Gift of the Goddess

Chapter 3: Dinner Guest

Selene sat across from what she felt was the most beautiful man she had ever laid eyes on. His hair was so black it seemed to absorb all the light around it and it was just long enough to frame his silver green eyes in such a way that they stood out against the darkness like tree leaves bathed in moonlight. The darkness of his hair made his pale skin seem almost ethereal.

She played with a lock of her own black hair, noting its dullness, even against the myriad of silver ribbons that cascaded down from the braided half-updo her hair had been coaxed into. But her own ice blue eyes could see the cold regard with which he seemed to hold everyone. His smile did not reach his eyes, nor did his laugh. 

When he arrived, his carriage had been gaudy and ostentatious. Black with gold trim, and matching black carriage horses and gold tack. He had barely waited for the thing to stop moving before he stepped out of it. Brushing himself off and tugging at his coat before he sauntered over to her, grabbing his hand and raising it to his lips. A smile tugged at his mouth, but to Selene, it felt less of a smile in greeting, and more of a smile in victory. Something tugged at her, something unnamed and instinctual, but it felt like a warning.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Selene," he said. His voice was deep and commanding, at total odds with his chilly eyes, each word feeling like a warm caress, sensual and enthralling.

She didn't like it. 

But she dismissed the feeling and swallowed all her misgivings. She smiled up at him demurely whenever he addressed her, despite him never asking her a direct question. 

"And then tomorrow we'll hold the first part of the ceremony," Lucian said to Selene's father, Calix, while gesturing towards a man at the other end of the large table. "This is my witness, Tavian Ironclaw. His pack has served mine for generations and his family is the most trustworthy I know. He also serves as the captain of my guard."

Calix nodded and glanced over at his wife who sat at the head of the table. She smiled serenely and said nothing, her chin resting on the back of her hands as she took in the conversation. Selene had noticed the scrutiny with which her mother watched the conversation. Lucien had not acknowledged her status as Matriarch of the pack since his arrival, instead conversing with her husband instead.

Selene didn't know what to make of this slight. Normally her mother would have corrected such audacity, but she remained silent.

"The preparations have been complete, it will be held in the gardens behind the estate. Estrella has assured us that the weather will be fine and everything will go smoothly. While it's not quite as powerful as generations back, she has quite the knack for clairvoyance."

Lucien's expression shifted subtly at the mention of Estrella's gift and he turned slightly to face her nodding in acknowledgment.

"That's truly a wonderful talent," he said, his voice slow and calculated, before turning back to the woman sitting across from him. "What about you, my dear Selene? Do you also have the gift?"

She balked under his intense gaze, suddenly aware all eyes were on her. She had not inherited her mothers powers beyond a sharp instinct and sensitive sixth sense, but these she had never shared with anyone. She bowed her head slightly but kept eye contact, despite wanting to look away. 

"No sir, not to my knowledge."

His eyes narrowed slightly and an expression of irritation flickered across his face for a moment before he composed himself. Selene felt a chill run through her body.

"That's unfortunate," he said, and she looked away. Lifting his glass of wine, he let out a hearty chuckle. "Well, let us toast to this new alliance between the Nyxbourne pack and the Duskveil pack, may we prosper and thrive." 

A chorus of muted cheers and guttural agreements echoed through the room before quiet settled as everyone drank from their glasses. The room was silent for many long moments before the soft murmur of conversation picked up around the table, and Selene sat back in her chair, wishing she could be anywhere else. 

 * * *

The moonlight spilled out of the windows and onto the carpeted hallway, casting everything in an eerie yet ethereal glow. Selene stared out the window down into the garden where her favorite gazebo was now decorated with roses, violets, and lengths of fabric that she thought might be red, or maybe purple—it was hard to tell in the moonlight. 

She could still hear the sounds of drunken revelry down in the main hall. She had quietly made her departure some hours ago under the pretense of sleep, despite knowing it was very unlikely to come. While they celebrated a new alliance, she mourned her freedom.

She did not know what to think of Lucien. No, she supposed that wasn't true, she knew exactly what she thought of him, but to admit that out loud would be to admit her future misery. His eyes told her of cruelty, his laugh told her of arrogance. He held an air of foreboding and repression. 

She could not understand why her mother would let this happen.

Soft footsteps coming down the hall made her stand straight, chin up and eyes forward. 

"It's just me," said Estrella quietly as she moved to stand beside Selene. The quiet engulfed them for a moment as they stood, looking down at the ceremony adornments.

"I couldn't sleep," said Selene.

"I could tell."

"I don't want to be bonded to him."

"I know, but you must."

"Why me? I'm sure there are a thousand other mates he could choose from."

"Because we are in a position to accept the alliance that was offered."

The quiet returned for a moment, thick with tension and the words neither of them wanted to utter.

"But he scares me," Selene finally whispered through gritted teeth.

"I know. But this is the only way to protect our family," Estrella said, and Selene was surprised to find her mother sounded... tired? Resigned?

Estrella pursed her lips, measuring her words. "I understand your grievances, your doubts, your worries. It may not be a perfect match, and its quite clear he's not your True Mate, but you are both similar age and can grow with each other. He's smart and handsome, and has already managed to secure leadership in his pack, I think the match will still be agreeable. This alliance will ensure that both our packs can work together and provide support to one another when times inevitably get difficult."

Selene sensed her mother was holding something back.

"What aren't you telling me?" she asked

"It's better to be bonded to the wolf, than just a sheep in his flock," she said quietly, her expression grave as she looked up at the nearly full moon rising above them.

Selene narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth to speak when footsteps rang down the hallway, louder and so much more forceful than her mothers. 

"Good evening Matriarch, my dear Selene," he said, shocking Selene with an acknowledgment of her mothers title, and they both turned.

"Alpha Lucian," Estrella acknowledged with a nod, "So kind of you to join us, we were just discussing the ceremony tomorrow."

Lucian smiled and his eyes seemed colder, more distant and frigid doused in the moonlight. It still chilled her to the core. 

"I was just on my way to my sleeping quarters to retire as well. It was quite hard to pull myself away from the drink and revelry, but we have a big day tomorrow."

He glanced out the window and then back to Selene. 

"Don't fret, if your nerves are what's keeping you from sleep, I promise I will take good care of you. There's nothing for you to worry about," he said placing his hand over his heart.

She blushed and bowed slightly, unsure of what to say.

"Thank you Alpha," She said simply.

His smile wavered briefly but he regained his composure immediately. He looked at both women and nodded.

"Well, I hope that rest may find you both. Have a good night," he said with a nod before continuing down the hall.

They stood gazing out the window for a few more moments, Selene just existing in the familiar company and companionable silence for what may be the last time. 

"I'm going to try and tear your father away from his drink," said Estrella with a shake of her head. "Try to get some sleep. We will see each other in the morning."

Selene watched her mothers back as she faded into the shadows down the hallway. 

Sleep would not come easily for Selene, who dreamed of darkness, despair, and silvery green eyes that followed her wherever she fled.

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