Chapter 191: Chapter 189
A/N: Was getting burned out with the story so I took an extended break, but now I am back to finish the story and then move on to the next Halo story.
Several Hours later, the Precursor fleet above Reach was completely destroyed with the last few ships of the fleet attempting to crash into the Planetary shield to break it. But since the shield was designed to block all types of weapons and ships from passing through, the Precursor ships exploded upon impact and were left floating on top of the shield.
Recovery efforts were already underway to clear the debris around the planet, and shipwrights were scrambling to repair the damage to their fleet. The victory, though hard won, signaled a significant turn in the war. Despite losing so much in just a matter of days, the Ascendency had proven that they could stand up to the Precursors. Combined with Axel's return, a newfound hope stirred in the hearts of every soldiers and all those who were watching from around the galaxy.
On the surface of Reach, the entire planet was placed under martial law as Millions of soldiers began to gather. Axel, Catherine, Admiral Hood, and Admiral Konrad had gathered within one of the meeting rooms located in Castle Base, the main massive military installation on Reach.
On the table in front of them, a holographic display showed the war's progress, how many planets were already lost, how many fleets were destroyed, and the number of military and civilian lives already lost. Looking at the number of confirmed casualties, Axel paused, taking a deep breath as the sheer scale of the loss was more than he could ever imagine.
The numbers were staggering, millions of lives extinguished in mere days. The room was silent, as the gravity of their situation weighed down on everyone present. Catherine reached out and placed a hand on Axel's arm, her presence a reminder that he wasn't alone in this fight.
"We've suffered greatly," Axel began, "But we're not defeated. This is a war for survival, and survival requires us to adapt, to fight smarter, and to strike where it hurts the most."
Admiral Konrad cleared his throat, grabbing everyone's attention. "Sir, we need a strategic counteroffensive. Defensive actions can only buy us so much time before the Precursors overwhelm us."
Admiral Hood nodded in agreement. "The Precursors fight with overwhelming numbers and even more advanced technology that us, but they seem to lack flexibility. If we can exploit their weaknesses, we might gain the upper hand."
Axel looked over the holographic map, developing all types of plans in his head. "The Precursors are methodical," he said, gesturing to the red zones representing lost or contested systems. "They're targeting key systems to destabilize us, but their movements are predictable. If we can disrupt their supply lines or force them to divert resources, we can buy time to strengthen our defenses and rebuild our fleets to go on the offensive."
Catherine leaned forward and used her analytical mind to help him formulate plans. "We should also consider psychological warfare. The Precursors believe they're invincible. If we can deliver a decisive blow, something spectacular, it could shatter their morale and slow their advance."
With all these suggestions, Axel already had somewhat of a plan forming in his head. "The Precursor fleet above Installation 00," he said. "It was the first place they hit, so it's also probably where they are concentrating their forces. If we take it out, we'll cripple their coordination and give ourselves an advantage."
Admiral Konrad frowned. "That's a bold move, Sir. Installation 00 has been heavily fortified, and we don't know the full extent of the Precursor forces there."
"I agree, which is why we will focus on their other Fleets first," Axel replied. "A direct assault would be suicide, but if we can get rid of individual forces and disable their communications and leadership, we can force a retreat or completely annihilate them."
Catherine nodded, agreeing with what Axel was saying. While she didn't have the knowledge of a military strategists, she still has past experience that she can use to figure out that Axel's plan was a good one. With a hint of excitement in her eyes, she wondered what type of things Axel was going to do or create.
She was present for all of Axel's inventions and considered most if not all of them to have advanced Humanity and the Ascendency by hundreds of years.
Admiral Hood chimed in seeing as Axel had already come decided on a plan. "I'll have my best tactical officers start planning the diversion. We'll need to hit multiple systems simultaneously to keep their attention divided."
Nodding his head, Axel acknowledged Admiral Hoods words. "Then it's settled. We'll strike at the heart of their operations and remind them that the Ascendency doesn't back down. Omni, start coordinating with other Officers and Admirals to better coordinate our new war plan. As for the rest of you, I want all officers under each of you to be briefed on the plan and understand what our mission is."
The room erupted into action as orders were given and plans set in motion. Axel watched as his trusted allies and subordinates didn't waste any time carrying out his orders. He knew the road ahead would be treacherous, but he needed to take control of the situation and show that those who died will not have died in vain.
As the meeting concluded and the others dispersed to carry out their tasks, Axel lingered, gazing at the holographic display of the galaxy. Catherine approached him, her expression a mixture of concern and admiration.
"You've always found a way, Axel," she said softly. "I know you'll find a way now."
He looked at her, his eyes filled with the weight of his responsibilities. "We'll win this war, Cath. Not for me, not even for the Ascendency, but for every soul that calls this galaxy home. The Precursors will learn that we are not so easily extinguished."
And to do this, he needed to start restructuring the fleets to be equipped with weapons that can penetrate the Precursor's defenses. He would need to collaborate with the greatest minds in the Ascendency including Artificial Intelligence to create new technology.
Meanwhile, Admiral Konrad had just finished a virtual meeting with the Admirals and other Officers under him.
As the meeting concluded, Admiral Konrad sat back in his chair, exhaling deeply. His officers had their orders, and now the real work has begun. Fleet movements, supply logistics, and technological advancements, every piece of the puzzle had to be perfectly aligned if they had any hope of defeating the Precursors.
Axel, meanwhile, wasted no time. He left the war room and made his way down the reinforced corridors of Castle Base. His destination: the Ascendency's foremost research and development facility, housed deep within the mountain ranges of Reach. It was there that the brightest minds of the Ascendency, human, artificial, and other races, worked hard on breakthrough advancements.
Upon arriving at the secured entrance, he was greeted by Omni's familiar voice over the intercom.
"Welcome, Axel. The R&D division is expecting you. Dr. Kallis is already inside, along with several of the AI constructs overseeing the prototype developments."
Axel stepped through the blast doors, revealing a sprawling, high-tech laboratory filled with holographic displays, robotic arms assembling new weapon prototypes, and scientists debating over equations and energy outputs.
Dr. Kallis, a tall woman with green eyes and a sharp intellect, turned from her terminal as Axel approached.
"We've been anticipating you, Sir," she said with a smirk. "We figured after that battle; you'd be in desperate need of something... revolutionary."
Axel nodded. "We need weapons that can bypass Precursor shielding and defenses. Something adaptable, modular, and devastating."
Dr. Kallis motioned towards a holotable where a series of schematics was displayed. "We've been working on several new designs based on the data gathered from our encounters. We believe that by utilizing high-frequency energy disruptors combined with particle destabilization, we can create weapons that can phase through Precursor shielding."
Axel studied the schematics. The weapons were unlike anything fielded before, blending all of their ingenuity with advanced AI-driven calculations. If successful, this could be the key to turning the tide of the war.
"How soon can these be tested?" Axel asked.
"One month for full-scale implementation," Dr. Kallis responded. "But if you need something sooner, we can equip a select few ships for immediate field trials."
Axel thought for a moment. "Do it. We'll deploy a strike fleet equipped with these weapons and see how they perform in real combat."
Dr. Kallis smirked. "Consider it done."
Meanwhile, Admiral Konrad was finalizing the attack plans. The Ascendency fleets were mobilizing for a series of coordinated strikes across multiple systems. The primary objective: sever Precursor supply lines and isolate their forward command centers.
Admiral Hood's forces were already en route to engage a Precursor fleet in the Epsilon Eridani system, while Konrad himself prepared to lead a strike against the staging grounds in the Orion sector. The war was about to escalate, and every soldier knew that what came next would decide the fate of the entire galaxy.
As Axel left the R&D facility, he felt the weight of the moment settle upon him. The Precursors had brought destruction to his people, but they had also awakened something far more dangerous, a unified Galaxy, determined to fight to the bitter end.