly, and he would not let his fellows do so either.
He was lucky then that these people of Stonefisk had shrugged off their apathy and had embraced life and passion with both hands! The five boys he had selected to train to become his commanders had trained hard over the month that they had been there. They were rough to work with at the start, like all clay, but he had begun shaping them into a work of art!
Donovar had started them on the absolute basics: building muscle and endurance. With this, as well as passion, they could truly become the jewels of youth that shone with radiance! Next, they would begin working on literacy, leadership qualities, and actual fighting skills. He would get them into shape so that they could shape the next group of men. These men, if they stayed good and true could end up as his sworn vassals, and further spread their passion!
Lord Stark's lands were filled with his minor vassals, and it was a busy place. Not like here, where he would be the only Master for leagues around. He wanted that, that lattice of support and strength to ensure that his people would prosper. One man can make many great things happen, but to keep it from falling into ruin? People need to be there to support such things and to support they must be strong themselves.
With this, Donovar could ensure that his people prospered. If he could not get his people to succeed through trade, as Master Michael insists is possible, then he will make sure his people fight with unmatched skill and vigor for Master Michael and Lord Edwyle!
Donovar smiled brightly as he knew, that would not be necessary. These people have strength in their heart, and he was proud to watch over them, and watch them succeed!
A/N: Sorry for the delay in chapters, and such a short chapter at that; I've been a bit sick and haven't felt up to any writing. This is sort of a filler chapter, to give a little update on Stonefisk's progress, but it is mainly to flesh out Donovar as a character a bit more. It isn't perfect, but I'm a little burnt out on writing it, for now, so I'll probably come back and edit it later since I want to move on with the other chapters. I plan to finish the travel arc, and hopefully a few more chapters before the new year.