Chapter 9: [IDENTIFICATION]_0: back into the surface.
6 AM
The commander and his 3 nikke's started arriving at the surface after their conversation as they were ready to begin the investigation at the power station.
stepping off the elevator lift they started to explore the area that looked like a nuke had gone off, or a war had happened, buildings were destroyed and damaged, cars were ruined and wrecked due to the impact caused by the raptures.
"So... this is the surface." neon said as she looked around, "yep." Nova said as he checked the clip from his handgun as there were 6 bullets.
As he did that, the memory of the incident still decided to haunt and linger in his mind as he put it back in his pocket.
"first time?" anis said as she smiled at Neon in the most humor-inducing way possible with the joke she just made.
"Roger that anis, It's so... big. and I am not talking about the commander's cock." neon said as she started to process and explain while the commander's face turned red from the comment she made as she continued.
"the sky isn't buzzing. it's nothing like I've ever seen before, the air composition is the same, but somehow it just feels different." She finished looking around the area, which smelled like a dumpster fire that was still burning.
"well neon, the smell will wear off in a day or two since we're guaranteed to run into raptures within the hour." anis informed as she checked the map and smiled knowing where they were going.
"and 2nd, this is no time for sightseeing. if you start to stay too long, you'll get a nice healthy and daily heavy dose of electron beams straight to the brain." anis warned as the commander nodded as shifty decided to add her response.
"yes anis, that is correct, you must act quickly, the objective of this operation is to investigate the control room of the power station, I am scanning the area now." she briefed as she updated the map by scanning the area in the hopes of pinpointing the location.
"rating. clearing out Alva particles, concentration 42.23%... 21.48%....Alva particle concentration 2.01%. scanning finished." Shifty announced before continuing.
"According to the reports and findings on the scan, you'll have to follow the maglev train tracks to reach the power station." Shifty explained.
"A high-voltage current is running through the entire line." she announced as they looked at the area and location.
"and it's not an issue for the 3 of you nikkes, but for the commander..." shifty warned.
"..." was all Nova could respond with as he looked at Anis, neon and Rapi.
"well Nova, it's no big deal, don't be upset. after all, you're a human." Anis reassured the commander as he nodded hoping that would help.
"I agree anis, but where is the current coming from?" rapi asked as she wondered.
"Retrieving history" was what Shifty needed to say as she checked the data. "ah here it is, the city you four are in was closed off five years ago [2017] to prevent any raptures from escaping the area." Shifty explained as she looked at the information before she continued.
"it seems it was deliberately leaked to the outside, and according to the information, The line was closed to completion, so it has been generating electricity autonomously." she explained as Anis was quite curious about the info Shifty had said as she asked the question since she and Rapi saw the commander before the incident.
Anis: "Okay, but what about the humans who are still in the city?"
Shifty: "..."
Anis: "Well Okay, considering we don't know what we'll run into, they should start to stay inside and avoid getting shot and killed."
Rapi nods as she speaks up. "yes, we do not want any dead bodies on the streets... now our first order of business is cutting off power to the line. is there any possible way we can do that?" she questioned as I started thinking.
Shifty smiled with a nod as she looked at the map. "yes, I will mark the location of the control room on the map."
Rapi looked at Nova as if he knew what we are going to do, "Commander, I'm ready." she asked as Nova loaded his weapon. "let's go."
Rapi: "Yes, commander."