Chapter 164: Chapter 164: Fire, Ice, And Magic!: The Diabolos Guild Vs. The Four Aces Alliance! (Part 2)
"Hello there viewers...Zachary is nice to see you all again...But anyway viewers, before I proceed forward with this particular chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?...Now then...what do you say, that we get on with it now...okay?"
Date: X792
Okay, so things were about to get very very interesting. And with regard to this...
"Four Aces?! What kind of a guild name is that?!" Kiria now proceeded to respond back to Sakura with.
And not surprisingly...
"Do you have wax in your ears or something Kiria?! Since when did we say that we were a guild?!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say to Kiria in response, while a tickmark was now present once again, on one side of her face.
"Oh, then what are the seven of you then exactly?!" Kiria now proceeded to say back to me, while she proceeded to lick her lips. Which not surprisingly, had now caused a chill to run down Angel Bluebells spine.
"Well Kiria, I am so glad that you asked," Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. Which was then quickly followed by the all too familiar sound of chiming bells.
And as usual, Wedding Peach then started her introduction.
"As the sea recedes and swells, the life beneath the waves proceeds to continue forward. On this fine day, you have threatened us and those that we are aligned with, and for that I can't forgive you! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach proceeded to say, while as usual, she proceeded to point her left hand at Kiria. Which was then swiftly followed, by her swinging her other arm into an upward arc. To which she then brought it into a flex, with her arm bent and her hand in a closed fist.
"My turn now," Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. While she took her usual stance, with her Saint Sword Of Bluebell pointed straight up with her left hand. "The nature of the Bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I can't forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" Angel Bluebell proceeded to say, as she swung her Saint Sword Of Bluebell, up towards, and then over her right armor clad shoulder.
Which was followed as usual, be her then proceeding to swing it into a downward swing. To which as usual, she then stopped it midway down, held it in front of her in a battle ready stance, and then struck her usual pose.
"How dare you try to harm innocent people with your magic! I am the Pretty Guardian! Who fights for love and for justice! I am Sailor Moon, and now in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" Eternal Sailor Moon said, which she finished off with her signature pose, whilst pointing at Kiria.
And to my surprise...
"So wait, you're like superheroes?" Natsu now proceeded to interject with.
And as for my response...
"In a way Natsu we are, yes," Keiko now proceeded to say back to him in response.
"Oh, so then where are your capes?" Wendy now proceeded to speak up with in response. Which not surprisingly, had now caused Misaka to look at Wendy, with a bit of shock on her face.
And the reason for this was...
"Hold on, why do you sound like me?" Misaka now proceeded to ask Wendy in a somewhat confused tone.
"Okay timeout for a second here viewers...Now let me just help to clear the confusion here a little bit...For those who don't know, Misaka and Wendy are actually voiced by the same English voice actor...So yes viewers...this is actually one of the reasons why..." Angel Bluebell proceeded to say, only once again, someone now proceeded to cut her off. Which weirdly, was not by them talking.
But rather this was due to them proceeding to hit the deck of the ship that we were all still currently on. And then somehow manage to stick the landing.
And as for who they were...
"Hey Erza, I figured that you could...Uh...who are you guys?" One of the new arrivals now proceeded to ask Angel Bluebell, as well as everyone else that wasn't Erza, Natsu, or Wendy, with a bit of confusion in their tone. Which had just been said by a certain female, with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a pink looking mark on the back of her right hand.
And now realizing who she was simply by looking at her...
"We're...well, we're...uh..." Angel Bluebell had now proceeded to try and say back to one Lucy Heartfilia. Which due to her current attire, which was a maid outfit, I could see that she was currently having a bit of trouble with doing so at the current moment.
But thankfully...
"We're what you would call comrades," A now very recognizable female voice now proceeded to say, in order to help clear up the current confusion. And as for who she was...
"Ah Angel Salvia, glad to see that you're alright," Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say to Angel Salvia, while she proceeded to also smile with both of her eyes closed.
"Wait a sec you two know each other?" Lucy now proceeded to ask Angel Bluebell in response.
"Well yes...wasn't that obvious from what I just said to her?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say back to Lucy in response.
"She does have a point there Lucy," Natsu now proceeded to say in response.
"Uh...thanks Natsu...I think?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. While a sweatdrop was now present on one side of her face.
And then...
"Erza what do you say that we save the rest of the introductions, until after we've dealt with Little Miss Kiria here?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say, while she held her Saint Sword Of Bluebell at the ready.
"Gladly Bluebell...Now dance my blades!" Erza then proceeded to say, as several swords then appeared around her Heaven's Wheel Armor, in a rapid succession of several flashes of light.
And this was then swiftly followed, by these several swords proceeding to launch themselves forward at a great speed towards Kiria.
But then...
"Honestly, is this the best that you've got?! Clearly you need a lesson in how my Dragon Eater magic works!" Kiria now proceeded to say, while she briefly licked her lips. And then proceeded to use her aforementioned magic, to cut through every single one of Erza's swords. And this was then followed, by Kiria then proceeding to quickly leap forward, while the bright yellow streaks of power on her arms, were ready to strike.
And, upon me once again emitting a very audible sigh...
"My Kiria that was quite typical of you...But let's see how well you do with this!" I now proceeded to say, as I proceeded to pull the Shield Card out of my pocket. To which I then proceeded to throw it upwards. And as it spun in place, me and Sakura then raised their respective star staffs.
"Shield!" Me and Sakura chanted in unison, as we raised our respective star staffs towards the still spinning Shield Card. And once the Shield Card stopped spinning, the all too familiar form of the Shield Card spirit appeared.
And as intended, a bubble like shield then proceeded to form around us, as well as Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, and Erza.
And not surprisingly, though Kiria tried to swing quite hard against the barrier produced by the Shield Card. She simply wound up ramming into it, and then simply wound up being blown back from the shock wave that wound up emitting from the force of the impact.
And then...
"Well it seems Kiria, that while you say that there is nothing that you can't cut. You certainly can't cut through our shield," Sakura now proceeded to say to Kiria in response.
But, however...
"How did you do that!? Just what the heck are you!?" Kiria now proceeded to say.
"We already told you Kiria, we're the Four Aces. And checkmate!" Keiko wound up saying back to Kiria in response.
But then...
"Honestly Kiria, you couldn't deal with these individuals? It seems to me like you're losing your touch, cha?" A currently unrecognizable male voice proceeded to speak up with. Which was then followed, by the appearance of two more individuals.
One of them, was dressed in a very heavy looking suit of armor. While the other one, was dressed in, well...
"I'm sorry, did you get your fashion advice from Skull Knight by any chance? Because the whole bone based thing you got going on there, isn't really as original as you think it is..." Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. Which wound up earning a sort of snickering chuckle from Natsu in response.
But as for those of Diabolos...
"What exactly do you mean?! How dare you speak to me like that!" The man in the bone based Skull Knight type outfit proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell in response, as what looked like ash, then proceeded to rise up from the floor of the ship and into one of his hands.
"Oh really? And you think that using ash, is somehow a way to try and scare me is that it? Ashes to ashes, dust to dust? I mean, just how boring and unoriginal must you be?" Keiko now proceeded to say. Which as she said it, both her and Misaka, had simply opened a hand of theirs each. And shockingly, some more ash then proceeded to rise up from the deck of the ship.
And like when they had used iron sand, the ash was then fashioned into a sword.
And not surprisingly...
"Wait, what did the two of you just do?!" The man in the bone based Skull Knight outfit proceeded to say to Keiko and Misaka.
"I mean, isn't it obvious?" Keiko now proceeded to say back to him in response.
"So wait, you have a type of Maker Magic?" Wendy now proceeded to ask.
" we don't...But I would say that it isn't exactly that far off though," Keiko now proceeded to say back to Wendy in response. Which was then followed, by her and Misaka, then proceeding to charge forward, with both of their ash and electricity compose swords at the ready.
"Well then, this is going to be a fun fight then won't it, cha?" The man in the heavy looking suit of armor proceeded to say.
But not surprisingly...
"You're kidding right?! How about you don't say that at the end of every sentence that you say?! Because as I am sure you viewers are very well aware, I have had more then enough of a headache dealing with Potamos and Petora, and their verbal tics...And quite frankly at this point, I don't give a damn! And yes viewers...that was a slight bit of a reference to Gone With The're welcome by the way...And also anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry...because as usual, we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...and what will be the continuation our fight...against Diabolos...So viewers...with that now still very much fresh on all of your minds...see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"
And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.
Date: X792
And so, getting back to the current fight...
"Who did you just say that to, cha?" The man in the heavy suit of armor now proceeded to ask Angel Bluebell. Which unfortunately, was then followed by his usual verbal tic.
And not surprisingly...
"What do you mean by that? And didn't I just ask for you not to use that at the end of every single sentence that you say?!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say back to the man in the heavy suit of armor. Which was while I then noticed, that she had then proceeded to clench her free right hand into a very tight looking fist, and while a tickmark, was now also present on one side of her face.
But then...
"Alright that's enough out of you! Let's get down to business now shall we?" Kiria now proceeded to say. Which as usual, was then followed by her proceeding to lick her lips in anticipation. Which once again, proceeded to send a chill up my spine.
But, however...
"Heads up below!" Another recognizable sounding female voice proceeded to say. As they, along with several others, proceeded to hit the deck of the ship, and proceeded to properly stick their landings. Which had also caused Kriko and Misaka, to temporarily cease their charging forward with their ash composed swords.
And realizing who they were immediately...
"Ah, Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, Rukia, and Renji. Nice to see...Uh..." I then noticed Angel Bluebell had then proceeded to try and say, only to then be cut short by her then noticing another of the new arrivals. Who was a male with short spiky blue colored hair. And at the moment, didn't have a shirt on. And upon realizing who he was, that was the main reason, as to why Angel Bluebell, had proceeded to stop mid sentence.
And as for who he was...
"Ah Gray, I see that you made it without any issues," Erza now proceeded to say to one Gray Fullbuster. And yet she was somehow unphased by the fact that Gray was currently not wearing a shirt.
"Gray, would you put some clothes on!" Lucy now proceeded to yell over to Gray with.
"Wha, when did that happen?!" Gray now proceeded to say quite frantically, as he now finally realized, that he currently wasn't wearing a shirt.
But as for me...
"Okay, so I don't think I need to comment on that right now...So anyway viewers...let's get back to the action now...shall we?" I thought to myself.
Which as usual, during this same thought, I had proceeded to briefly turn my eyesight, as well as my attention, briefly and slightly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.
But then...
"Alright enough of this! Time to dispense with all of you!" The man in the Skull Knight type outfit then proceeded to say, as once again he proceeded to conjure ash into one of his hands.
But, with regard to that...
"You're kidding right? Please tell me that you're joking?...Well, I guess you'll have to learn a lesson sooner or later," I now proceeded to say, as Sakura then proceeded to pull another Star Card out. And as the Star Card proceeded to spin in place above us. Both of us then proceeded to raise our respective star staffs towards the currently still spinning Star Card.
"Fire!" Me and Sakura both proceeded to chant in unison.
And as for the response just as we raised our respective star staffs towards the spinning Fire Card. To which it then ceased spinning. And was then followed by the appearance of the Fire Card spirit about a second later...
"What the heck are you two?! And how do you have access to this much magical power?!" Kiria now proceeded to say to me and Sakura. Only now, her crazy looking smirk was now gone from her face, and in place of it, was a look of fear.
"Not so high and mighty now are we?" Erza now proceeded to say to Kiria in response.
And not surprisingly...
"Shut up, nobody asked you!" Kiria now proceeded to say back to Erza in response.
And as for the response back to Kiria...
"So Kiria, do you realize now just how badly you underestimated us? I mean, we've fought against much tougher opponents then you in the past. So what made you think for even a moment, that you stood any sort of a chance against us?" Keiko now proceeded to say. Which she then proceeded to say, while her and Misaka still held their respective ash composed swords at the ready.
But there wasn't an immediate response back from Kiria. Which was more then likely due to the fact, that she was still currently overcome with fear.
And, with me then proceeding to let out a brief and audible sigh...
"Typical, and yet so predictable of you Kiria. Now then..." Angel Bluebell then proceeded to say, only for yet another group of people to then proceed to hit the deck of the ship. But unlike those before, they weren't friendly, and nor were they our allies.
And what I mean by this was...well...
"Hey you! We're not done with you yet!" The recognizable, but still quite annoying voice of one Bambietta Basterbine proceeded to yell out to Angel Bluebell. And like last time, a tickmark had now once again become present, on one side of her face.
And as for Angel Bluebells response...
"Well Little Miss Bambi..." Angel Bluebell then proceeded to say to Bambietta.
And not surprisingly...
"Shut up damn it! I told you to stop calling me that!" Bambietta proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell in response.
And as for Angel Bluebells response back to her...
"I'll call you whatever nickname that I want to call you Little Miss Bambi! Or did you forget that you don't exactly have any sort of say in this current situation?!" Angel Bluebell had now proceeded to say back to Bambietta in response. Which not surprisingly, had now caused Bambietta to get even more annoyed.
"I said shut up! Stop calling me that!" Bambietta now proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell, with even more irritation present in her current tone.
But, as Angel Bluebell then proceeded to ignore Bambietta for the current moment, and then simply turn her attention over to Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, and Angel Salvia. She then simply wound up giving them both a small nod. And with that...
"Saint...Spiral...Whip!" Angel Lily proceeded to call out. Which just like before, she proceeded to wave her right hand over her leg band, and in a brief flash of white light, her Saint Spiral Whip appeared in her right hand.
And like last time this was then followed, by Angel Lily proceeding to lash her Saint Spiral Whip outward towards Bambietta. And just like last time, and as both her and Angel Bluebell had intended, Bambietta was once again bound quite tightly around her torso, by Angel Lily's Saint Spiral Whip.
"Now Little Miss Bambi, I hope that you don't mind being 'tied up' for the moment do you?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say to Bambietta, with a very cocky looking smirk currently present on her face.
Which once again, had wound up receiving a somewhat audible chuckle from Natsu.
And as for everyone else...
"But, I wouldn't want the rest of our allies to be left out of this. So Erza, what do you say that we show these Dragon Eaters, just how in sync we can all be...hmm?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say over to Erza.
Which, without her having to respond back to Angel Bluebell, she then proceeded to simply change her current armor yet again. "Requip!: Black Wing Armor!" Erza then proceeded to call out. Which in a brief flash of light, she had then changed into yet another one of her Requip armors.
And this one, was black with silver trimming that had silver crosses on it in several places. It had a revealing silver-edged breastplate and plates flanking the hips that reached down to her waist-guard. It also had large plates guarding her legs. She had two wings that had black metal arms, that were currently acting as the wings leading structure. And Erza's hair was also currently tied in a ponytail.
And as for Angel Bluebells response...
"Well then Erza, you're just full of surprises aren't you? Now then everyone, shall we begin?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say, with the same cocky looking smirk from before, now once again proceeding to make its way back onto her face.
And though Angel Bluebell wasn't able to see everyone else. Me and Sakura now had yet another Star Card of ours out and at the ready. And this was even though we still had the Fire Card spirit still present. Which was to indicate, that since our transforming of the Star Cards several years ago, we were still very much capable, of being able to use more then one Star Card at a time. Angel Salvia currently had her Saint Twin Swords drawn and at the ready. Angel Daisy had her Saint Rolling Boomerang at the ready. Eternal Sailor Moon had her Kaleidoscope Rod at the ready. Gray had both of his hands together, with one of his hands in a closed fist pressed firmly against the palm of his other hand. Natsu now had one of his fists engulfed in fire. Wendy was currently standing at the ready. And Lucy, now had one of her Celestial Spirit Gate keys at the ready as well. And from what me and Angel Bluebell could tell from briefly looking at it. It seemed to show a design, of what appeared to be an arrow on the non handle end of the key. And though neither me or Angel Bluebell did not know what this arrow represented at the current moment. We were both soon about to witness, just how powerful the Celestial Spirits of the Zodiac could be. And also, just how precise and powerful, an archer like the great Sagittarius could be as well.
"And this viewers...Oh right sorry, Angel Bluebell here, sorry about that...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry...because as usual, we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...and what will be the continuation our fight...against Diabolos...But also against the Bambies and Sternritters as well...So viewers...with that now still very much fresh on all of your minds...see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"
"Indeed Bluebell, Keiko here by the way viewers...And as Bluebell just so rightfully said...see you lot in the next chapter okay?...*Keiko proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed, and her head tilted to one side, in a cute looking manner*"
"Thanks for that Keiko, and you as well Bluebell...Zachary here as well by the way viewers...Oh, I almost're still reading both Going In Completely Blind, and A Certain Scientific Pair Of Railgun Aces alongside this fanfic as well, right viewers?...Because after all viewers...You have been told by me, as well as Keiko, to not just resort to reading just one of these three fanfics...But anyway viewers, as Bluebell just stated, see you lot in the next chapter...okay?"