Genshin: Teyvat's Wandering Demon (Rewrite)

Chapter 5: 4. A Village

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Tayden walked side by side with the family, letting Jonas lead the way since he had no idea of the area's layout. The dirt path beneath them was uneven, and the forest around them was eerily quiet. No distant howls, no rustling of bushes, just the sound of their footsteps against the ground which he didn't mind at all. After the whole mess with the Treasure Hoarders, some quiet was very welcome. But he didn't want to just be silent around the family, he wanted to talk to them, but his socially awkward ass made it extremely hard. The scent of damp earth filled the air, mingling with the lingering traces of blood still clinging to his clothes.

He could feel the tension in the air, the cautious glances Jonas and Donna occasionally threw his way. He could sense the way Diane, the small child, clung tightly to her mother's side, her tiny hands gripping the fabric of her dress as if it was the only thing keeping her safe.

He sighed. He couldn't take it anymore.

"Sorry if my presence scares you," he said, keeping his voice calm but direct.

Jonas' eyes widened slightly, clearly caught off guard. He quickly shook his head. "No! That's not it! I mean… We're still in shock. What happened back there was… a lot to process." He hesitated, rubbing his arm, trying to find the right words. "Please don't take it the wrong way. We're grateful. Really."

Tayden nodded, offering a small reassuring smile. "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, nothing will be able to sneak up on us."

There was a moment of stillness before some of the tension in the air eased a little. Jonas' shoulders relaxed slightly, and Donna seemed less rigid, though Diane still held onto her hand with dear life. The little girl peeked up at Tayden briefly before quickly looking away, still unsure of what to make of him. 'Isn't that just adorable?'

After a few more minutes of walking, Donna finally spoke. "We haven't really introduced ourselves have we? What's your name?" Her voice was softer now, no longer as strained as before.

Tayden blinked, realizing that they had never introduced themselves properly. "Tayden," he answered simply.

Jonas nodded. "Jonas," he said, placing a hand on his chest. "This is my wife, Donna, and our daughter, Diane."

Tayden gave a polite nod. "Nice to officially meet you."

Donna looked him over again, curiosity replacing some of the fear in her expression. "Your clothing… it's different. Where are you from?"

That made Tayden pause. He hadn't thought about how to explain this yet. He had already told Klee about his 'condition,' but saying he was from another world? He doubted that would go over well. Especially since this looked like an era where knights were still a thing, saying he was from another world might get him burned alive. After a brief moment of thinking, he decided on something close to the truth.

"I'm from a place called Indonesia." he said. "It's really far from here, though, it is a pretty tropical place" He was silent a little after that but spoke again, "And despite the circumstances, I think I'm pretty lucky to have found you three. I was in an accident and was about to drown when I woke up on a beachside somewhere near here, heck I just found out that this place was called Mondstadt today."

Jonas furrowed his brow. Indonesia? He had never heard of such a place, to be fair he never really researched about other nations. And waking up on a beach after nearly drowning? Not knowing that he was in Mondstadt? Was he kidnapped like them? Even Jonas could tell that something was fishy.

Still, Jonas chose not to question it. This man had saved his family's lives without asking anything in return. That was all that mattered right now. He exhaled through his nose and gave a small nod. "I'm sorry to hear that. Once we get to the village, I'm sure we can help you get in contact with the Knights. Maybe they can help you out."

Hearing this, Tayden glanced at him, eyes softening. "Thank you," he said, a note of genuine gratitude in his voice. "That means a lot."

The forest around them grew denser, the path narrowing as they walked further. The distant chirping of crickets filled the air, accompanied by the occasional rustling of leaves in the wind. It was peaceful in a way that contrasted the tension still lingering in the group.

Then, for the first time since the fight, Diane finally spoke up.

"Mister, did the bad guys scare you?"

Tayden blinked, surprised by the sudden question. Jonas immediately turned to his daughter, about to gently shush her, asking something like that after a massacre wasn't really appropriate in his opinion, but Tayden was already answering.

"Well," he started, glancing at the child with a small, thoughtful expression, "it was pretty scary for me, especially since I've never been in a fight before. But I couldn't just leave you there without doing anything."

Jonas stopped in his tracks, eyes widening slightly. He had never fought before?

The realization settled in Tayden was like them, a normal person. Or at least, he had been. He wasn't some warrior or knight. He wasn't even experienced in combat. And yet, he had thrown himself into a fight against multiple armed Treasure Hoarders, all to save them.

Jonas swallowed the lump in his throat and turned back to him. "Thank you again, Tayden, for saving us."

Tayden simply smiled at the man. "Don't mention it."


The dirt path stretched ahead, winding through the dense forest as the group pressed forward. The thick canopy overhead allowed only slivers of moonlight to pass through, casting eerie patterns onto the road. The air was cool, yet Jonas occasionally wiped sweat from his brow, his injuries making every step heavier.

Tayden, walking just behind him, felt the shift before anyone else. The faint scent of charred wood and dried blood reached his nose first, stirring something deep within him, an instinctual sense that something was wrong. His senses sharpened, his body tensing as his eyes darted ahead.

Then he saw it.

A few meters ahead, just off the side of the path, an old wooden cart lay tipped over, one of its wheels broken and splintered. Scattered supplies, mostly ruined, lay strewn across the ground. The wooden frame was scarred with what he assumed to be deep claw marks, and part of it had been burned, the edges of the planks still blackened. The road was littered with trampled dirt and signs of struggle, whatever had happened here wasn't a simple case of banditry. 

Tayden immediately walked in front of the family and put his arms in front of them just in case. Jonas noticed it a second later and stopped in his tracks. His expression immediately darkened, his eyes scanning every detail of the wreckage with a sense of familiarity.

Donna's grip on Diane tightened. "What is that?" Her voice wavered slightly, though her eyes looked as if she recognized that wooden cart.

Jonas took a hesitant step forward, his voice grim. "This… this belonged to someone from our village. Dale, a merchant." His hand unconsciously tightened into a fist. "He was supposed to return four days ago. We thought maybe… he'd taken a different route."

Tayden crouched beside the wreck, running his fingers along one of the deep gouges. The claw marks were massive, almost unnatural in size. "These marks… don't look like ordinary bandit work."

Jonas nodded slowly, his expression tense. "No. This wasn't the Treasure Hoarders. They loot, not destroy, this seemed like too much of a hassle for it to be them. And the burning..." He trailed off, his frown deepening. He reached down, picking up a broken lantern among the wreckage, its glass shattered, the oil long dried up. "Whatever attacked this cart wanted to make sure it left a statement."

Tayden felt something off about the scene. No bodies. No clear sign of where the merchant had gone. There was blood, enough to confirm that something violent had happened here, but not enough to suggest outright slaughter. A struggle, but no corpses. For some reason, he could tell that the blood didn't originate from just one person, it was three. 

"Do you think he escaped?" Donna asked, though her voice held little hope.

Jonas didn't answer immediately. He crouched near a pile of tattered cloth, fingers brushing against a dried stain of dark crimson. His throat bobbed as he swallowed. "I pray to Barbatos that he did."

Tayden stood up, scanning the area with a sharper gaze. He focused, extending his senses outward. No movement. No signs of life. Even the distant hum of crickets seemed quieter than before. That in itself was unnatural. The forest was never this silent.

Diane tugged on her mother's sleeve. "Mama… are there bad guys here too?"

Donna forced a smile and knelt to her daughter's level, brushing a strand of blonde hair from her face. "No, sweetheart. We're safe."

Tayden focused again on his enhanced hearing and smell, trying to find anything in the area that seemed out of place and found... nothing. He turned back to Jonas. "We should keep moving. If there's any chance he's still alive, the village needs to know what happened." He knew he wanted to look deeper into this, but the family's safety is his current priority. That and getting some answers at the village they were going to.

With a stiff nod, he turned back to the path. "You're right. Let's go."

The group pressed forward, but the unease remained. Donna held Diane a little closer, the child sensing her mother's tension even if she didn't fully understand why. Tayden kept glancing back at the cart, his mind turning over possibilities. Was it a monster? One of those masked creatures again if he had to guess. 

The group left the forest a while ago and finally got on a visible road. After a little while more of walking, the village came into view. The tension from their journey melted away as Jonas and Donna let out a breath of relief. "We made it," he murmured, exhaustion laced in his voice. He turned towards Tayden. "Welcome to Springvale, Tayden."

Tayden's gaze swept over the sight before him. Springvale. A massive windmill stood at the village's center, its blades still in the faint night breeze. Just in front of it, a sizable pond reflected the dim light of the stars above. The village itself was larger than he had expected, homes clustered together with lanterns still glowing outside their doors. Smoke curled lazily from the chimneys of a few houses, the scent of burning wood carrying faintly on the night air. He wasn't exactly awestruck, amazed was more accurate.

In his world, in his country, there were many villages, sure, but he had never really left the town to get a glimpse of what a village was like. Seeing something like this, something that felt so alive, was completely foreign to him. It wasn't just the structures that fascinated him, it was the atmosphere, the way the village had a presence of its own, although it was around midnight, it was still very calming. Even after everything he had been through tonight, he couldn't help but take it in. Yet, as much as the sight intrigued him, his focus was soon drawn elsewhere.

Voices. Multiple voices.

His ears picked up the distant sound of people talking. It was late, far too late for a crowd to be gathered, but the voices carried over clearly. He wasn't alarmed, not with the village so close now, but the presence of so many awake villagers at this hour was surprising. His instincts flared slightly, the sharpness in his senses making him hyper-aware of his surroundings. 

Jonas perked up at the sound. His tired expression flickered with recognition, and then he suddenly called out.

"Draff, over here!"

Tayden's head tilted slightly as the sound of hurried footsteps followed. Within seconds, six people emerged from the village's entrance, moving toward them.

Five of them had bows strapped to their backs, their builds muscular and firm. Hunters, maybe protectors of some sort. Their sharp gazes immediately fell on Tayden and his bloodied form 'Alright, being covered in blood in front of a village is not a good look'. Their postures subtly tense despite the lack of visible hostility.

But his attention was drawn to the man at the front.

The man had… cat ears?

Tayden did a double take, blinking in mild disbelief. 'Damn… so does that mean catgirls exist?!—Nope, not the time, brain.' He quickly refocused, taking in more details. The man's furred ears twitched with heightened awareness, his keen gaze flicking over the group before locking onto him. The way he carried himself, broad stance, arms ready at his sides, suggested experience, but he wasn't just another hunter.

The last figure, however, was clearly different from the others. He wasn't armed like the hunters, nor did he carry himself as a fighter. But the way he stood, the way the others seemed to acknowledge his presence, Tayden immediately picked up on it this man was the chief or a leader of some sorts. There was an aura of responsibility and respect around him, one that demanded attention. His eyes, older and filled with tempered wisdom, studied Tayden in a way that wasn't hostile, but wasn't exactly welcoming either.

As soon as they were within earshot, Draff's tense expression softened with relief. "Jonas! You're okay!" His ears twitched slightly as he hurried forward. "We realized your family didn't come back, and we were just about to launch a search party!"

Draff was mid-step when he suddenly stopped. His gaze shifted, locking onto Tayden. Tayden's enhanced vision caught the subtle change, the way Draff's cat-like ears twitched, his pupils dilated slightly, his posture stiffened just a bit. Instinctual wariness. It was like when a cat come across something it was unfamiliar with. Heck even the fur on his ears started to rise.

The air grew heavier for a split second. A natural response. Tayden had seen it before. The family had a gut reaction to him, something they couldn't quite place but felt deep in their bones. He had never been able to tell if it was purely instinct or something more. But what he was certain of is that his presence was somehow able to scare others. Like their body could sense that he wasn't normal.

'Great. I don't think this guy likes me.'

The hunters around Draff reacted almost immediately, subtly shifting their stance as if anticipating something. Their hands didn't reach for their weapons, but Tayden could see the subtle shift in their positions. Moving their formation into a curved line. He realized that it was to easily shoot him if he ever showed any hostility. 'Gotta admit, that's pretty cool'

Seeing the shift in the air, Jonas quickly stepped forward, waving his arms frantically. "Draff, don't be alarmed! This is Tayden! He saved me and my family when we were abducted by Treasure Hoarders. We were about to be sold off, and if he hadn't arrived when he did, we wouldn't be here now!"

Draff's gaze flickered between Jonas, Donna, and Diane, who except Jonas, were all visibly shaken but unharmed, before settling back on Tayden. His stance remained rigid, his senses and instincts were not letting him put his guard down just yet. Something about Tayden was able to unnerve him deeply.

"You… saved them?" Draff's voice was measured, skeptical but not outright dismissive.

"Yeah," Tayden replied simply. "I couldn't just stand by and do nothing."

Before Draff could say anything, the older man beside him stepped forward.

The village chief cleared his throat and offered a small nod toward Tayden. "I am Gerald, the head of this village. It seems we owe you a great debt, Mister Tayden. If what Jonas says is true, then you have done this village a great favour." His voice was calm and even, fitting for a man of his authority. "Thank you for bringing them back."

Tayden simply nodded in response, he could tell that the chief's words were genuine.

Gerald then turned back to Jonas and his family. "You should go with Draff and the hunters. Your injuries need tending, and you all deserve rest." Being the chief of Springvale for so long had taught Gerald many skills. One of which is how to notice when someone important showed up. The hair behind his neck rose when he merely puts his gaze on Tayden. He needed to talk to him alone, without Draff and the hunters risking getting on Tayden's bad side. For some reason, just the thought of him being an enemy sent shivers down his spine.

Jonas hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Right. That… that sounds good."

Draff's ears twitched again, his discomfort evident. He looked like he wanted to protest, unwilling to leave Gerald alone with Tayden, but before he could speak, Gerald raised a hand, silently dismissing his concerns. Draff exhaled sharply through his nose before reluctantly relenting.

Jonas and his family began moving toward the village with the hunters escorting them, but just before they disappeared from view, Diane turned back. Her small form hesitated for a moment before she lifted a hand and waved her small hand at Tayden.

Tayden blinked, momentarily caught off guard. He let out a quiet breath before raising a hand and waving back. 'What a precious kid, those Treasure Hoarders got what they fucking deserved.'

And then, they were gone. 

Now the only people standing in the darkness were Tayden and Gerald. He looked at the chief with a confused expression. What did he want with him? It was obvious that he sent the others away so that no one would be able to interrupt the two. So what was his game plan?

He stood in silence, alone with Gerald, when the village chief motioned for him to follow. "Walk with me." Gerald said, turning towards the path that led higher up into the village. He didn't know why, but he didn't object. With nothing else to do, he simply followed. Hopefully he wasn't planning on trying to kill him or anything like that.

The path curved gently upwards, taking them past most of the houses. Lanterns flickered in the night, casting warm glows on the stone paths. The village felt peaceful, despite the unease still lingering in his mind. His footsteps felt heavier than usual, the events of the night still fresh in his mind. Eventually, they arrived at what Tayden assumed to be the chief's house. It was larger than the others, standing prominently at the highest point of the village. It had a sturdy wooden frame, well-maintained walls, and a wraparound porch with a set of chairs and a table. 

The house was bigger than the one he had back in his old world. He had grown up in an urban environment, where homes were tightly packed, stacked upon each other in concrete layers. This? This was different. More spacious. A house for a life that felt… slower. Comfortable but definitely not his style.

Gerald gestured towards the seats. "Sit with me."

Tayden obliged, lowering himself onto the wooden chair while Gerald did the same. The wood creaked slightly under him, but it was sturdy. For a moment, neither of them spoke, silence settling between them. Finally, Gerald broke it. "Once again, I want to thank you for saving Jonas and his family."

Tayden shrugged. "It's no big deal, really. I just did what I thought had to be done."

Gerald shook his head, his expression firm. "No, it is a big deal. Jonas isn't just another villager. He's a farmer. our head farmer, to be exact. He leads everything related to our crops, ensures that we never go hungry. Springvale is known throughout Mondstadt for its fresh produce and amazing food. I'm sure you'd love it."

Tayden wasn't so sure about that. He hadn't been able to eat anything since arriving in this world. Well… almost anything. He pushed the thought aside. Now wasn't the time to dwell on that.

Gerald fell silent for a moment before continuing. "Jonas's importance to the village… it makes him a target. He's valuable, and that sort of thing attracts unwanted attention."

Tayden didn't need to think twice to understand what that meant. 'Damn lowlifes'

"I warned him," Gerald sighed, shaking his head. "Told him to stop leaving the village without protection, but he refused to listen. And now, this happened." He turned his gaze back to Tayden, and for the first time, Tayden felt the depth of Gerald's gratitude. "You saved someone I see as family." Gerald said, his voice softer now. "I can't thank you enough for that."

Tayden found himself speechless, unsure how to respond. He had done what felt natural, what felt right, what was right to his nature, but to see it mean so much to someone else left him at a loss for words. He felt confused but… also relieved.

Gerald let the silence linger for a moment before shifting back to business. "Come morning, I'll contact the Knights. Their patrols usually arrive early. They should be able to help you figure out what comes next." Then, as if he had been waiting for the right moment, Gerald asked, "Where did you come from, Tayden? How did you come across Jonas while he was captured by the Treasure Hoarders?"

'I was wondering when he would ask me that' Tayden gave the same answer he had told Jonas earlier. "I come from a place called Indonesia," he said. "It's really far from here. I was caught in an accident and was about to drown when I woke up on a beach somewhere near here. I don't know anything about Mondstadt or how I got here sadly."

Gerald listened carefully, his mind turning over the information. This was interesting. A foreigner with no knowledge of Mondstadt, a man who appeared out of nowhere with what he can sense as monstrous strength. His presence was unsettling, but Gerald could tell that Tayden meant no harm. He studied Tayden a little longer, eyes narrowing slightly. The way he carried himself, the way even now he seemed hyper-aware of his surroundings, it spoke of someone who was used to danger, like a creature who had adapted to the unnatural.

His mind drifted to a certain cavalry captain, 'Kaeya. He would know what to do in this situation.'

Letting out a quiet breath, Gerald looked at Tayden once more. "You should rest for the night. You're welcome to stay here." He said as he pointed at his house.

Tayden blinked in surprise. "Are you sure? I'm still a stranger. And… I'm completely covered in blood." Yeah, the blood smelled good in the beginning. But now it was dried and flaky, making his clothes ugly and smelly. He did not like this at all. Very gross.

Gerald let out a laugh and waved a dismissive hand. "I have spare clothes. Just sleep in my house. I insist." He could tell that the man wasn't going to back down so he just relented. "Alright. Thank you very much sir."

Gerald shook his head again, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips. "No, Tayden. Thank you."

As the night settled around them, Tayden realized something, this was the first time since waking up in this world that he had a place and bed to sleep in. A temporary one, sure, but a place nonetheless.

'I can finally sleep on a bed!'

The sound of knocking stirred Tayden from his deep sleep. He groaned slightly, his mind sluggish as he blinked himself awake. For a moment, he forgot where he was, the sensation of a real bed, the warmth of a blanket over him, oh how he has missed this feeling. 'So comfortable.' Then the knocking came again, followed by a familiar voice from the other side of the door.

"Tayden, it's morning. You have a visitor."

It was Gerald.

Tayden rubbed his eyes, stretching out with a yawn before swinging his legs over the bed's edge . 'A visitor?' His mind was still catching up, but after a second, he recalled what Gerald had said the night before. 'One of the knights, probably.' He hadn't expected them so soon, though. 

'Wait what time is it?' He looked out the window only to see that the sun was out in full swing. 'How long did I sleep?!' This was embarrassing, oversleeping in someone's house? He was ashamed. He shook away these thoughts and focused on what's about to come. He was going to meet a real knight. 'Let's see what an actual knight looks like!'

He took a few moments to tidy himself up, running a hand through his hair and straightening out his clothes as best he could. 'These clothes are really comfy' he wondered if he could ask Gerald where to get them. Then, with a final breath, he pulled open the door.

Gerald greeted him with a knowing smile. "Slept well, didn't you? Tried waking you a couple of times, but you were out cold."

Tayden let out a slightly embarrassed smile, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, I did sleep in a cave for a week straight, so being on a bed is something I definitely missed." Yeah he was never setting foot in another cave again, ever.

Before Gerald could respond, another voice cut in from behind him.

"Sleeping in a cave? My, that sounds very depressing."

Tayden turned toward the new voice and blinked at the sight before him.

Standing casually near the doorway, one hand on his hip, was a man with an unmistakable air of confidence. He had sharp, striking dark blue hair, an eyepatch covering one of his eyes, and a smirk that radiated amusement. His attire was a mix of elegance and practicality, a long, dark blue coat with fur lining, a crisp white shirt, and gloves that only added to his polished yet roguish demeanor.

Tayden narrowed his eyes slightly. This man… he definitely did not look like a knight. If anything, he looked like the kind of person his parents would've warned him to stay away from. 'He looks like someone who would sell drugs to a kid'. His gut was telling him that this man was more than what he seemed, he could sense the man's strength. 'This guy is strong, terrifyingly strong'

Gerald stepped forward, gesturing toward the newcomer. "Tayden, this is Kaeya. The Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius."

Tayden blinked again. "The knights of what now?"

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