Chapter 19: the outpost. (aden)
5:30 PM
"What is this place." i hear Anis say as I look around before responding with the words, "Outpost, safe post."
"What Aden said." Neon said as she looked at me knowing that I had a love for safe zones as I smiled.
"well, of course, I know that, I was just asking why we were sent here!" anis asked in the thought of a question.
"cause we are upstanding citizens who protected the master and the civilian and had also destroyed the power station?" I hear Neon say as she got the power station part correct, not too sure about the master part.
"well, neon be as it may, but how in the hell are we going to survive in this pl..." anis said only to be cut off by a bang causing me and her to jump. "agh."
"hey anis and aden, did you two see that? i can fire off as many rounds as i like and nobody will bat an eye!" neon said as she smiled while we looked at her.
"that's awsome!" we responded as i looked at her and the casing rounds that landed on the floor as we were in the outpost.
"... never mind. even if this is all a mistake, it's not like i am completely free from blame" anis said as i looked around the area while neon looked and smiled.
"if you think about it, it's kind of like a big camping trip! oh man, i'm so pumped!" neon said as i smiled with a nod.
"Heck yeah." i said.
"Really, well good for both of You's because I hate camping." anis said as i laughed while neon looked at nova.
"But master, where do we sleep?" she asked.
"Well neon, the 4 of you will be sleeping in the dormitory." nova said as i nod at the idea of sleeping with the three of the three nikke's.
"The dormitory? where the hell is that?" she asked as i pointed, "over there i think."