Chapter 264: Ch 289 - Chewing his Nuts ~Mommy~
And just like that the knot in his stomach disappeared. Lucifer just stared at her, more stunned than he'd been in eons.
She wasn't just putting up with him because he'd saved her life.
She is really in love with him. With that little didy to play over and over in his head, Lucifer felt like he coul...
"Wait," Lucifer said, as he realized something. "What do you mean, a nobody like you?"
"Well I'm nothing special," Hermione replied easily. "Just a normal nobody."
"You aren't a nobody to me," Lucifer said simply. "Never have been. Weren't you listening before when I said you were special?"
"Got any proof I'm special?"
"Just like now and before, my charm of bringing out people's desires never worked on you."
"Huh? But I told you--"
"No, it wasn't forced by my powers....Hermione, you based on own's choice wanted to reveal your heart to me...Besides, I have never bled..."
"That alone should be proof enough!"
"I've never met a human who was immune before, and don't forget I'm old, like dawn of time old."
"Ah huh," Hermione replied skeptically.
"What? Still not sold on the whole immortal devil thing, huh?"
"You are crazy strong and were definitely good at reading my journal after surviving the killing curse..." Hermione admitted, pointing her second finger in his direction..
"But, that hardly means you are the Devil."
"You are a tough egg to crack, Hermione....So, how do you explain my Devil face?"
"You showed that face to Mr. Crouch at the World Cup, didn't you?"
"I was angry," Lucifer said in a small voice. "And it is often useful for making people fear of me, or getting information out."
"Is he going to die?"
"....Yes, I don't know when but he will much sooner than you can imagine..."
"What about me?"
"...You don't have to worry about that. My curse will never affect you."
"...I see, this doesn't sound normal..."
"As I've been saying all along, Hermione, I am the Devil!" Lucifer said, his anger flaring up again.
"Haven't you been listening?"
She had been listening, but she'd also been watching. Lucifer's behaviour made very little sense.
He really was honest, and yet a mystery at the same time.
The way he answered her questions was like he didn't know the answers himself.
Lucifer cared more than he liked to admit to, and had always saved her life.
If he really was the Devil she had to see it again just to be sure, if after all this she was right and there was some other explanation it would call his bluff.
"Show me your face again. I'm ready."
"And risk you jumping off the window" Lucifer scoffed, at her curious face, "I already seen you pissing your knickers before, No thanks."
"Lucifer, I didn't wet m-my! I swear, I did not!" Hermione's face turned scarlet, down to her neck, ears fuming with blood steam.
She had to resist scratching his face!
"This isn't some bluff you can call, Hermione," Lucifer snapped back. "If I show you and you run-"
He didn't finish the sentence, but it wasn't hard for Hermione to see why.
Lucifer was afraid though of what she hadn't a clue.
"You showed me before," Hermione reminded him.
There it was again. Fear. Simple honest fear etched in every line of his face.
She supposed these things were possible to fake, but she sensed he wasn't.
She didn't understand him. What could the Devil possibly be scared of? Still she knew he wasn't going to cave.
"The wings then, can you fix'm up?" Hermione compromised.
"I just literally got rid of....Give me a few minutes...." Lucifer answered, though she sensed he was regretting this promise now.
"Alright then," Hermione finally squatted down on the bed, while Lucifer took his pouch away out of the room.
"Just remember, Not all mortals can handle proof of divinity, Hermione..."
That's what he said before leaving.
Hermione just stared.
Mounted to the wall now were a pair of angel wings.
Glowing white, they didn't look to be of this world. Huge long piercingly white feathers ran virtually from the top.
They were attached to a small piece of Lucifer's skin, beautiful beyond belief.
In their presence, however, there was no way for even Hermione's mind to believe they weren't real.
You couldn't stand in the presence of these wings and not believe.
"They're gorgeous," Hermione whispered.
Lucifer was looking at her very intensely then. His eyes narrowed in concentration, watching her with all his attention.
"That's it?" Lucifer said. "That's all you have to say."
"You're the Devil," Hermione told him, with clear eyes, "But you're also an angel."
Seeing these wings was giving her a perspective she hadn't had before.
It's quite a different thing knowing the devil to be a fallen angel and actually witnessing the proof of it with her own eyes.
"And you're okay?" Lucifer asked cautiously. He'd never stared at her so intensely before.
Hermione nodded repeatedly, she felt a deja-vu of messing with him because of Veelas at Quidditch cup from earlier.
"It's not like you haven't always told me the truth," she replied.
A smile slowly spread across his face.
It was different from the ones she usually saw there. This smile had nothing to do with a joke or snarky comment.
He just seemed genuinely happy.
Everything was happening so fast, Hermione could hardly believe that just in a couple of minutes how her life turned upside down..
Still, she was done trying to convince herself otherwise.
Lucifer was the Devil, or at the very least a fallen angel which amounted to the same thing.
"What took you so long to come over the tent? I know you did something else....Even after Glamour, your face looked well...."
Hermione asked, reaching out a little on impulse, but stopping herself before her hand got too far.
"Oh that," Lucifer said, brushing it off. "Just got into a bit of an argument with my brother...."
"Wait a minute," Hermione said, her hands up palms out, "You don't mean, Amenadiel, man who was staring at us on the Platform?"
"5 Points," Lucifer said, with a small cheering voice. "That was my older brother who so rudely stopped time and tried to cut you out of the conversation. But it didn't affect you at all, hence you are special once more!"
"Stopped time?"
"Not for the first time, I might add."
"But a fallen angel's brother would be an actual angel then, right?" Hermione is now getting the hang of it very clearly.
"Yes, an archangel."
"Wow.....Then, I am also dating an Archangel? You are the most powerful being in the Universe?"
"After my parents, yes...."
"Right, very difficult to ask for your hand in marriage with me. Got it!"
She was taking notes.
"And if you're brothers why don't you look anything alike? Do all angel siblings look so different?"
"...I think, you are getting out of hand."
"Who is this Maze?"
"My demon" Hermione wisely decided to process that later.
"Why you two were fighting?" She crossed her arms, then glared at Lucifer as if she knew he was reason of making trouble.
"He wanted to make me want them again," Lucifer explained. "He wanted me to take the wings back. I had cut them before, and only later at the World Cup I took the next step of burning...."
"He said he would do anything to get me back to hell," Lucifer replied.
"How do angel wings get you back to hell?" Hermione asked, she had now gotten her Journal to write everything into just like a certain Detective.
"That's how angels travel from heaven, to earth, to hell," Lucifer answered. "With their wings."
"So without them you are stuck here," Hermione continued.
"On earth." Lucifer nodded.
"....What are you going to do with them now? Your burning still didn't help, right?"
"Maybe keep them as an out like before, so if I ever wanted to return to hell I could. Seems to come back anyway...."
"Still seems wrong to me that something could be severed from your body and then be reattached without rotting or-"
"Angelic flesh doesn't rot," Lucifer rolled his eyes, a habit that he adopted from her, "When severed it just stays exactly as it is."
Well that certainly explained a few things. Some of the floating questions in her head were falling away.
"And you burned them, because you don't want to go back to hell?...."
"Yeah, that's the main idea. But, like you can see....Mum is always putting my wings back in good condition..."
"Y-your Mum?" Hermione gulped down a shaky breath, she didn't have any courage left to face the Goddess on what she had done to her son.
"Huh? You don't look so good...."
"I...ah...well, how did you apparate before me when Ministry workers fired spells at us..."
"I used them...." Lucifer nodded towards his severed body part on the wall.
"Maybe just attack them back, if such useful they sounds...." Hermione really didn't want to be insensitive prat, who had emotional range of a teaspoon.
There was silence for a moment while Hermione processed the information.
Lucifer didn't take his eyes off her face.
There was a calmness in her mind that hadn't been there for the last hour or so.
As all her burning questions had dropped away, her mind had become still.
"Thank you," It was Hermione again who finally broke the silence.
"For what?" Lucifer asked, clearly surprised.
"For answering my questions," she explained. "So honestly."
"I never lie, Hermione," Lucifer said simply. "You know that."
"Yes but you didn't have to tell me everything either," She gave him a nice smile.
"I-" Lucifer said, but then he stopped. "I can't quite believe it."
"You," he said. "You standing there being okay after seeing both my wings and devil face."
"The wings and your face were actually less mind shattering than watching you turn an entire gang of Death Eaters into butter on a moving newspaper," Hermione chuckled, scratching her face a bit.
Lucifer chuckled awkwardly. "Yes, that was a bit odd wasn't it."
"Do you know why you bled yet?"
"Not a clue," Lucifer said slowly, actually he had ideas but wasn't much sure yet.
She could tell by his voice that he wasn't very interested in the question.
He was still looking at her, intensely.
"Do I have something in my teeth?" Hermione asked, feeling a little self conscious under his gaze.
"You're really okay?" Lucifer asked again. "You aren't- I mean you-"
"What are you trying to ask, Lucifer?" Hermione said softly.
"You aren't scared of me now, are you?" he said very quickly.
"Why would I be scared of someone who has always saved my life, and cared about me?" Hermione said with a smile.
"Because I'm the Devil," Lucifer said. "Every story of good and bad throughout history, throughout time says that I am the embodiment of evil."
Hermione thought about that for a moment. He was probably right.
She had every rational reason to be afraid of him, but when she looked at him, she just couldn't find any fear in her heart.
He looked scared though.
There was this look in his eyes like he was hanging on the edge of a precipice.
"That's what you've been afraid of this whole time isn't it?" Hermione whispered, the realization hit her like a bag of bricks. "That I'd be afraid of you."
"I-" Lucifer began, but then he stopped, looking away and she saw the same realization on his face. "Oh wow, I think you're right."
Hermione moved forward and placed her hands on his lower arms. He seemed surprised at her touch, but he didn't flinch away.
"Physically I could never move you," She said. "And yet every time I reached out to stop you, it worked. The only possible reason for that is that you chose to let me stop you each time. You chose to stop the Troll aimed to end my life, and covered my robes with its blood."
"Well I didn't exactly know it was going to explode like that," Lucifer said, but there was humor in his voice.
"You can call yourself the Devil all you want," Hermione continued, she only gave him a small peck on his right cheek, "But it's just a name. I judge people by their actions, not their names."
"Thank you," Lucifer whispered.
"What I still don't understand is why the Devil values my opinion so highly?" Hermione asked with a grin, moving her hands down to his genitals, and shamelessly cupping in her palms.
"On that, I have no answer for you," Lucifer said, trying best not to lose his control, "All I know is that he does."
"Referring to yourself in the third person," Hermione chuckled. "First sign of madness you know."
Tugging at his scrotum, oh which she just adored to chew in her mouth so damn much....
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