Going In Almost Completely Blind

Chapter 171: Chapter 171: Taking One Heck Of A 'Brandish'ing!: Scarlets And Hawkeyes! (Part 2)

"Hello there viewers...Zachary here...it is nice to see you all again...But anyway viewers, before I proceed forward with this particular chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order first...now then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?...Now then...what do you say, that we get on with it now...okay?"

Date: October 22, 1914

Okay, so things were a bit too hot to handle at the current moment. Well, they were only the case for Lust at the current moment, but you get what I mean.

But, getting back to that...

"Are you nuts you idiot?! You almost cooked us all with that stupid move!" Renji Abarai had now proceeded to say to Roy Mustang, as he was currently quite irritated with how Roy had just gone and nearly burned the rest of us along with Lust. Which would've been the case, had it not just been for Angel Bluebells quick thinking about me and Sakura using the Shield Card, in order to protect us all from the immense heat from Roy Mustang's flames.

But not surprisingly...

"Renji, you do realize that he can't see you right? And he can't see Rukia either for that matter," Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say to both Renji and Rukia, with a sweatdrop now becoming present, on one side of her face.

And as a way to help to confirm this very fact...

"Hey, you with the long blue hair, who are you talking to?" One Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye now proceeded to ask Angel Bluebell. But, before Angel Bluebell could even attempt to respond back to her, someone else proceeded to speak up.

And with regard to who this was. Well that much should've been obvious...

"Wait a sec, why do you sound like me?!" The now somewhat surprised voice of one Erza Scarlet now proceeded to say to Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye, with a look of somewhat surprise on her face.

"Okay, timeout for a second her viewers...Yes, Angel Bluebell here...sorry about this, but I feel as though this needs to be addressed...So, for those who don't know, both Riza Hawkeye, and Erza Scarlet, are both voiced by the same English Voice Actor...and for those who are going to ask who this Voice Actor is...then I do highly suggest that you go and look it up yourself?...I mean after all, I am not the sort of person who likes to spoon feed to those who aren't willing to put in the effort to look stuff up themselves...And speaking of which...Johnny Somali...how about that court trial huh?...Man you are just an absolutely atrocious human being...I mean, did you really honestly think that you were going to get off easy?...My aren't you the daft one then?...Oh, and Legal Mindset?...And Atozy, you as well for the record...You both keep doing you and making amazing content, as you are both by far better men, that one little Johnny will ever be...And, as a matter of fact, you viewers need to go and subscribe to both of their YouTube channels, as the both of them have more then deserved it...not like a certain Jimmy Donaldson...oh, and by the way Jimmy?...I mean Satan...you can't hide behind your money forever...your heinous acts will wind up eventually catching up with you...it always does...And another thing Jimmy?...No amount of playing the Crybaby Defense on your part, is going to change your inevitable downfall...Oh, and that goes as well for your so called buddies as well...Logan Paul, Jake Paul, JJ, KEEMstar, Jack Doherty, Adin Ross...all of you, will wind up learning at some point, that if you don't go about things in the proper manner, then you will only wind up getting what you properly deserve...Which for those who don't know, is a swift, and rapid drop in your popularity, as well as your overall credibility...I mean after all...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, only for someone to then proceed to cut her off mid fourth wall break*"

"Uh Bluebell?...I think the viewers get the message don't you?...Why don't we save this for later, and just head back to the current chapter?...*Wedding Peach proceeds to ask Angel Bluebell this, with a slight look and an expression of concern on her face*"

"Oh...r-right sis, my mistake...I sort of lost track of time there...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while she proceeds to put her free right hand behind her head, and a sweatdrop also winds up becoming present on one side of her face*...But anyway viewers...from both me, and Wedding Peach, let us now finally get back to the story, as well as the current chapter...okay?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while Wedding Peach, as well as her, are both smiling with their eyes closed, in a very cute looking manner*"

And getting back to the situation at hand...

"Well, you do both sound very alike Erza," Wendy Marvell now proceeded to say to Erza. Who like those who didn't already know, were currently a bit shocked with both Erza and Riza, sounding like each other.

Which since Misaka had wound up experiencing a similar scenario, when Wendy had proceeded to speak for the first time since we had met her. This was something that was still a bit difficult for both her, and Erza to try to understand as well as comprehend, at least for the moment anyway.

But then, with a loud crashing noise, followed by a group of familiar looking females then proceeding to fall through the ceiling of the laboratory. Which was then followed by them hitting the ground with a series of consecutive dull thuds. Which they then proceeded to get up, and then attempt to dust themselves off...

"What the hell!? We have been falling...for thirty minutes!" The voice of one Bambietta Basterbine had now proceeded to yell out quite angrily. And it was then, after Little Miss Bambi had just finished quite angrily shouting out her statement, that Angel Bluebell, as well as me and Keiko, were now all having quite a bit of trouble with trying to keep our composure, as well as not proceeding to burst out laughing.

"And for those don't yet know...Angel Bluebell here again viewers...But anyway, for those who don't know, as to why I found this particular statement of her to be quite hilarious...Well about that...I won't go into detail...due to it being part of a...*ahem*...big brand media company whose name I dare not even attempt to mention, should a big brand...*ahem*...cartoon mouse proceed to send me a Cease and Desist of sorts...So anyway viewers...let us now get back to the current chapter, and the current situation at hand now, shall we?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed, in a very cute looking manner*"

But, getting back to the situation...

"Well, if it isn't Little Miss Bambi, Catnippie, and the rest of the so called Bambies. By any chance, did you all have a nice 'Fall?'" Angel Bluebell proceeded to say in her usual witty manner and tone. As a smug smirk then proceeded to make its way onto her face, which would make even one Jeremy Clarkson proud. And not surprisingly, this once again had wound up earning a slight chuckle from Natsu as well.

But, however...

"Oh great, it's you guys again..." Bambietta had now proceeded to say to Angel Bluebell with quite a bit of an unhappy tone to her current tone of voice.

And not surprisingly...

"Well to be honest Bambietta, I would say that the feeling is very much mutual on our part as well. Since none of us were exactly looking forward to seeing you, Catnippie, or the rest of you Bambies either. Now then, in the words of one Gustav Graves from Die Another Day...'Do you want to continue?'" Keiko had now proceeded to say. Which as she proceeded to say her statement, electricity had once again proceeded to spark through the bangs of her and Misaka's hair.

But suddenly...

"Keiko, on your left!" Angel Lily had now proceeded to say over to Keiko. Which just as Keiko proceeded to look over to her left, she was able to see a familiar looking white Reishi based arrow, racing towards her and Misaka at a pretty tremendous speed.

But not surprisingly...

"Really Uryu? You're trying this same tactic of yours again? Talk about a one trick pony, right viewers?" Keiko had now proceeded to say in a somewhat witty sort of tone. As she then proceeded to effortlessly conjure up an iron sand composed sword, and then proceeded to slice cleanly through the Reishi based arrow. Which caused it to disintegrate almost instantly.

And as for Uryu...

"What the heck did you just do?" The unmistakable voice of Uryu Ishida now proceeded to call out, with an unexpected amount of surprise to his tone.

And as for the response back to him...

"I mean really Uryu? You're shocked about what I just did, seriously? So I suppose that you've never heard of the legend of either Robin Hood, or William Tell then, given your surprised expression and tone?...I mean after all viewers...Robin Hood did wind up slicing one of his arrows clean through another once...I mean, everyone knows about that..." Keiko proceeded to say back to Uryu in response.

And as for Uryu...

"You just love talking to me this way don't you?" Uryu proceeded to say back to Keiko with, as he also proceeded to use one of his white gloved fingers, to adjust his glasses slightly on his face.

And not surprisingly...

"Yep, pretty much Uryu! And I wouldn't change it for even a moment either!" Keiko proceeded to say back to Uryu, with a bit of giddiness to her tone.

And not surprisingly...

"Why do I even bother speaking to you!?" Uryu now proceeded to say back to Keiko. Only now he was a bit irritated for even bothering to converse with Keiko to begin with.

And as for Keiko's response...

"Well that depends Uryu. As to whether you would like me to explain the long version or the short version of it to you?" Keiko now proceeded to respond back to Uryu with. And the very smug looking grin from before, was once again present on her face.

"Okay viewers...Angel Bluebell here by the way again...So viewers...I think that this is now a great place to stop this chapter...But as usual viewers...we will get right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers, from me, Keiko, and the rest of the Four Aces Alliance...We will see you all in the next chapter...So viewers, see you all there...okay?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed in a very cute looking manner*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: October 22, 1914

Okay, so getting back into the swing of things regarding the current situation and upcoming imminent fight...

"Keiko, I think that is more enough of you entertaining Uryu for the moment so too speak don't you?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say Keiko. Which she had said while she proceeded to hold her Saint Sword Of Bluebell back at the ready and back into a battle ready stance.

And as for Keiko...

"Oh r-right Bluebell...I mean after all viewers...one can only find such a thing to be entertaining for so long until it becomes repetitive for the current moment," Keiko then proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell with a hint of nervousness to her tone of voice. Which was followed right after, by her turning my attention as well as her eyesight, briefly and slightly to the right of her in order to briefly address the viewers.

And as for Angel Bluebell...

"Well said Keiko, I could not have said it better myself," Angel Bluebell then proceeded to say back to Keiko in response, while she briefly proceeded to close both of her eyes while smiling.

But unfortunately...

"Are you sure about that Bluebell? As I can see..." Gray Fullbuster decided to try and interject with, only for someone other then Angel Bluebell to then proceed to cut him off mid sentence.

And as for who this someone was, well that much was all too obvious...

"Gray, that is not the time for you to try and voice your unecessary opinion. Or would you like to explain to me exactly why you think that it is necessary?" Erza Scarlet had then proceeded to interject to Gray with saying. Which she had proceeded to say with a sort of menacing but authoritative expression on her face. And while Angel Bluebell found it sort of intimidating for her to use this expression in person, like she had sometimes done in the Fairy Tail anime canon timeline.

Gray on the other hand however, just like he usually had in the Fairy Tail anime canon timeline. He actually wound up finding Erza's current expression directed towards him, to be far more intimidating then Angel Bluebell currently did. Since I could tell at the moment, that Angel Bluebell wasn't currently showing any sort of emotion on her face, that would tell me that she was intimidated by Erza's current tone in any sort of way, shape, or form.

But then, as yet another crashing sound was then heard, as yet another portion of the laboratories ceiling proceeded to fall down in a bit of plaster like clutter. And as another figure wound up nearly hitting the ground, only they wound up landing feet first and quite softly, on a large boulder, that had managed to grow quite rapidly from one of the pebbles on the ground. And as Angel Blueebell was just about to ask who this person was, someone else wound up beating her to it. And they in fact wound up saying the name of who this particular individual was...

"Oh, hi there Brandish," Lucy Heartfilia wound up speaking up with to the new arrival. Who as both me, Keiko, and Angel Bluebell wound up taking a better look at this individual. The three of us then realized that they were a young woman. Who looked to be around Lucy's age, was wearing her green hair in a bob and with bangs cut above her eyes, along with two, purple cross-shaped objects attached to the sides of her head like horns.

She was also wearing silver cross-shaped earrings. The dress she was wearing showed off the front of her body. She was also wearing something akin to that of a gold colored bikini. Which like Kiria, also showed her huge bust. Which I was not currently happy with looking at, just as I had been with Candice not too long ago. She was also wearing a golden fancy coat with purple-indented flower patterns across its design, along with purple fur around the collar.

And as for the bikini she was wearing. It was designed with a single curved line with multiple arches in the middle while separating the upper part of it from the more detailed lower part. The upper parts of the bikini were in gold, while the lower parts of it has a dark-brown color with horizontal gold colored diamond shapes scattered all over it.

In addition, she was also currently wearing a dark-brown choker around her neck with golden chains attached to it, which ran across her back in a T-shaped pattern. This outfit of hers was also complete with a pair of dark-brown high heels with purple nail polish coat on her toenails, and like those of the Fairy Tail guild, Brandish currently wore a similar sort of guild mark on her right thigh. Which from what I knew, was that of the Alvarez Empire, since Brandish was a former member of a group from the Alvarez Empire known as the Spriggan 12. Which for those who didn't know, was originally under the command of the Dark Wizard Zeref. Who just so happened to be the brother of one Natsu Dragneel.

And as for Angel Bluebell with regard to all of this...

"Okay seriously?...*Angel Bluebell now proceeds to let out a very audible and defeated sounding sigh from her lips*...Well viewers...Angel Bluebell here by the way again...and with regard to who she is, for those who don't know of Brandish from the original Fairy Tail anime canon timeline...Yea, I am not going to bother explaining it to you on who she is...as I am currently growing just a little bit tired of characters like this, and why they think that putting their...*ahem*...prized fruit on display is relevant to anything other then fanservice for the viewers watching the anime...I mean after all, just because an anime like Rosario Vampire, or any other fanservice related anime...another one that comes to mind is Strike Witches...Look, the point here is viewers...that just because another anime does it...that doesn't make it okay to do in another...But anyway viewers...I think that this is now a great place to stop this chapter...But as usual viewers...we will get right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers, from me, Keiko, and the rest of the Four Aces Alliance...We will see you all in the next chapter...So viewers, see you all there...okay?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed in a very cute looking manner*"

"Uh...okay then?...Thanks for that insight of yours Bluebell...I think?...Oh right, Keiko here again viewers...sorry about that...*Keiko proceeds to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which she then proceeds to bring her attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. She also now proceeds to clear her throat, as she then proceeds to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers like Angel Bluebell just stated...Since I still don't want to really argue with her on her decision making...we will both see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*Keiko proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

"Indeed Keiko...Zachary here by the way viewers...But anyway, as both Keiko and Angel Bluebell just so rightfully said, the three of us look forward to seeing you all in the next chapter...So viewers, we will see you all there...okay?"

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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