Gender Swap: The Introvert’s Broadcast

chapter 69 - An Unintended Opportunity

It was a familiar voice.
A voice I had heard often.
Based on past experiences, I could tell right away—
“Ming, hey!”

It was Ming.
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Ming ㅎㅇ]
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Why is Ming suddenly joining Minecraft?]
[I’ve been seeing Ming stream a lot lately.]
[She didn’t usually stream much, but today she’s streaming hard, and I like it.]
[She’s gone from being disliked to liked in an instant, haha.]
[That’s just how human relationships work.]
“Since you’re here, want to fish together?”

Now that Ming had arrived, it seemed like a good opportunity to talk while fishing and catch up on recent events. There was no pressure from solo ranked matches right now.
Should we?
And so, I started fishing with Ming.
We sat quietly, casting our fishing rods into the river while chatting.

By the way, your viewers have really increased lately. Honestly, I think I helped a little, don’t you?
“…Hmm, I suppose so.”
It was hard to deny.
After all, my viewers had suddenly increased after becoming associated with Ming.
But it wasn’t entirely a positive influence either, so I just acknowledged it vaguely.

[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Thanks to Ming (and her gallery bringing in all those bad influences)]
[But it’s not really Ming’s fault.]
[It’s just unavoidable.]
[It’s a group of misfits, what can you do.]
[강후민입니다: But the fact is, your viewers did increase, so cheers!]
[Now that we’ve met like this, let’s talk about what’s been going on.]
“Honestly, it’s fun now that my viewers have increased. It’s kind of fun watching the troublemakers too.”
There’s definitely a thrill in banning the troublemakers.

Anyone who has streamed will understand that there’s a certain satisfaction in banning viewers who subtly throw insults and test the waters in the chat.
It’s like catching bugs, in a way.
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Ah… you miss banning the troublemakers, huh…]
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: “Got it.”]
[Oh, don’t do that.]
[Why is the manager trying to be a troublemaker..?]
[Sorry, it’s our fault.]
[강후민입니다: Honestly, there’s barely any troublemakers these days with all the viewers rising.]
“The viewers are rising, so the self-regulation is working well. Everyone is starting to realize that if they chat too much, they’ll get banned from YouTube, so they’re being more careful now.”

Lately, I had been realizing just how important YouTube was.
If you didn’t have someone like Fantube creating content about you, it was really difficult to grow.
‘Well, that’s their own ability.’
Having a fan who’s so invested that they make videos about you on YouTube is also a sign of your own charm.

Oh, by the way, lately there have been a lot of troublemakers in the Leore gallery. They’ve been creating all sorts of bizarre hate expressions. You’ll need to be able to distinguish those.
The Ming had a point.
When streaming Leore, some viewers suddenly post random, out-of-context comments.
“Yeah, there have been a lot of strange comments lately. People just randomly saying weird things. Of course, our manager is banning them all.”
I was involved in a lot of communities, but I didn’t know all the kinds of expressions floating around.
The Leore gallery was a space for hate, after all.

If you don’t ban those kinds of comments right away, it can cause controversy, so it’s really important to ban them promptly.
That was true.
I’d seen many people in the real world accidentally use hate speech in old videos, only for it to become a controversy later on.
“Our manager is a veteran in the community, so they’re really quick to handle things like that.”

[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Not a veteran.]
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Just watches a lot of community stuff.]
[What, are you saying that Damashii’s only manager, Cthulhu, spends all day on the community creating hate comments??]
[Forced exit!]
[That was long as hell, haha.]
[He’s totally a community ghost, stop denying it.]
[강후민입니다: Not a ghost, more like a mountain spirit at this point.]
That was true.
Cthulhu didn’t do anything weird on my stream, but when I saw him acting strangely in other galleries, the term “community ghost” definitely seemed fitting.
“Cthulhu is a community ghost. What do you mean ‘not’?”

[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Stop it.]
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Call me a cyber detective, and I’ll feel better.]
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: I wouldn’t mind if you called me that.]
[That’s impossible. You’re not a cyber detective; you’re a community ghost.]
[So firm, haha.]
[Just admit it, you jerk.]
[강후민입니다: Just say no, please.]
[강후민입니다: Keep being the manager.]
It might have looked like we were roasting Cthulhu, but this was how we played around.
We’d always joked like this in the Ifrit gallery.

“By the way, the viewer count is growing exponentially. Why do you think that is?”
I was happy my viewers were rising, but it was still a little overwhelming how suddenly it was happening.
[Viewer Count: 739]

It was crazy to think that around 700 people were watching a regular guy fishing.
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: What the hell, why is the viewer count like this, haha.]
[Did YouTube bring in the traffic? Greet them, greet them!]
[Forced exit!]
[What is this guy doing?]
[Ugh, you jerk.]
[Cut them off before they even get in.]
It’s great when the viewer count increases. It raises the ad rates and the YouTube revenue.

“Hmm, that’s true.”
If it was in the past when I had fewer viewers, I wouldn’t have noticed.
But now, it was definitely noticeable.
I didn’t need to work a part-time job anymore because my streams were generating enough income to live comfortably, but I didn’t want to quit my job.

‘Why give up earning double the money? Why would I?’
I wasn’t spending all my time streaming, so I didn’t feel the need to quit my job yet.
Lost in these thoughts, I kept fishing.

[강후민입니다 has donated 1,000 won!]
Stop fishing and play solo ranked, I’d rather see that, haha.
[Honestly, it’s a little boring.]
[You should go meet some other people.]
[Let’s just do solo ranked.]
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Seems like you’ve caught everything already.]
“Cough, cough. I knew you’d say that, so I’ve already queued for ranked.”

I opened up Leore in advance.
I had already picked my champion.
I switched the screen to black a few times to prepare.
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Ah, this is it.]
[This is it.]
[Let’s go ranked!]
[Top lane beast Damashii is going in! Top lane beast Damashii is going in!]
[강후민입니다: By the way, when did your tier rise so much?]
[강후민입니다: I just watched you play without paying attention to the score.]
[Didn’t realize you were climbing so much.]

“Back then, playing while streaming was fun, but now it’s more fun to play alone while streaming. Eventually, it’ll be even more fun to stream while playing.”
Things always go in circles like this.
I didn’t mind if viewers made comments.
But right now, that wasn’t what was important.
“By the way, my tier…”

I checked again, and my current tier was Master 54LP.
I had steadily raised my tier, little by little.
It felt like just yesterday when I was asking how to play Leore, and now here I was at Master.
“Wow, I really climbed a lot. But seriously, are people really calling this game a ‘disease game’? I don’t get it.”
Looking at posts in the Ifrit gallery, there were so many people stuck in Diamond.
I couldn’t understand it.
I started Leore without knowing anything about it, and within a month, I hit Master. How bad must they be to still be stuck in Diamond?

[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: What’s this guy saying?]
[Diamond isn’t a crime...]
[Being stuck in Diamond is a crime.]
[It’s not just any tier, being stuck in Diamond is a crime.]
[강후민입니다: These guys are too much, haha.]
We continued chatting as I started the game.

Two days later—
“Wait a second.”
The café had flooded.
It seemed unbelievable, but it was true.
I had seen it with my own eyes.

“How can it be this rainy in the fall?”
It wasn’t my store, but since I worked there, it was hard not to care.
“Wow... it’s really destroyed.”
Sin Ye-hwa—or rather Hwanhee—muttered.

“I didn’t think it would collapse like this.”
“Well, they did say there’d be a lot of rain.”
“Still, I didn’t think it would be this bad.”
“That’s true.”
Sure, they had predicted heavy rain, but who would have expected the café to flood?
“I wonder what we’re going to do with the part-timers.”
“I asked the boss, and they said to go home and rest. They’ll call us when the place is cleaned up.”

So, I had unexpectedly found myself with some free time.
And with that, I had something to do.
“…I guess I’ll head home first. I have some things to take care of.”
“Eh, why not stay and eat together?”
“Let’s eat later. I’m busy right now.”

I left Sin Ye-hwa behind and made my way home.
And shortly after...
[Broadcast has started!]
I turned on the stream and spoke.

“Let’s play some games I haven’t gotten to try out yet.”
It was time to play the games I’d been putting off because of Leore.

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