Harry Potter: A Twist In Time

Chapter 120: Awakening to Danger

Cedric Diggory woke slowly, seeing his bed surrounded by people brought everything rushing back, "Cho?"

She's fine Cedric, just got a bit of a shock and sleeping it off in the bed next to you. Can you tell us what happened?" Pomona asked.

"We walked round a corner to find a man stunning Ron Weasley and Millicent Bulstrode, I just had time to get in front of Cho before being hit by a curse. Apart from hearing Cho screaming the next thing I remember is waking up here."

Pomona had been his head of house for six years before joining the institute and Cedric had grown into a fine young wizard in her opinion, she could guess why they were going 'round a corner' but didn't want to embarrass Cedric.

"Do you think we could look at your memory in a pensive to see if we can figure out who attacked you?" she asked.

"I can tell you exactly who attacked me, I recognised him straight away from his picture in the Quibbler. It was Peter Pettigrew and he really does look like a rat."

The irony that Pettigrew once again had attacked Cedric was not lost on Harry and Hermione, at least this time the former Huffelpuff had survived but it left them with the question why stun the other two. It hit both of them at the same time, "shit, we need a meeting NOW!" they could hear the panic in Harry's voice so everyone headed straight out of the infirmary and into an unused classroom while the missing members were summoned.

Pomona was there because she now knew the full story, Ginny was asked to attend as Ron was involved while they included Amber as she would have been the only one left out. Joan was sitting on Hermione's knee, refusing to leave her parents so they let her sit quietly as they discussed what to do next.

Harry started off, "we think Voldemort is going to use Ron to get himself a new body but when he finds that grave empty, who knows what he'll do."

The two marauders exchanged glances before Sirius spoke, "eh Harry, you never said you wanted that grave empty."

Harry's eyes bored into his godfather, "please tell me you took out his father's bones."

"Of course we did, Remus configured them into a walking stick which is currently in the umbrella stand at the Grangers."

"Why do I feel there's a 'but' coming here?" Harry asked.

"As I said you never mentioned that we had to leave the grave empty, we left a dead squirrel there transfigured to look like a human skeleton."

Harry's eyes never left his godfather as a myriad of emotions coursed through his body but eventually there could only be one winner, he burst into uncontrollable laughter, which was soon followed by Hermione while the rest played catch-up.

"Could someone please explain to me just what the hell is going on here?" asked a totally bemused Ginny.

It was Hermione who was first to get herself back under control, "Voldemort is going to attempt a ritual using a bone from his father, flesh from a servant and blood of an enemy. Peter will be the servant but he now has Ron as the enemy because he couldn't get to Harry and a squirrel bone in place of his father's which these two switched." She just couldn't resist the joke, "this will drive Voldemort nuts!"

"That still leaves us with the problem that there are two children who have been kidnapped by that monster." Pomona's point quickly put paid to the laughter in the room.

"I know we'll eventually have to take him on but I'll be honest here and say I'm not comfortable risking our lives to rescue the arsehole who wanted to harm my daughter," Dan looked to Ginny who nodded that she could understand his position, she also knew if it was her that had been taken they would already be in armour and on their way to rescue her.

"I'm afraid that until we get that snake, me killing him would be a disaster. Our plan is still in place where we should be able to do this without injuries to our party; finishing off Voldemort and loosing someone sitting here would not be a victory but a tragedy. If we go against him tonight he's going to have a body of sorts with a raging temper that will see him attacking like a lunatic. The question we need to ask ourselves is can we sit here and allow those two to be murdered when we know exactly where they are." Harry's question had everyone searching their conscience.

It was Joan who broke the silence, "can't the aurors go and get them if you tell them where they are?" the little girl was desperate for her parents not to be involved in this.

Hermione held her tight as she explained the problem, "you've seen what the aurors are like sweetie, Ron and Millicent would be killed for sure as well as some of the aurors. At the moment we're the only people who can help."

Luna was next to speak, "if Harry couldn't leave Malfoy to his fate then I don't think we can abandon these two, Millicent's only fault was getting betrothed to the arse."

Harry made the decision, "we make a rescue attempt but everyone needs to remember it's a rescue, we're not there to take casualties. We portkey in on the road at the cemetery and proceed very carefully, can we all live with that?"

There were nods around the room as they started moving to get ready, Harry and Hermione didn't want to be anywhere near Voldemort tonight but fate hadn't exactly been on their side so far. Joan clung to her aunt Ginny as her parents went to put their armour on. Harry asked his wife over their bond if he wasn't taking this saving people thing too far, her only answer was to kiss him.


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