chapter 59 - Why is Your Opponent in the Final?
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Wow, I really got matched with Sa-rok.]
[Alright, let’s go~]
[Sa-rok, please beat them up badly.]
[It’s really unpleasant seeing someone talk so much after getting lucky and advancing.]
[Hope they get a good champion and get crushed.]
[Why do the viewers here love getting free wins so much? Is it because they resemble the stream owner, they love getting things handed to them?]
[Temporary departure!]
[환희: Shouldn’t we just forcibly kick them out?]
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: I thought I’d give them one chance.]
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: But if these kinds of people keep increasing, I might have to forcibly kick them out later.]
Just as I was preparing for a mental reset, I heard Pa-in’s voice.
Let’s start with an interview. Both of you, please get ready.
I remembered that interviews would start from the top 8.
I was thinking of keeping things short and sweet, so I waited for a call on Discord.
And soon after—
The call came.
I immediately accepted the call.
Then Pa-in’s voice was heard.
Hello, DaMa-nim~
"Ah, yes."
Oh, just as I heard, your voice sounds amazing.
"Thank you."
I was still speaking without getting nervous.
I thought, “Thank goodness,” and continued the conversation.
We don’t have much time, so let’s keep it brief. Do you have anything you’d like to say to your opponent before the match?
What would I say to my opponent?
I didn’t know this person personally, but since it was Sa-rok, I figured I could speak a bit more harshly.
“I’ll make sure you can’t participate in this tournament again.”
It was a short but definite answer.
They probably joined the tournament thinking they could win, so if I tore them apart here, they’d never want to return.
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Whoa ㄷㄷㄷ]
[This is kind of scary ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]
[Why are you making someone unable to enter the tournament? ㅋㅋ]
[Why though...]
[As expected, cruelty from DaPyeong ㅋㅋ]
[This is really cruel.]
[Mangming: ㄷㄷ]
[Harin: ㄷㄷ]
[But Sa-rok’s really unlikable, might as well settle the hierarchy here.]
[강후민입니다: Damn bitch, die.]
[Temporary departure!]
[Raw criticism is DaPyeong, haha.]
[This is really raw...]
After saying that—
Ah, I like this. The boldness of a new streamer. I really like this kind of thing.
With Pa-in’s experienced interview skills, they smoothly began interviewing Sa-rok.
And a little later—
Would you like to say something?
I won’t go easy on you because you’re a man.
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Hey hey.]
[Please hold back on stuff like that...]
[Is this guy saying DaMa made it this far just because he’s a man?]
[Mangming: This guy’s always like this.]
[Harin: Sa-rok wasn’t even that good.]
[Harin, are you close with Sa-rok?]
[I don’t think they’re that close.]
[강후민입니다: Shut up and just play the game.]
The atmosphere was getting tense, and after a moment, it was time to decide on the champions.
It was clear that the outcome of the game would largely depend on which champions we got.
“Hopefully, I get something decent.”
I wasn’t expecting an overpowered champion for the 1v1.
At least give me something usable.
I clicked to pick a random champion with expectations—
“…This isn’t bad either.”
A champion who uses bells appeared.
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: If it’s a body, it’s not bad.]
[It’s a support champ, so it’s a bit lacking, though.]
[Mangming: Lately, the body itself has a high tier, so it’s fine.]
[Harin: As long as the opponent doesn’t get something good, I think I can win.]
[강후민입니다: Sa-rok, please get a shitty champion, please get a shitty champion, please get a shitty champion.]
[Curse is crazy strong, haha.]
After waiting for a moment, the opponent’s champion was revealed.
The opponent’s champion was a male character using a spear.
This was a champion that was known to be very strong in 1v1 matches.
“That’s gonna be tough.”
I was feeling a bit dizzy.
Not only was it not a normal champion, but it was one specifically strong in 1v1s.
But it wasn’t impossible to win.
If I played it right and poked enough, I’d win.
With that thought, the game began shortly after.
Starting from the top 8, a new rule was introduced.
Both players had to communicate through Discord during the 1v1 matches.
Since this wasn’t an official tournament and was just for fun, such things were possible.
“If you surrender now, I’ll make sure you don’t have to see me in a pathetic state. It’s probably better to surrender quickly.”
"What surrender? I think I’ll just win."
“Hm, is that so?”
There was a reason I was speaking like this.
Sa-rok had made a big mistake earlier.
“You’ve already taken two hits from the tower, and you’re saying that...”
He had taken two hits from the tower.
After that, he didn’t come out from behind the tower and seemed to be trying to heal up and make a final push.
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Two hits from the tower, is that even human?]
[Is this guy really good at Leore?]
[Honestly, saying he’s good at Leore is a lie...]
[Mangming: Watching him play Leore, he’s actually kind of bad.]
[Shut up, please.]
[It’s so disgusting how they rush in just when they think they have a chance ㅋㅋ]
[강후민입니다: If you don’t like it, win the lane, simple.]
[Of course, the truth is from 강평 ㅋㅋ]
But I couldn’t rush this.
The one who was desperate was Sa-rok.
If I pressured slowly, the one who would make a move in the end would be him.
“This is an old strategy called the Ant Strategy.”
Honestly, there’s no such strategy.
I just made it up.
But what does that matter?
What mattered was that Sa-rok was mentally shrinking.
As I applied the pressure—
Sa-rok instantly flashed forward like lightning.
But I had anticipated it.
I immediately used my ultimate to freeze Sa-rok.
And shortly after—
[Enemy slain!]
[Ba-in -> Kalista]
“Let’s go for that 10 million won.”
Sa-rok’s corpse was coldly lying there.
It was an outcome that I had more or less expected, so the viewers weren’t that surprised.
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Wow.]
[That was clean.]
[Let’s go for that 10 million won.]
[But DaMa’s not exactly broke, why the obsession with the 10 million?]
[If they’re giving away 10 million for free, of course I’ll go for it, even if I have money, haha.]
[Mangming: DaMa probably doesn’t have many viewers, so not much ad money coming in either.]
[Mangming gets in a good shot there.]
[강후민입니다: A support champ beats an AD carry, haha.]
[Support champs can actually be pretty strong early on.]
After crushing Sa-rok, I advanced to the top 4.
At this point, I was feeling a bit tense.
If I happened to get a bad champion and lost... there would be nothing more depressing than that.
“I’ll eat something while waiting.”
Since there were still some match-ups left, I thought it would be best to eat while waiting.
I headed to the kitchen, made some rice and eggs, and mixed them with soy sauce to make a simple soy sauce egg rice.
“Mmm, soy sauce egg rice is delicious.”
It’s the kind of food that always tastes the same, no matter when you eat it.
For those who can’t afford to make a big meal, it’s like a little light in the darkness.
I spent my time eating the soy sauce egg rice while watching the matches.
How long had it been?
Now, it’s time for the top 4. DaMa-nim and Hamas-nim will be facing off. Let’s hear from both players.
‘Who is Hamas?’
I’ve never heard of Hamas before.
Who is this person?
“Uh, well... I hope you die quickly so I can get to the next round.”
With that simple remark, I waited for the random champion picks to begin.
After some time, both players’ champion picks were revealed.
“I’m going to the finals first.”
I declared victory right away.
[Enemy slain!]
[Thresh -> Umi]
“If Umi comes up here, well... I’ll have to lose.”
I was worried since the champion I picked wasn’t exactly the best for 1v1, but it turned out to be needless worry.
Maybe in the past, Umi was strong, but without healing, Umi didn’t have much of an advantage in one-on-one fights.
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Wow.]
[Really clean win.]
[Why is the champion luck so good? This has to be rigged, right? Why is the champion luck so good? This has to be rigged, right? Why is the champion luck so good? This has to be rigged, right?]
[Aww, the rigging parrots, haha.]
[The rigging parrots, I really want to kill them, haha.]
[Mangming: Congratulations on making it to the finals.]
[Harin: The finals are special.]
[If I win the 10 million, just give me 10,000... there’s no chicken at home.]
Ignoring the nonsense from the viewers, I checked my final opponent again.
Since the beginning of the top 16, I had been thinking, "Why is this person still here?" but I didn’t mention it, assuming they’d be eliminated soon.
But here they were in the finals.
I thought to myself, "This person really is crazy about money," and spoke up.
“If I lose in the finals... I’ll just quit streaming that day.”
Because I couldn’t lose to this person.