Chapter 2: A Place for My Head/waking up
It was nighttime at the campsite as the sun had finally vanished and the stars started to light up the night sky.
The only light that was showing was the light coming from the moon as Rapi and Anis had started to get the campfire going during the cold night.
"Wonderful night don't you think." said the commander as the two started to nod, "It sure is, you enjoying the view of the night sky Nova." Anis said with a smile as Novacypher agreed.
"yeah, it kind of brings me back to my peaceful night sky lo-fi sessions." Nova answered as Rapi started to speak up, "Is that one of those hip-hop chill-beat things that people have in the background while studying."
"Yep." the commander asked with a smile as Anis wrote it down on the paper as if she knew what she wanted to do next on her list, "sounds interesting." they both said as they finished their drinks.
Nova began to finish his drink as he started to yawn and get ready for some rested sleep, Rapi after hearing the commander yawn looked at Anis and suggested that Novacypher should sleep on her lap and rest peacefully when the sun start's to come back up.
"This will lead to the commander resting in a comfy way right." anis asked Rapi as she nodded after hearing this, "well okay, if you- huh." Before Anis could finish what she was going to say, she noticed the commander resting on her lap but with his face on her crotch.
"uh commander, that is not where your face belongs." she asked as her face turned red, "oh I so am sorry." the commander said as he moved and was facing Rapi who smiled.
"much better." Rapi said as she looked at the commander while lying down, "Good night you two." the commander said as they both nodded and smiled as they went to sleep as well.
6 am
The commander was the first to wake up as he opened up his eyes and looked around the campsite, "fire's gone out." he thought to himself as he looked at the campfire and then at both Rapi and Anis who were sleeping peacefully, "adorable and cute." he thought.
Getting up and walking towards Rapi, the commander started to inspect her while she slept, "okay let's see." the commander said in a quiet voice as he looked at her outfit and noticed the logo on there.
"Elysion." he said as he looked closer causing Rapi to open one eye and give the commander a spook.
"ah y-your awake." the commander said as Rapi nodded and looked at him as if he was trying to do something.
"yes commander, and I would advise that you not try anything lewd if you know what is good for ya." she said while getting up as Anis followed suit.
"Morning commander." Anis said as she smiled at Nova, "And a good morning to you as well Anis." Nova said as he smiled at Anis.
"Shall we continue heading back to the ark you two." the commander said as the two nodded and continued their journey back.