Chapter 15: [IDENTIFICATION]_5: inside the station. (ADEN)
"one question, how do we get in?" i said alongside Neon as we were still outside the station as Rapi started to look at the both of us.
"well you two, we get in by destroying the raptures guarding the power station." she suggested as she looked at us.
"well, i like where you are going with this!" she said as we looked at the raptures while i started to hope that i would find what those people had left behind since i was in the mood for some urbex. (urban exploring)
"let's do this." i heard her say as she was ready while Anis jumped in saying, "Neon, that is not your decision to make."
"Well, commander, do you wish to proceed?" Rapi said as she looked at me and the commander.
"Yes rapi, proceed with the operation, and as for you aden, stay right behind me, got that." he said as he looked at me as I nodded.
"Understood, let's go." Anis said as we moved to our next location, the location being the station as she later said "Well, let's get this over with, if we're all going to die, i'd prefer to do it sooner rather than later."
"Anis." rapi and I said as we looked at her while she looked at us.
"Commander, you and aden stay in the rear, where it's nice and safe for the both of you's. You just tell us what to do, and we'll do all the actual fighting, think you can handle that?" she said as he started to nod while I was looking for a safe place for the both of us.
"Good cause after all, it's better than the raw deal we're getting. We're just cannon fodder.." Anis finished as she looked at us before Rapi spoke up again "Anis."
"what Rapi, isn't that the most sensible course of action?" she asked while looking at Rapi and me.
"well Anis, I could report you for insubordination against a superior officer." she warned as she did not approve of what she had said earlier as Anis responded with a big whoop."
"well anis you would be executed on the spot by the commander." she said as I was imagining the image of her corpse lying dead on the ground and having chills down my spine thinking of it, alongside the trauma that would stay there during my stay in this world.
"H-How could you say that to me, I mean, aden is with us, if he saw that he would be traumatized by the incident." Anis said in shock.
"oh I'm just trying to talk some sense into you." she said before continuing. "as for aden being traumatized, it depends on if he wants to see it or not."
"nope, I do not want to see it, I have had way too much trauma back in my world." I said horrified by the thought of it.
"Well Rapi, I'm the sensible one here! we're being tossed into a meat grinder!" she complained as I looked at Anis and rolled my eyes.
"well, we haven't even heard the commander's battle plan yet." rapi explained as she looked at Nova who was still thinking of a strategy.
Anis: "..."
"Well, we're stuck between a rock and a hard place, there's no denying that." was all Rapi needed to say as I was looking at the area of the map and seeing the entrance areas that were guarded by the raptures as I nodded my head.
"What is your suggested course of action, Commander Nova?" she asked as I looked at him.
"We'll sneak in undetected." the commander said as I looked in my bag and had a few rocks that make good distractions as I smiled.
"... sneak in?" Shifty said as me and the commander nodded our heads before she continued, "Well... there does seem to be a route." she confirmed as I looked at it on my map.
"Bingo." I said as Shifty nodded looking at me while having the area marked for us.
"show us the way, aden you lead us." the commander asked as I nodded with a smile, "well... I'm glad to hear that." shifty smiled as I led them to their destination.
12 PM
When we arrived at the location, I started to check the map while Anis looked at me and asked where we were.
"where the hell is this place?" she asked me as I replied. "We are outside the tunnel entrance, the same tunnel entrance that leads to the station."
"actually aden, it is a drainpipe leading into the power station." shifty said correcting me as I nodded.
"Oh, yeah." I said with a blush as she smiled, "How cute." the commander added, "Commander, not helping." I asked.
"Okay, so... you want us to climb into this thing?" anis questioned.
"Well, yes, we'll sneak in there." Nova asked as I nodded while opening the latch and seeing how long the drainpipe was.
"but it is blocked." Neon pointed out as I nodded my head while closing the latch.
"well neon, It is probably because of some collapsed debris blocking the way." shifty addressed as she inspected it, "Hmm... just a moment, I'll find another route."
"why don't we just dig through it." Anis suggested as I looked at her, "We don't have any digging or drilling equipment unfortunately."
"I agree with aden, that will not work, there is too much debris." Neon had said as she looked at me and gave a nod as the commander made a suggestion.
"Well, let's dig our way through." he asked as I looked at the debris that was blocking the way,
"What, how are we going to do that commander." Neon said as she looked at Nova while I was wondering what idea he had in mind as I knew what it was.
"Well neon, what else? firepower!" he asked as Neon smiled at the idea while the others knew what he had in mind.
"!!" Neon responded as Anis looked at Nova and started to question him, "Are you sure Nova? It'll be awfully loud and will attract the raptures."
"It will be a risk that I am willing to take." Nova responded as I knew the plan was risky, but it could work.
"Well there is no sight of rapture activity near you and the others, it should be safe." shifty announced as I looked at Neon and gave her a nod.
"Then let's do this." Rapi said as she also gave Neon the green light.
Before the chaos could begin neon looked at us as if she wanted to ask the question by saying, "Wait." and after hearing that, Rapi replied with "What is that?" which was followed by a "Leave this to me." by Neon.
as Neon was getting ready to unleash hellfire on the debris, Anis started to speak up, "Wouldn't it be faster if we all." before Anis could finish what she said, Neon decided to cut her off.
"Oh please anis, I've got this." she said as Anis replied with, "What does that mean?"
12:30 PM (soon after.)
"... sigh." she said as she made a large gaping hole through the debris for all of us to go through.
"All wreckage has been cleared, no debris detected, you 5 may now enter the drainpipe." shifty announced as we all nodded our heads.
As the five of us started to enter the drainpipe, both me and Anis started to smile at how awesome the show was that Neon had put on for us when she eliminated the debris that was blocking our path.
"That was so fucking amazing neon!" we both said as Neon blushed with a smile as she looks to the both of us before turning her head to the commander.
"Commander, i knew it." She said as she smiled at the commander before continuing, "there's nothing that firepower can't solve! So no need to ask any questions, because it's always the answer!"
"I can't think you enough commander! I faltered back there, but you showed me the light!" Neon said as she smiled while continuing.
"I almost strayed from the path i set for myself, but you put me back on track!" Neon said as she had a look of confidence in her eyes.
"Hmm." Anis said as she was looking at what she was seeing as I joined in, "what cha lookin at."
"Well Aden, it looks like some kind of path..." She said as she was looking at the path as neon spoke.
"Wow anis, you're like a wise old master or something! I look forward to learning more from you!" Neon said as she was with us.
Both me and the commander smiled as we nod, "keep it up." While Neon smiled at us and said. "Yes, master!"
"Neon please... A little bit of decorum when addressing the commander for fucks sake."