Chapter 46: Chapter 46:
Harry sat still and listened while Dodge spoke. He was impressed with the man having already started to plan for the custody battle. Harry himself had made some mental notes, but he had yet to write anything down or plan so in-depth.
"You can use the Dursley's abuse to make Sirius' claim stronger," Harry said decisively. "This will also help with my plan for Dumbledore; it will weaken his support as he allowed it and encouraged it to happen. If you need evidence, then you can probably call on Amelia Bones, Severus Snape, Filius Flitwick, and Poppy Pomfrey. There was also a private healer, Jordan Theon, who examined me last summer," Harry said, causing eyebrows to rise. Having the head of the DMLE backing him would really turn heads. Madam Bones was notorious in the Wizengamot for being incorruptible and exceptionally fair. She would always follow the law and see to it that justice was served.
"And when did you make the acquaintance of Madam Bones?" Ragnok asked, curiously raising a bushy eyebrow.
Harry smirked. "I'm rather close with her niece, Susan, lovely girl. She couldn't help but feel the need to tell her aunt about my relatives once she found out," Harry said, raising his eyebrows in faux innocence.
Dodge let out a low chuckle. "Oh, Mr. Potter, I think I shall like working with you," he said, his quill moving quickly as he made notes.
After that, the meeting continued and Harry found he had four days before the trial was due to start. The plan was for Dumbledore not to find out about the trial until the day it was scheduled, therefore he wouldn't be able to use his influence to get it tossed or to hide certain pieces of evidence. However, there was still a risk as Dumbledore was still Chief Warlock. Even if he only finds out on the day of, his influence of the light and neutral sects of the Wizengamot was immense.
Remembering what else he possessed in his trunk, Harry made a detour before leaving the bank. Although he couldn't keep Dumbledore out of his family vaults, the man would be unable to enter the Mortemis vault. After the long journey to the lowest and oldest vault, Harry stepped out of the cart. The vault was as deceptive in its appearance as Harry remembered. Placing his hands on the doors, Harry felt his magic surge before the doors clicked and opened silently. Walking in, Harry saw that the table which once held the three Hallows was empty at this time; just the book remained on its stand. Walking towards the table, Harry reached into his pocket and withdrew the stone. Looking at it, Harry watched as it seemed to glow in an internal fire, the reds and golds burning. He had no plans for using the stone, at least not until he had Tom back and was at a suitable age himself.
After leaving the bank, Harry went to the Leaky Cauldron and asked to hire a room for the week. Harry had no desire to return to the Dursleys and he hoped that their elation at his not returning home would stop them from contacting Dumbledore or Hogwarts. Harry didn't want to be dragged back by the old coot before he had a chance to get Sirius freed and bring to light his treatment at the Dursleys.
Thinking about Sirius led Harry to thinking about Remus; he had always liked the werewolf but his relationship with him has never been as close as Harry's had been with Sirius. The werewolf had been too wary of letting him in and then he had been too caught up in his grief over Sirius and his relationship with Tonks.
Harry thought that Remus would probably benefit from a letter, warning him about what was to come. Harry also wondered what the wolf was up to now; as as far as Harry knew, he had been abandoned by the light and Dumbledore after the last war and left to flounder up until he had been hired in Harry's 3rd year. If Harry played it right, he had a theory about the wolf and how he could gain another potential ally.
Mr. Lupin,
I know you will probably be wondering why I am writing to you, but I would prefer not to talk about such matters through parchment.
I would very much like to meet you and, if you're agreeable, be at the Leaky Cauldron at noon tomorrow. I will know you.
Harry J Potter.
Harry sat, waiting for the wolf to appear. He had asked for a table near the back, but he planned on taking Remus up to his room to ensure that they had privacy for their conversation.
Harry watched as people came in and out of the bar and at exactly noon, Remus walked in. The wolf looked tired, his robes patched and faded. Harry walked up to him slowly, making sure Remus saw his approach.
"Harry?" Remus asked, his voice full of shock and awe.
"Mr. Lupin," Harry greeted warmly. A beat of silence fell, then Harry said, "I'm staying upstairs. Please follow me so that we might talk in privacy."
Remus nodded mutely. He had been blown away by the boy's appearance: his emerald green eyes seemed to glow in his delicate face. He looked a lot like Lily, but he had traditional pureblood features mixed in.
Leading the way, Harry walked up the stairs and entered his temporary accommodation.
Remus followed him, looking around the room and taking in the mountain of books. "You like to read, then?" he asked awkwardly.
"Yes - it's sort of a requirement, being a Ravenclaw," Harry said.
Remus seemed to startle slightly. "You're a Ravenclaw?" he asked.
"Yes," Harry said.
Remus seemed to nod slightly. "I see. I did always think Lily would have done well as a 'Claw," Remus said.
Harry smiled, Remus always did try to see the best in everything. "I heard she was quite good at Charms."
"So Harry, not that I am not pleased - exceptionally so, at that - to see you, but your letter said you wanted to speak to me," Remus said. "I didn't even think you knew I existed, let alone have reason to speak to me."
"Mr. Lupin—"
"Please, call me Remus or Moony," Remus interrupted.
"Remus, then. I thought you should find out from me, rather than the papers or somebody else, that I have been working alongside a law wizard in order to have Sirius Black freed," Harry said
Remus seemed to startle at the name and his eyes flashed momentarily. "Why, Harry?" he asked, anguished.