GODDESS OF VICTORY: man and machine

Chapter 11: a close call (aden)

7:30 AM

"Fuck that was a close one." i said as I brought my hoodie down and let the sun hit my face as I made my way to the area where I could get a nice view of the city that had looked like it had been hit during the nuclear war.

moving to my destination, I started ducking under the destroyed car as I was letting the threat pass, I have no idea what they are called since I was teleported to this world by some unknown force.

But I have learned to survive during COVID back in my world so.

making my way to the nearest campsite, I started to set my gear down and hoped that I could get something good since my food and water were running low.

As I arrived at the campsite, I started to search the two dead guy's corpses for anything useful, and before you ask, yes it is wrong to look through the belonging that are from the dead, but hey what can you do?

After looting the dead bodies, my next objective was to go to the power station and get a clear signal so I could access the map on my tablet.

And as long as I don't get caught, I will be fine.

8 AM

I made it outside the campsite as I was at the lookout point, using the image binoculars, I could see the power station just meters away as I was ready to begin my journey there.

8:24 AM

Arriving at District 23, I started to get a good feeling that I would refill my drink while at the power station and get some rations while I was there, I know that I should enjoy the rations since they are all I eat, but hopefully I can get something good to feast on.

"ah." I had heard someone say in the distance as I recognized the voices while I was hiding behind the wall of the building and was listening in as I had a peek at the conversation.


"Ah." I started to hear Neon say as we were in the area that was known as District 23, and I could not shake off the encounter we had with whoever was under the hood.

"RAPI." Anis said as she looked at Rapi who was looking at me and Neon, "Commander get behind me!" she said as I did what was asked and stood behind her, as I was behind her, I could feel the heat coming from Rapi's ass as it started to make my cock twitch.

"Shifty! Watch my back!" Rapi asked as Shifty took watch scanning the area until she spotted someone peeking for a couple of seconds and moving their head away to avoid suspicion, "what the fuck, who in the fuck was that." she thought to herself.

"... Did I say something wrong?" Neon said as if she was caught while Anis looked at her, "... Didn't you see the raptures?" she asked as Neon shook her head no.

(Aden's POV)

"raptures." I thought to myself as I was hidden and not spotted by Shifty's scanner since I was listening in to the conversation as it continued.


"No, I didn't." Neon admitted as she looked at Anis, "Well okay neon, Let's get this straight, Neon." Anis asked before she continued.

"There's an unwritten rule that any Nikke who comes up to the surface must follow." anis explained.

"you don't blurt things out indiscriminately. Got it?" Anis asked as Neon nodded and responded.

"I-I understand Is this ok?" Neon asked as if waiting for a response from Anis who looked at her.

"Sure." Anis said as she rolled her eyes while Rapi looked at me as I shrugged, "What was that all about?"

"Well I just came up with something." Neon said as she looked at us, "if the wind current running through the tracks is the problem, then why doesn't the Commander just wear rubber boots?"

As soon as I heard Neon say that, I started giving her the witf (what in the fuck) look as if wondering what drugs she was on as Rapi and Shifty looked as well.

Rapi': "..."

Shifty: "..."

Anis: "..."

After a moment of silence, Anis smiled and spoke up. "... Not bad, Huh?", immediately after saying that, Shifty jumped in as she spoke.

"not bad?! Anis, Do you realize how many volts are running through those tracks? A human would be burnt to a crisp if they touched it! ... So what I mean is, it's impractical." Shifty warned in explanation while still processing what she saw earlier on the side.

"well Shifty, didn't you have more to say?" Anis asked as she looked at Shifty before Neon spoke up, "I feel like this can work, hey commander..."

"no fucking way." I said as I feared what was going to happen, "Well if you say so.".

Rapi': "..."

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