Chapter 35: Marriage Proposal
After their confrontation, both of them stepped back under the astonished gaze of Charlotte's children and the shamans. Suddenly, they burst into laughter - Napoleon returning to his usual form while Gojo's arm, covered in Armament Haki, returned to its normal appearance.
"I now understand how you managed to stand up to Kaido for two days and two nights," declared Big Mom as she settled into her seat, studying Gojo with interest.
"It's undeniable, just like Kaido, you truly deserve your title of empress, Linlin," he replied with a smile, covering his eyes while calling her by her real name.
Among those who had withstood the colossal shock, all admired this display of power. These two were clearly operating on a different level. Smoothie, who was helping her sister Galette to stand up - the latter unable to remain standing - watched the scene with a smile. Only the sugar generals and the shamans remained in their respective areas.
"What a fascinating man," murmured Smoothie, her eyes shining.
"Don't be naive, Smoothie. This man is a threat!" Perospero intervened, dusting off his clothes. "Just one collision with Mama was enough to devastate the entire tea party," he added, surveying the damage.
"Not only is he handsome, but his strength is impressive," Custard added, clearly captivated.
"And these shamans are no slouches either - they didn't flinch for a moment," observed Four.
"Calm down," Katakuri tempered, standing in front of his brothers and sisters with his eyes closed. "They were just assessing each other's strengths."
"Big brother Katakuri," Brûlée inquired in a trembling voice, still shaken by the display of power, "if we were to confront Gojo and his pirates, who would prevail?"
"Hard to say... On our territory, victory would be ours, but at a heavy cost," he replied, his siblings nodding gravely.
"That's why it's better to avoid a conflict," Amande intervened, sheathing the sword she had used for support. "A war between emperors would only benefit the Marines." Her measured words helped to ease the tension.
"This is our first meeting - the future may pit us against each other, but the time is not now," added Cracker, his sword casually resting on his shoulder.
The Charlottes watched the interaction between Gojo and their mother when, to their surprise, he extracted a Devil Fruit from his body. He threw it to Big Mom, who caught it effortlessly.
"Consider this as my gratitude for your invitation - the Zeri Zeri no mi, a Paramecia-type fruit that allows its user to transform their body into jelly," he explained.
"Mamamama... You really know how to handle things," she said, ordering a soldier to secure the fruit. "I haven't told you about my second proposal yet." Gojo raised an eyebrow. "Marry my fourteenth daughter, Smoothie," she announced with a smile, stunning her children - especially Smoothie, who had not expected this at all. Unfazed by their reaction, Big Mom continued, "She's already thirty-three and still hasn't found a suitable match."
"Excuse me?" The confusion was total, both among the Charlottes and Gojo and his shamans.
The Charlotte children turned to their sister, noticing her slightly flushed cheeks after their mother's words. They struggled to understand why Mama had publicly exposed this embarrassing situation.
"Even Mama has noticed your solitude, perorin," Perospero taunted.
"Shut up, Perospero!" Smoothie snapped, grabbing him firmly. "I simply haven't found a man who measures up," she asserted confidently.
"How enviable, Smoothie," Custard commented with a mocking smile, her tone betraying a certain irony.
"Heh heh, we're talking about Gojo here! What's got into Mama?" Oven wondered, perplexed.
"It could prove advantageous," Katakuri intervened, capturing their attention. "Such a union would ensure temporary peace between our crews and offer interesting long-term prospects," he analyzed calmly. "What do you think, Smoothie?"
"Ah... Marriage doesn't interest me, my loyalty lies with Mama as a general," she sighed. "What's the problem?"
"Mama's decision is made. The rest is up to you... I hope you won't challenge her will!" Katakuri concluded, walking away, leaving Smoothie stunned. It was indeed the least expected twist at this party.
As for Gojo, he stared at Big Mom incredulously, struggling to understand the motivations behind such a proposal. She was known to orchestrate political marriages to her advantage, but he did not expect to be the target. It was undeniably one of the most unexpected developments.