Harry Potter: Eclipse.

Chapter 48: Chapter 48:

"Good. I can come with you if you like," Harry offered.

"I - yes, please," Remus said, his voice still shaking as he thought about all the implications this would have - if Dumbledore really was manipulating the entire world.

Harry stood and offered the wolf a small smile before he went and grabbed a cloak for himself.

Walking, Harry didn't speak as they made their way through the summer crowds. Once they reached the bank, Remus looked around slightly, and Harry remembered how biased the creature laws were. Remus was not even permitted to have a proper vault here due to ministry legislation.

Remus looked at Harry with shocked eyes when he saw how the boy walked with confidence through the bank, nodding his head at the goblins before slipping out of a side door. Following Harry, Remus nodded his head warily at the goblins.

"You do know what you're doing, right, Harry?" Remus whispered as they walked further into the bank.

Harry smiled. "Yes, don't worry - I promise everything will be fine," Harry assured.

Remus nodded and kept walking until they finally came to Ragnok's office. Harry nodded to the guards and knocked. Entering, Harry motioned for Remus to follow.

"Harry, you've brought a friend to see me," Ragnok commented, looking Remus up and down once quickly.

"Ragnok, this is a Remus Lupin. He was friends with my parents and a good friend to my godfather. I thought it would be beneficial for him to learn about Sirius from me before the trial so he might offer Sirius support," Harry said.

Ragnok sent the wolf another look. "Indeed," he said, before turning back to Harry, "and he will keep this information to himself? You know the risks if certain parties find out before the date."

Remus was shocked by the interaction between the two; the goblin was being practically polite to Harry by their standards. He wondered what Harry had done to earn their respect.

"Remus will not tell anybody. In fact, I brought him here in order for you to have him checked for compulsions," Harry said.

"I see," Ragnok said before turning Remus again. "Tell me, Mr. Lupin, what will you do if it's found you are under compulsions?" he asked.

"I honestly do not know. Part of me wants to rip Dumbledore apart for what he's done to Harry and another part of me wants to take him and run. He is a powerful adversary to have and, even though Harry has shown me in the short time I've seen him that he is a strong and resilient boy, he is just that, a boy, a child. I just want what's best for him - and for Sirius to be freed," Remus said.

Ragnok considered the wolf. "And if you have no compulsions? If your actions have been your own wolf? What then?"

"I will still want those things. If my actions are my own, I want to make up for them. I will make up for them even if Dumbledore hasn't compelled me," Remus said.

Ragnok nodded. "Very well, let us discuss price."

Harry watched with interest as Ragnok spoke and he could practically see Remus' magic swirling as guilt rolled off him in waves. "50 galleons," Harry said.

Remus flinched slightly at the price, but Harry ignored it. He would pay for the wolf as he knew how much he struggled and, really, the compulsions were because of Harry.

Ragnok smiled toothily. "Not a knut under 80."

"60," Harry haggled.

"65 and we will call it even," Ragnok said.

Harry nodded. "Take it from my account," he instructed.

Remus opened his mouth to protest at this. But before he could speak, Harry cut him off. "Really, Remus? This entire thing is because of me. You will let me pay," he said.

"But Harry—" the wolf started.

"No. You can pay me back by helping me with Sirius," he said.

Ragnok clicked his fingers and sent for a healer.

Harry turned to Remus. "The process isn't that painful, and hopefully will not take you long. If you like, I can wait for you or you can go home and meet me tomorrow at the Leaky Cauldron. I'll be staying there until Sirius' trial," Harry said.

Remus considered this and spoke, "I'll see you tomorrow. I can sort out some things and get a room at the Leaky Cauldron until the trial. Then we can spend some time getting to know each other and I will feel better about you being without adult supervision."

"Okay," Harry agreed as healer Mauve walked in. Harry wasn't surprised to see her as it had been her who had cleansed him in his last life.

Remus left with the goblin healer quickly after that, leaving Harry alone with Ragnok.

"You trust the wolf," Ragnok said, making it a statement rather than a question.

"Yes," Harry said. "In my last life we were never overly close, but I always respected and cared for him. I trust he will do what I need for himself and Sirius."

"It could be good for Sirius' custody case - having another adult around for stability. However, wizards are nothing if not cruel. His being a werewolf will be an issue. You must be prepared for that," Ragnok said.

"I know," Harry agreed. "But it will also send a sign: it will show the world that I don't agree with the way they treat werewolves. Remus is one of the best people I know and knew in the past. Having it clear now that I don't agree will work well in the future; I plan to make things better and getting it out there now will be beneficial for building bridges later. Although his influence in the werewolf community is small, it could be useful."

"I see, you've thought about this," Ragnok acknowledged.

"I'm trying to plan ahead," Harry said in a wry voice. "He should also be a calming influence on Sirius, which is a benefit."

"And if the critics use his creature status to weaken Sirius' claim?" Ragnok asked.

"Then they show their hand and loose Remus' support; they come out of this looking like the bad guys," Harry smirked.

"I'm impressed," Ragnok said as the door opened. Healer Maeve opened the door then and entered.

"Mr. Lupin is asleep. His results left him upset and I gave him something to calm himself. He is currently sleeping," Maeve said.

"So he was dosed?" Harry asked.

Maeve gave him a look. "I cannot discuss a patient's health with you, Little Lord."

"I understand," Harry said. "Thank you for helping him."

"It is my duty and honour to help those who need it," Maeve said.

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