Chapter 14: Chapter 14:
Harry stilled at his words and thought about the implications. "You can send me back in time?" he asked, just to clarify.
"Yes," Death verified.
Harry thought about the possibilities and asked, "If I was sent back, would I still be me?"
"You would merge with your younger self unless you went back to a time before you existed. Though not impossible, I do not recommend that path. It opens up endless loopholes and paradoxes that give me headaches to fix," Death said.
Harry almost laughed at how put out Death managed to sound, while still being utterly terrifying. "By merge, do you mean that I would take over my younger self? Would I keep my memories?"
"Indeed," Death confirmed.
Harry nodded as he thought, an idea blooming in his mind. "What about my magic? It was bound when I was younger, if I returned would it be bound still?" he asked.
"I would never allow such a thing," Death said scathingly.
"So I would return how I am now basically, but in my younger body?"
"Yes," Death said.
"What about the Hallows? Back then they're still around, but I don't have them, or at least I don't have the wand or the stone. Would I still be your master?" Harry asked.
"You would still be my master unless somebody else gains all three of them. However, you will obviously not have access to the wand or the stone. I am unsure, but I would think the wand would not work against you - it would know you are its true master. I would suggest you work on collecting all three once you have returned," Death said.
Harry thought about this and nodded his head. "I don't have to take you up on this right away, do I? It's not like a onetime deal?" Harry questioned.
"No. You may summon me and ask for this at any point, though I am busy, so I may not always answer you the moment you call," Death said.
Harry nodded. "I think that's all I needed to know. Thank you," he said before awkwardly adding, "Erm, you can go now?"
Death seemed to chuckle slightly, alarming Harry, before He simple vanished back into the shadows.
Harry stood for a moment, standing in shock, before the realisation of how surreal his life was hit him. Laughing manically, Harry barely kept himself from falling to the floor in his state. Finally, after gaining a small semblance of control, Harry stood and straightened himself out. Deciding it was best not to wear his invisibility cloak, Harry focused on banishing it to his room in Grimmauld Place, trusting his magic to send it there. Finally. he returned to the cart outside and asked to be taken back to the surface, ignoring the goblin's curious look.
Instead of going back into the main bank, Harry instead followed the paths towards Ragnok's office. Nodding to the guards, Harry knocked on the door and waited to be called in.
"I see you have returned," Ragnok said once Harry had seated himself.
"Did you know?" Harry questioned.
Ragnok withheld his smirk. "I know many things, but even I cannot take a guess as to what you mean."
Harry narrowed his eyes and clarified, "Did you know what being the Master of Death meant for me?"
Ragnok sighed, "It has never been done before, so I did not know for certain, but I had an idea." Silence fell after he spoke.
"Death said I could go back," Harry said after a few moments.
"Go back?" Ragnok questioned.
"I would be able to relive my life, taking the place of my younger self. I would have my memories and my powers; I would literally have a chance to do it all again, but better," Harry said
"I see," Ragnok said. "I take it you are considering this?"
"I think I want to do it," Harry confided, "the only thing that is currently keeping me going is the thought of revenge, and even that doesn't block out my longing for long. It's always there. If I went back, I could change everything."
"You would side with Voldemort?" Ragnok asked, his voice holding no judgement.
"No - yes - I don't know," Harry admitted. "I would try to fix him. His goals before they became so twisted with insanity were good; I refuse to believe the one person magic fated to be perfect for me was an insane snake-faced megalomaniac."
Ragnok smiled at that. "Good."
Harry was shocked. "You want me to side with Voldemort?" he asked.
"No, I want you to fix Voldemort, to build on what he started when he first began. I want you, Harry Potter, to change the world," Ragnok said.
Harry looked at Ragnok who, in just a few short days, had come to be a true friend. "You know if I go back, you won't remember me," he said.
Ragnok smirked at that. "I wouldn't be so sure, Harry."
"What do you mean?"
"Goblin magic is different from that which wizard's wield," Ragnok said. "When you return, you may find yourself surprised with just how much we remember."
Harry smirked at this, glad he would have a confidant when he went back.
"You have made your decision then," Ragnok said, seeing the look on Harry's face.
"Yes, I think so. There is just one thing I need to do first."
After leaving the bank, Harry made his way to Grimmauld Place. One of the only regrets he had about his decision to go back was Kreacher. He had really bonded to the elf in the weeks he had been at Grimmauld, however he knew that if all went to plan he would be seeing the elf a lot earlier than he had in this life when he returned.
Going up to his room, Harry opened his trunk and summoned the object he had come home for: the Marauder's Map. Opening it up, he placed his wand again it and intoned, "I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good." Watching as the map came to life, Harry looked to the headmaster's office and saw it empty; searching the surrounding areas, Harry saw that, although not completely empty, the school was practically deserted.
Putting on his invisibility cloak and tucking the map into his pocket, Harry returned to the receiving room and apparated to Hogsmeade. The walk to the castle filled Harry with regret; there were vast areas of destruction and Harry could see that it would take time to fix the damage. Hopefully things would be better after he returned; he never wanted to see Hogwarts in such a state ever again. Even if he hated that his memories of the place were tainted by Dumbledore and his manipulations, Harry just couldn't bring himself to hate the castle and all it represented for him.
Once he got close enough to enter the castle's wards, Harry felt a shift in his magic. Breaching them, Harry had a baffling sensation of peace, almost like he was coming home.
Making his way quickly towards the office, Harry withdrew the map. Even under his cloak with scent blocking and silencing charms, Harry didn't want to risk running into anyone. Seeing that the way was clear, Harry kept his pace and finally made it the gargoyle guardian blocking the way to the headmaster's - well, he supposed it would be headmistress' now - office.