Harry Potter: Eclipse.

Chapter 44: Chapter 44:

Mr. Potter,

I believe now would be a good time for you to acquire that piece of evidence.

I have managed to secure an emergency trial for the innocent party, which will be taking place in two weeks. I believe with the evidence you supply and his own testimony, you will soon be reunited with your godfather.

If you would bring the evidence to Gringotts at your earliest convenience, I will arrange for it to be found by a reliable Auror.


Edgar Dodge Jr

Law Wizard, Dodge E & Dodge E'r


Reading the letter, Harry let out a relieved breath: he wouldn't have to spend the entire summer at the Dursleys. Now, all he had to do was capture that rat.

"Good news?" Neville asked, seeing Harry's smile.

"Oh yeah, great," Harry said absently as he planned - and he knew just the way to get into Gryffindor tower. Looking up and seeing that the hall was full, Harry decided to collect his evidence now.

"Hey guys, I've just remembered I've left my Charms work in my room. I'll meet you all later," he said.

"Okay, Harry," they agreed.

Sneaking into the lion's den was ridiculously easy with his cloak. All Harry had to do was wait for somebody to say the password and he slipped in with them undetected.

Making his way up to the first year dorms, Harry saw the mess that was Ron's bed. With a grimace of disgust, he approached the cage that Pettigrew was sleeping in. Stunning the already sleeping rat, Harry reached in and grabbed him. Returning to his dorm, Harry transfigured a shoe into a cage and set about warding it. Placing the rat inside, Harry revived him and sent a stinging hex. Seeing the rat suddenly jerk awake, Harry smiled, not realising how sadistic he looked in that moment.

"Hello, Peter," he said, enjoying how the rat panicked and let out a pained squeak as he obviously tried to transform and found himself unable.

"Now, now Peter, you wouldn't want to do that. This cage is special. You won't be able to transform or escape from it," Harry said.

Harry flicked his wand so that a small food and water dispenser appeared; it wouldn't be good for the rat to die before he had gotten Sirius free. Placing the cage in his trunk, Harry barely kept from dancing in celebration.

Things were working out perfectly.


July 15th 1992 – Hogwarts

He should have known that he would jinx himself he thought as he was called up to Dumbledore's office after his final exam later that week. Quirrell had vanished two days ago, most likely with the fake stone, and Dumbledore had been looking grave and resentful whenever Harry had seen him.

Entering the office, Harry saw that it was in shambles; the headmaster had obviously lost hold of his temper.

"Ah, Harry, my boy, do come in," Dumbledore said, his voice strained as he obviously forced himself to act like a benevolent old man.

"You wanted to see me, headmaster?" Harry said, his voice light and inquisitive.

"Yes, my boy, I was just wondering if you had noticed anything strange recently?" he asked.

"Strange, sir?" Harry replied, sounding confused.

"Yes, with your scar?" Dumbledore said, his eyes gleaming.

"No, sir," Harry said.

Dumbledore seemed to deflate. "I see," he said, his voice void of emotion.

"Why, sir?" Harry asked, keeping his voice childlike.

"I have reason to believe Voldemort will likely return," Dumbledore said, his voice suddenly going dramatically grave.

Harry made his eyes widen in shock. "V-Voldemort, sir?! Why would you think that? I thought he was gone," Harry said fearfully.

"Oh no, my dear boy, he's out there waiting," Dumbledore said darkly.

"I'm sorry professor, but what has this got to do with my scar?" Harry asked, wondering what the old man would say.

"I believe, Harry, that your scar connects the two of you, and I had thought you would feel it if something had happened or if he was close," Dumbledore said, his shrewd eyes scanning Harry.

Harry just contained his snort. Yes, the scar connected them, not the fact they were soulmates. "I'm sorry sir, but I've felt nothing," he said.

Dumbledore's eyes narrowed with suspicion, the twinkle disappearing. "I see. You may go then, Harry," he dismissed, forgetting to act like a kind old man in his anger.

As Harry walked to the door, he called out, "Oh, and Harry? Don't mention this to anybody, it wouldn't do to worry them. Perhaps I am wrong about my fears," he said.

Harry nodded his head and left the office. He had his meeting with Flitwick as well before the feast, and would have to hurry to get to his office.

After Harry left, Albus picked up a paper weight from his desk and launched it at the door.

"Damn him!" he screamed.

"Temper, temper, Albus," mocked the portrait of Phineas Black.

"Silence, or so help me, I will find a way to have you removed!" Albus seethed.

He couldn't work out how Voldemort had taken the stone; he didn't even know how long it had been missing! His protections around the mirror itself had been infallible! He should have felt it the moment the stone vanished but he had felt nothing! And Harry, that damn boy! He refused to take the bait, this was his fault! If he had just gone after the stone, then everything would be alright now! But no, the boy refused to take the bait, refused to be what Albus had planned for. This would not do!

Reaching Flitwick's office just in time, Harry knocked and entered, seeing Snape and Pomfrey in there as well.

"Hello sirs, ma'am," he said.

"Harry, take a seat," Flitwick said, indicating to the chair left free.

Sitting, Harry turned to the three adults. "You wanted to see me, sir?" he asked.

"Yes. We all here in this room are aware of your situation at home," Flitwick began. Harry made sure to dart his eyes to Snape, hoping it would be picked up on.

"Yes Potter, I am aware," the dark eyed man said. "I recognised the signs and, based on the potions I have observed you taking and the ointment you require, I pieced the facts together."

"Oh," Harry said, trying to act ashamed.

"Anyway, both Madam Pomfrey and Professor Snape have approached me to ask about your summer plans, and I felt it would be best if you answered their questions as I promised the information you told me last time would be secret," Flitwick explained.

Harry was surprised at that. Not that Flitwick had kept his promise, but that Snape had worried about him enough to ask. He was also surprised that Madam Pomfrey had gone to Flitwick instead of Dumbledore; he hadn't considered what he would have done if she had gone to the old coot.

"I see. Thank you, professor," Harry said to his head of house.

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